The latest website: Greenfield City, the first hospital, this is the only hospital in Greenfield City so far. In addition to ordinary doctors, there are extraordinary people who are good at healing, including a witch doctor from the third-order life school and four apprentices. , And three medical ninjas who have reincarnated and returned to follow the path of Chakra.

"The patient's body has been completely corroded by toxins. This toxin is extremely aggressive. So far, the flesh, bones, and even internal organs in the patient's body have melted."

With blue veins in the corners of the eyes violent, the white eyes ability was activated, wearing a white lab coat, Alma quickly reported the patient's condition. In her vision, this extraordinary toxin was spreading in the patient's body at a terrifying speed.

Hearing this, Linus, the dean and the first physician of the First Hospital, frowned. Although he was a Tier 3 life school wizard, this unknown transcendent poison still made him a little helpless, because This extraordinary toxin is actually mixed with an extremely pure breath of death, which is very difficult to deal with, and it is still too late for the patient to send it over.

"It's really troublesome."

Seeing Welch who had completely lost consciousness on the hospital bed, his body was swollen, purulent in many places, and the green liquid was leaking, Linus felt very troubled, because he knew Welch’s identity, although he was only a cp0 reserve, but he could Entering cp0 itself explains the problem. He is valued far more than ordinary transcendents in Green Field City. As a transcendent who has been hired heavily by Green Field City, Linus is quite satisfied with his current job treatment. Similarly, He also hopes that the Green Field City party can be satisfied with his work ability.

"I will try my best to save his life and inform his family to see him for the last time."

After pondering for a while, Linus made a decision.

Hearing this, several other doctors also nodded. In their opinion, it has been quite difficult for Welch's situation to persist until now.

Outside the ward, when notified by the doctor, Welch's sister, Alice, who was only 16 years old, walked in tearfully. Although the doctor didn't say it clearly, she could understand what the doctor meant.

"You can speak with him."

Withdrawing the extraordinary power, glanced at Alice, shook his head, Linus walked out.

Kneeling down beside Welch's hospital bed, holding Welch's stiff hands tightly with both hands, tears in his gray and godless eyes, Alice wept silently.

"Brother, you said you would take me back to my hometown, did you forget?"

"Brother, you said you want to accompany me to see the sea of ​​flowers, did you forget?"

"Brother, you said you want to stay with me all the time, have you forgotten?"

The words swallowed even more, touching Welch's hands that had lost her temperature, and the grief in Alice's heart was constantly magnifying.

"Brother, brother,...I won't let you die, definitely not."

She was crying for blood, and after an unknown period of time, Alice's crying voice became hoarse.

Sad to the extreme, emotions went ups and downs, an invisible force began to recover, or awaken, in Alice's body.

The gray brilliance spread outwards centered on Alice, and soon wrapped the entire ward, isolating the inside and outside.

"This is·······"

Chaotically awake, opened his eyes, and looked at his body on the hospital bed and the sad and crying Alice, Welch was surprised at first and then understood what had come over.

"It turns out I'm already dead."

The memory flowed back, first bitten by a strange insect, then eroded by toxins, and then internal organs turned into pus, life passed away, Welch understood his current state.

"Alice, don't cry, I will always be with you."

Kneeling down, looking at Alice, whose face was pale and her tears seemed to drain, Welch's heart seemed to be pinched by something.


Reaching out his palm, Welch wanted to stroke Alice's head, but it was a pity that he passed it.

"This... Yeah, I'm already dead."

Looking at his illusory palm, Welch's heart suddenly fell to the extreme. He was dead, no matter how difficult it was to interact with Alice, who was a living person, he couldn't even touch it.

And just when Welch felt lost and mixed with all kinds of tastes, Alice suddenly stopped crying and raised her head.

"Brother, is it really you?"

There was brilliance in the gray eyes, and a nice smile burst out on Yalisi's face in an instant, like a rose flower blooming in spring.

"Alice, can you see me?"

Turning around and looking at the back, she was sure that Alice was looking at herself. Welch had a sense of absurdity in her heart. Why could Alice see herself clearly that she was dead.

"Yes, brother."

Hearing Welch's words, Alice nodded affirmatively, and the smile on her face became brighter.

At a very young age, Alice had a serious illness. After that serious illness, her eyes lost light, but Alice knew that she was not really blind, because she could occasionally see some ordinary people who couldn’t see. At first, she told her parents about it because she was afraid of it. Then her parents thought she was contaminated by demons and abandoned her. From then on, Alice didn’t dare to tell others that she was blind. Her eyes can actually see things, including her later brother Welch, because she is afraid of being abandoned again.

But this time, after seeing Welch's soul, Alice felt lucky for the first time that she had such eyes. It was no longer a prank of fate, but a gift.

Outside the gray ward, Jack and Wack stood there in silence, saying nothing, ignorant of the things in the ward.

The two of them passed the supernova selection together with Welch, joined cp0 together, received training together, and experienced life and death together. Although there were competitions and contradictions between each other, the feelings were also extraordinary. Now Welch is like this. Dead, the two of them didn't feel well in their hearts.

WACKER is a little better. He is a person who has gone through family destruction. He has a relatively indifferent view of this kind of thing. Jack, who is usually taciturn, feels more painful in his heart.

Cloud City, the crown of emerald, the halo of wisdom, hesitate to burn a lot of magic crystals, Xiao En is using the power of Rank 7 Wisdom Gu to analyze the rules of space.

"This is·········"

Feeling a distinctive wave and stopping his actions, Sean lowered his gaze.

"It turned out to be a witch who just awakened. It seems that she is still on the side of the soul. It is really rare."

Penetrating through the void and seeing the distinctive gray area, Sean raised his eyebrows.

The witch, the true darling of magic power, and the person who is favored by magic power, can have no weak strength upon awakening, at least comparable to the formal transcendents, and grow extremely fast, as long as they are given a certain amount of time~www.wuxiaspot. com~ They can basically become the fifth-order powerhouse, even the sixth-order is not uncommon. Some people even call them human-shaped pure blood dragons, which shows their strength.

The origin of the witches is not a secret. They are related to a great existence. In the past ignorant era, that is, the first era, a powerful **** was born in the great world of Boya. He was called Lady Silver Moon. Hold the authority of the moon.

In the Liberal Arts World, the sun and the moon are not just two stars, they are also a symbol of authority, and can be juxtaposed with the sun, the authority possessed by the moon is naturally strong to the extreme, enough to support an eighth rank The person of the true god, and the authority of the moon contains a strange and powerful divine power and magic power.

In the past years, the moon used to be the source of the magical power of the Liberal World, but something happened later. The magical power possessed by the moon collapsed, scattered with the world, that is, from that time, the moon in the Liberal World was overcast. Qing Yuanque is no longer consummated, that is, from that time on, there has been a kind of natural extraordinary person called witch in the liberal arts world. Perhaps because of the influence of Ms. Yinyue, witches are mostly female, even if a male occasionally appears, once After the official awakening, his gender will naturally change to female.


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