Woke up, it was exactly what this man said.

It's a lion.

What took others more than a hundred years to accomplish, China only took a few decades to accomplish.

You need to know how big the population of China is!

China used to have the largest population.

Now, it still maintains its second position.

But whether it is economic, military, or international influence, it has become the most feared existence by the big powers in the past.

Those big countries are jealous and afraid, so they have various plans to attack the lion of Japan.

But this time’s plan is really too much!

This is an obvious provocation!

A naked provocation.

Are you a loser?


Since someone dares to attack China and attempt to hinder China's rise, Chen Fan, a Chinese, must make a firm voice on behalf of the 1.4 billion compatriots.

That is, China will never be a loser, and those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!!!

Come and kill one!

Come two and kill a pair!

China has never been scared, and has never been afraid of provocations from any country!

He kept digesting the knowledge in his mind, clenching his hands like a tiger gathering strength.

At the same time, China's Foreign Affairs Department was holding a press conference.

The spokesperson Hua Ying looked serious, completely losing her previous gentleness.

Among the spokespersons, because she is a woman, she has the characteristics of combining hardness and softness when speaking, and is very popular among the people.

She had many representative speeches, but the most unforgettable one was

"Pandas are big, but are they more dangerous than vultures?"

The national treasure of China is the panda, and the national treasure of Mei is the vulture.

This metaphorical speech makes people smile knowingly, and at the same time they can't help but marvel at Huaxia's exquisite language and Hua Ying's high emotional intelligence.

"……In response to this cyber terrorist attack, our country, China, has only one attitude: Those who openly offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Ying slapped the summit stage hard, with tears in her eyes, and ignored the reporters. She left directly.

It's too much!

It's really too much!

From the position of standing to the spokesperson, she has experienced There have been countless diplomatic incidents, but none have been more humiliating and angry than now!

If you don’t want to listen to the warnings again and again , then let’s fight.

She stopped being a spokesperson and went directly to join the army!

Some time ago, she and her colleagues were still excited about the black technology created by Chen Fan.

Now, someone is brazenly a cyber attack.

If you want to provoke, then go ahead!

Those who have already provoked will definitely make him regret it!

The Chinese Foreign Education Department has never said such harsh words!

It can't get better.

The foreign reporters present also know that this matter can't get better.

China is really angry!

If it launches a war, then


No one can imagine it!

Foreign reporters quickly wrote stories and sent them back to China.

On this day, the world was shocked!

United Nations.

In the United Nations, representatives of various countries look at me and I look at you.

Everyone wants to know who made such a plane!

What do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the world?

You know, it's okay for countries without nuclear weapons to fight.

If Japan uses nuclear weapons to attack this, will mankind still survive?

The representative of the Huaxia Kingdom had a stern look on his face.

Mei Country, Ying Country, Island Country, Italy Country and other countries took turns to persuade, trying to make Hua Xia stop burning.

"Impossible, it is impossible to know this matter so well, although it is not yet known which country is doing this."

The representative of China said coldly,"I share the same attitude as the Department of Foreign Affairs and the 1.4 billion Chinese people. Those who openly offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The United States sees the island nation.

The island nation,"Don't look at me, I don't have it.

The island country looked at Mei Country,"Why are you looking at me?" I usually just talk!

Mei Guo looked at Ying Guo again. Ying Guo said,"

Why are you looking at me?" I just follow you and I will do anything. Ying Guo looked at Technetium Guo again.

Technetium Guo said,"I don't have time to spare.""

Other countries,".….."

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

No one will admit it, no one dares to admit it


The car picked up Chen Fan.

Some of the cars also picked up private computer leaders.

On the way, Chen Fan roughly understood that this cyber attack had paralyzed more than half of China's network.

NetEase official website.

Tengxun official website.

Himalaya official website.

Even anti-virus software companies like 350 and Kingsoft have not been spared.

Of course, there are still a small number of companies that are persisting, such as Ani Group and Sogou Video. There are also national defense networks and national general networks.

And this time, among the computer leaders in Mingjuan is Ani Group.

The hustle and bustle of the outside world did not affect Chen Fan.

When leader No. 3 saw Chen Fan coming, a smile appeared on his stern face,"Here he comes. Come on, follow me."

Chen Fan nodded, his expression a bit ugly.

"You don't look good. Do you want to see a doctor?"Leader No. 3 asked.

Chen Fan waved his hand. His head was really hurting so much that he didn't want to talk.

But fortunately he could still hold on, otherwise Leader No. 3 would definitely have to ask him to see a doctor. How could he That time?!

There was no time to waste!

The door opened to Chen Fan.

There were hundreds of computers on the first floor, and people in uniforms looked cold. He was working in front of the computer.

His fingers kept tapping on the keyboard. When he saw someone coming in, he didn't even have time to take a look.

This was the IT talent who came in. At that time, several people without uniforms were brought in by the soldiers.

Those people were stunned when they saw Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan! Does he know how to use computers?!"

"Isn't it? The storm cries! As far as computers are concerned, I think we can still compete with Mortal God."

Chen Fan also knew one of them.

Wu Hanqing, the chief security researcher of Ani Group.

When he joined Ani, his supervisor failed, and later he directly hacked into the official website of Ani Group. He is also a legend in China Internet.

"This is Chen Fan, so I won’t introduce him much."Leader No. 3 said to the middle-aged man who came to pick him up.

"I know, the father of holographic technology."Zhao Cheng was a little surprised as to why Chen Fan came here, but he still maintained enough respect and courtesy,"I am Zhao Cheng from the National Security Department, welcome Principal Chen."

"You are welcome. Chen Fan said, his head still hurt, but he didn't have time to rest at all,"Where is my position?""

"plz follow me."Zhao Cheng said.

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