Chapter 23 Challenging the Limits of Humanity (please support, third update)

Where are the limits of human beings? In sports, data after data tells people that there are still limits, but they bring physical side effects.

The evolution of the body?

Chen Fan has thought about this problem. Because the system changes itself, it is obvious that his body is also changing, so the essence of human evolution exists.

What about getting rid of these?

Technology, future technology?

Chen Fan reached a height in mathematics that others could not reach in a short period of time. So what was Chen Fan doing while he was with his daughter?

The president of Peking University knows it, and a few people know it.

Chen Fan is expanding his academic accumulation.

That is to bring all subjects to their peak.

This is also the task of the system, carried out one by one.

This time the system has given the world a difficult problem, and Chen Fan has already anticipated that his mission will gradually change in the future.

Such as now.

The Mersenne prime number is the most difficult mathematical problem. If the Mersenne prime number is solved, will the next mathematical problem become a black technology?

In other words, artificial intelligence is the direction of your future research?

Assembly line production?

Academic masters don't really stagnate, but are looking for limits, just like Chen Fan.

The napkin in my hand is gone.

Nasser made a blackboard for Chen Fan.

You know, as long as Nasser is willing, he can get what he needs at any time and anywhere.

"You seem to be prepared in advance, Uncle Nasser?"

"That's natural, Coco, every time my uncle sees Chen Fan, he can always feel a trace of white dove discovering miracles, so now he carries a blackboard with him. How about it? Isn't it very smart?"

Everyone who is familiar with this scene knows what happened.

Eighteen years ago, when the boy faced the Riemann function, he made such an impact.

That time the boy succeeded, and the sensation caused was too great But the Riemann function is really not that famous.

There are too few things that can be done for the same seven problems.

Therefore, the young man's glory flashed away, except for some people who were paying attention to the seven world problems. Sometimes, you will notice Chen Fan’s name, but that’s it.

"Sifa, God, what on earth is this man doing?"

"Is this a reverse incorrect application of the mean value theorem? Doesn’t this exist in theory?"

"In other words, this is wrong in itself, or, I think, what he is challenging is Goldbach's conjecture."

The number field between 2∧(2∧n) and 2∧(2∧(n+1)) has p. There are Mersenne prime numbers mp in the middle. According to Zhou's guess, 2∧(n+1)─1 Number:

When n=1, mp=2∧(1+1)─1=4-1=3 (pieces)

When n=2, mp=2∧(2+1)─1=8-1=7(

When n=3, mp=2∧(3+1)─1=16-1=15 (pieces) When n=4, mp=2∧(4+1)─1=32─1=31 ( )

According to Zhou’s inference: when p2∧(2∧(n+1)), mp has 2∧(n+2)─n─2 numbers. When n=1, 2∧(1+2)─1 ─2=2∧3─3=5 (pieces) when n=2 2∧(2+2)─2─2=2∧4─4=12 (pieces) when n=3 2∧(3+ 2)─3─2=2∧5─5=27 (pieces) when n=4 2∧(4+2)─4─2=2∧6─6=58 (pieces)

This step, this method

"This is a Mersenne prime number. Chen is challenging number theory. How is it possible? Why did he choose Zhou's theorem?"

"Or is he an apprentice of Zhou's mathematics?"

No one dared to speak, the music volume became quieter, and Wilson, who was preparing to pick up girls at the venue, even sat down a little more humbly.

Zhou guessed that there was a certain political factor involved. Without the political factors, at present, there is no one It can be effectively explained that Zhou's conjecture is wrong, but everyone's unanimous rejection has caused Zhou's conjecture to be shelved.

However, Chen Fan used Zhou's conjecture in his own proof process, which is to use the proof within a large framework. To explain, the proof of Zhou's conjecture is correct.

As long as this general framework is established, then Zhou's conjecture is correct.

Of course, Chen Fan writes very carefully, and his hand speed is scary. Xun touched his bald head and said sadly:"Perhaps this is Chen, it is always hard to imagine what he can do."

Charlie said:"This scene was seen when we were still leading teachers. I didn't expect that we could still see this scene after so many years."

Nasser said:"The scene I saw in the square that year, and the scene I saw at the party this year, perhaps, the great conjecture will never appear in the classroom or laboratory."

Everyone laughed.

Chen Keke couldn't understand this, but you couldn't escape the eyes of the dedicated scholars around him. These people really worshiped him.

The kind of worship, envy, and even hope that could be felt.

The kind of hope that stars hold the moon in front of her.

Zhang Rongrong is already a nymphomaniac.

"I decided that I must marry him and be his wife in the future."

Chen Keke started to have a headache again.

Nasser said:"Beautiful girl, you may have to queue up. You have to know that on the day of Chen Keke's wedding, how many girls posted sad words on social platforms. Even now, on A beautiful princess in a French castle never married, but chose to study mathematics throughout her life."

It's so scary.

Was dad so awesome when he was young?

Nasser waved his hands and said,"Reporters, hurry up and record. You are about to witness history, a moment of century-old history."

One by one, I quickly found any software that can record and started shooting nervously.

Can you really see history?

PS: Please support me, thank you all.

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