It's a very quiet location, on the corner.

Chen Fan was very satisfied with a place like this that allowed him to think fully.

After Zhao Cheng left, Chen Fan sat down and began to digest the knowledge in his mind. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and kept doing calculations.

At this time, the netizens of China were on the verge of collapse.

"Hold on!"

"I'll go, it's not good, Ani's will be ruined too"

"Look! The national defense website has also crashed and cannot be accessed."

"Depend on!"

"Sister, hold on!"

"I still haven't figured out what happened, can anyone tell me?"

"The network has been hacked!"


A certain supermarket

"Why haven't you settled yet? I have been waiting for a long time!"

"It’s not that we don’t settle, it’s that the cashier system crashed and there’s no way to settle."

"I'll fuck your sister's hacker!"

…… a certain school

"This computer class will be suspended and changed to Chinese class."

The students wailed.

"This time it was not that I wanted computer classes, but that there was a problem with the computer and the network was attacked by hackers."


"What! Who has nothing to do to attack the network?"

"Did you catch a virus? Can it be fixed?"


An Internet company

"Let me go! It's been two hours and it's still not healed!"

"How can this be done! There is a lot of important information in the computer!"

"It’s written in English, isn’t it Mei Guolao! I'm going to grandma!"

…… overseas. some where

"Execute as planned"

"Hehe, China’s network is so vulnerable"

"Haha, I've captured three already"

"Not as many as me, I captured five!"

"I’m still awesome, I’m six!"

"Haha, the official website of China National Defense was captured by me! I am handsome!"

"According to General Max's words, China is asking for self-humiliation. It still wants to compete with our Mei country."

"Your island country has also done a good job this time. Believe us, we will provide your country with good protection."

"I'm a little worried, will we be traced?"

"Impossible, China’s technology is very poor"


National Information Security, Shangjing Branch

"Director Zhao, it’s not good!"

"Hacker attacks are becoming more and more fierce!"

"The official website of the national defense cannot be stopped!"

"Ani can’t stop him anymore!"

"Damn it, how could this happen?"

"I've tracked the address, it's in Mei Country!"

Countless websites have been hacked!

Even the official website of Ani and National Defense, the only one that has not been compromised, has collapsed!

This is obviously an organized and premeditated hacker attack!

It can have such technology, be so large, and be so menacing , it is absolutely extremely rare that the hacker talents of one country are not the same!

"I'm here to snatch Ani's, quick! Wish me a hand!"

"I am coming!!"

"Quick, check the other party’s IP"

"Keep blocking, hurry up! I found it, help me!"

Huaxia fought back, and now they can no longer defend themselves. All they can do is to kill directly to the opponent's lair!

Everyone's eyes are red, and they don't even dare to blink. Behind them is the country!

There are many people waiting for their victory. Ah!

One second faster, one second less lost.

Everyone rushes forward, but unfortunately, the opponent's skills are particularly strong, but they are definitely not inferior to the top 20 hackers!

Although there are many people in the Huaxia Kingdom, there are only a few who can actually take advantage of it.

The highest ranked among them is Hong, who is 45 years old and is now being recruited. He leads a group of people.

Chinese hackers launch counterattack

"Can't stand it anymore"


"These bastards!"

"Up, up, up, keep up!"

"What kind of toilet is this? I want to wear adult diapers!"

Everyone is busy and has no time to pay attention to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan is still understanding the knowledge in his head, and the most difficult level has passed.

Although his head still feels pain, it is worse than the half hour it took to instill it. It's so much better.

As he understands more and more, he has become a semi-expert about computers. He can clearly feel the difference between now and before.

From a poor student who didn't know anything, he suddenly became a top student.

It's like wearing glasses for the first time and realizing that the world is so clear.

But this is not enough. It is far from enough.. If one hand is not enough to keep up with the thinking, then use both hands to write the left hand and the right hand to write extremely complicated formulas, and they are completely different!

They are influenced and changed by a small group of people.

Even if people don’t understand them at the beginning and even think they are aliens

, history will prove that they are the pioneers of civilization, the pioneers of civilization, and the founders of civilization.!

They are changing human thought, leading the progress of mankind, and changing the course of the entire society.

Perhaps no one knows their names, but their achievements will last forever!

But they all have the same name, that is - - Geniuses!

Geniuses such as Einstein, Turing, Marie Curie, Zhang Heng, Hawking, Socrates.

They may be physicists, mathematicians, or philosophers...

Their bodies are dead, but they are dead.

Their spirits are eternal. Like bright stars, they last forever, no, even longer than stars.

And at this time, among these geniuses, there is a name. Chen Fan.

As he absorbs more and more knowledge, it is foreseeable that China's crisis will end! And this day, his name will also be recorded in history.

Will be known to more people!

At this time, thirty hours have passed since the Huaxia Network was attacked, and ten hours have passed since the Huaxia Network collapsed!

"Youarealsoran" was printed on the mobile phones and computers of Chinese people.

The unknown hacker army attacked the city and seized land!

The Chinese network army was overwhelmed!

No Chinese website was spared!

In the end, even the network system of the Huaxia Information Security Department was once Paralysis!

The whole situation is almost one-sided, and the time is getting longer and longer. The elderly living in rural areas are fine and do not rely on the Internet, but the young people have been greatly affected. They cannot watch videos, log in to the web, or buy things. Electronic payments. Some Internet companies have suffered even more serious losses. Autonomous driving cannot be used, navigation cannot be used , etc.

The situation is very serious!

China’s economy is suffering huge losses!

The eyes from all over the world are looking at China. Everyone wants to know how China will deal with this crisis...

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