Latest website: Above the rocky beach, standing on the back of an electric flying dragon, Noletis stared at the camp of the Blackrock tribe below, and beside him stood the pale Balash Montel.

"This place is the location of that maze, right?"

Hearing this, Balash nodded.

After breaking away from the sand sea of ​​death, after realizing that something was wrong, the four of Balash immediately appealed to Greenfield City for help through a phone worm, but what Balash did not expect was that Greenfield City directly dispatched a Tier 5 legend. He originally thought it would be Monnes, the cp0 chief, who was coming.

"Then get rid of these little bugs first."

Gulong said, before Bashi said anything, Noletis stepped forward and just jumped out of the sky.

Seeing such a scene, Balash was not surprised, nor did he have the idea of ​​going to the war. Instead, he took a good rest on the back of the flying dragon. In order to kill the fourth-order Blackrock tribe warrior Basil, he was affected. The creation is not shallow, but although the price paid is not low, the harvest is even more generous. After returning this time, he can try to break through the fourth rank.

As for the outcome of the battle, he is not worried, because not long ago he witnessed the legendary slaughter the entire Blackrock tribe, including the totem **** who had vaguely reached the fifth rank, and now the rest of the mine. It's just the remnants of some Blackstone tribes, the two are not at the same level at all.

"Perhaps I should exchange for a flying dragon. Even if I don't sign a knight contract, it's a good way to travel."

After estimating the contribution points he owns, the thoughts in Balash's heart turned.

There was a boom, the earth shook, and smoke was everywhere. Looking at the Blackrock tribe camp shrouded in smoke and dust, Balash knew that the battle was over.

Standing on the back of the flying dragon, entering the sea of ​​death again, looking at the peaceful scene inside, the vigilance in Balash's heart was the highest.

"Master Noletis, according to the people of the Blackstone tribe, apart from the strange bugs called corpses, I am afraid there is some danger hidden in this dead sand sea."

Gazed at the surroundings, always on guard, Blash spoke, and at this time Noletis had already fixed his gaze on the lake in the desert. Under the clear lake, the deepest darkness was hidden.

"Hide in my shadow, I may not have time to take care of you next."

Imitating the attitude of the hero in the middle, with a solemn expression, Noletis threw the old anchor behind him.

Hearing this, Balash didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately escaped into the shadow of Noletis.

Guru, the anchor entered the water, and the strange power permeated, linking the entire lake, and Balash pulled the chain connected to the anchor.

The rumbling, the lake is rolling, and the calm is not there, just like a giant beast is rolling at the bottom of the water, and the whole lake is disturbed.

"Get me up."

At a certain moment, with a sudden force, Noletis pulled the entire lake out.

Under the sun, the clear lake reflected the dim light. Looking at the sky full of water, Noletis opened his left hand.

It crashed, the lake was surging and intertwined, and finally the left hand that sank into Noletis disappeared.

Looking at the lake that was drying up again, Noletis narrowed his eyes and squeezed the anchor in his hand.

Sui, the lake disappeared, and the sleeping corpse at the bottom of the lake was awakened again.

Keke Keke, a sharp neighing sound rang, gathered into a cloud, locked Noletis, and the corpses rushed up together.

Seeing such a scene, Noletis' expression remained unchanged, and he squeezed a fist with the five fingers of his left hand and hit the insect swarm.

Booming, the force of terror erupted, the air liquefied, and the scene blurred. With a violent explosion, the swarms of insects were wiped out in smoke. Even the dry lakes were affected, and the landforms changed accordingly.

The sea of ​​sand surged, and Noletis frowned as he watched the tower-shaped building further exposed at the bottom of the lake.

As a fifth-order transcendent, his punch was not weak just now. After eliminating the corpse group, he still changed the topography of the lake, but even so, the steeple was not damaged too much, showing its solidity.

The tower is divided into three sides, and the part exposed to the ground is more than 300 meters.

"What the **** is it?"

With extraordinary power surging, Noletis could vaguely perceive the death and ignorance contained in this spire.

"Is it an adventure in China? The king's tomb?"

As his thoughts turned, Noletis waved the anchor in his hand again. Although this anchor looked rusty, it was a genuine Tier 5 strange thing, and it fits him extremely well.

The rumbling, the shadow of the sea appeared, at this moment, holding the anchor in hand, Noletis seemed to arouse the power of an ocean.

The sea is boundless, boundless, and with the blessing of anchors, Noletis's attack finally shook the seemingly strong golden spire.

At the same time, in the deepest darkness inside the spire, a pair of hollow eyes quietly opened.

"Come again."

Looking at the half-collapsed minaret, Noletis' expression was shocked, and he waved the anchor in his hand again, but at this moment the deepest darkness spread out like flowing water from the inside of the minaret, forming a barrier and blocking it. This time he attacked.

"The one who disturbs my sleep, die."

A hoarse and shriveled voice sounded, and the golden five-sided coffin emerged in the darkness, quietly opened, and a figure came out from it, dry and shriveled, wrapped in a white cloth tape, his eyes were hollow, revealing the unknown.

"It seems that it's not an adventure but trouble, and Li is indeed a lie."

Seeing this monster coming out of the coffin, Noletis's thoughts turned.

"Dance of death."

Darkness surged, and the breath of death flowed. Under the control of the weird figure, the terrifying breath of death erupted, gathered into a black thorn, and drew towards Noletis fiercely.

Seeing such a scene, the water surging under his feet, Noletis's figure became erratic.

"act recklessly."

Reaching out to hold the black thorns, the strange figure moved.

The posture was strange, just like the sacrificial dance of the ancient tribes offering sacrifices to the gods. In the hands of the weird figure, the black thorns seemed to come alive, leaving countless welt marks in the void, making Noletis unavoidable.

"The sea sheltered."

Extraordinary power surges, sea water rotates, and a blue shield is outlined around the body. Seeing that it is inevitable, Noletis chose to resist.

Boom, the black thorns collided with the blue light shield. Although the power of death had a very strong lethality, Noletis's defense seemed to be better in comparison. The shield only shook and returned to normal.

"It turned out to be just a, sensing the reality of the opponent, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and Noletis rushed towards the weird figure with the whip of black thorns.

"You really deserve to die."

There was a sharp touch in the hoarse voice. Watching Noletis's movements, the anger in the strange figure's heart was completely ignited. For him, Noletis's behavior was simply a kind of contempt for him.

"caught you."

Breaking through the black thorns and erratic body, following the pace of the strange figure, Noletis waved the anchor in his hand.

The body solidified, as if being squeezed by the endless sea, the strange figure who wanted to avoid Noletis's attack suddenly froze in place. This was the power of the anchor.

Boom, the power exploded, and the terrifying air wave set off, hitting the front, and the strange figure was directly smashed into the sand sea.


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