Under the devil’s fruit tree, the golden sun was shining, and Xiao En’s body was plated with a faint halo.

Huh, let out a sigh of relief, the corners of Sean's mouth outline a beautiful arc, things are going smoother than he expected, and sure enough the time and place are really important. At this moment, there is a purple meaning in his aperture. abundant.

In the Gu world, the Gu Master has nine ranks, the first five ranks belong to the ordinary, and the sixth rank is the immortal. Among them, the first rank is bronze true yuan, the second rank is red iron true yuan, the third rank is silver true yuan, the fourth rank is gold true yuan, and the fifth rank is purple. Jing Zhenyuan, and at this moment after a wave of magical power, Xiao En has changed from a rank one Gu master to rank five, and in just a few hours, he has walked a path that many people will never walk in a lifetime.

It's just that the realm is the realm, and the combat power is the combat power. There is no Gu master that can be used. Now Sean is an empty frame Gu master, and there is a huge gap between Rank 5 and Rank 6 in the Gu world. They are completely different worlds. , Is the heaven of mortals and immortals, the rank 5 Gu masters of the Gu world are analogous to the Liberal World, which is equivalent to the fourth-order transcendent in the life level, and the sixth-rank Gu immortal analogy is equivalent to the sixth-order category of the Liberal World. God, I skipped the Tier 5 legendary life. Of course, this analogy is just an analogy in the essence of life. If there is no suitable Immortal Gu in terms of combat power, the Tier 6 Gu Immortal of the Gu World might not be able to defeat the Tier 5 Legend of the Bo Ya Great World. .

"Next, I still have to study the path of Gu Master. This world is very special. If I can study it in depth, it may be of great help to my future path."

Examining his own aperture, Sean pondered the future direction. The subject is naturally the wizarding approach. This will not change, but besides that, he will choose to study one or two suitable other extraordinary approaches in depth, and learn by analogy. As a growth resource for his wizarding path, Gu Master is a good choice for now. First, the upper limit is high enough, and secondly, it has a mature system. Finally, this path is very special and has advantages that many other extraordinary ways are incomparable.

"If it's really as I thought, then my sixth or even seventh-order road may fall in the Gu world."

With gazes flowing in his eyes, Sean's palm stroked the rough bark of the Devil Fruit Tree.

Outside the town of Luye, after the stars shone, strange sights that were inexplicable appeared in many places, especially the Old World.

Guangming Mountain, located in the eastern part of the Old Continent, is the holy land of the Church of Dawn. It is rumored that it was once the sanctuary of the Lord of Glory when the Lord of Radiance was on the earth. In the past days, with the enlightenment of the people and the retreat of extraordinary powers, it is still prosperous. , But the veil that people dare not look directly at has disappeared.

On this day, after the stars shone, endless light poured down from the sky, pure and gentle, rendering the entire Guangming Mountain white without a trace of filth. At this moment, Guangming Mountain seems to be the real Guangming Mountain.

Under the pure light, all those who are shrouded by the light, those who are sick will disappear, the distressed are smiling, and the ordinary are refreshed, and besides that, there is a huge and sacred thing that is accompanied by the pouring of endless light. Angel wings spread out slowly on Guangming Mountain, and the unabashedly powerful aura attracted the attention of many forces.

Coincidentally, the war hall, the holy city of war churches, an ancient stone city, a city born for war, stands proudly on the northwest wasteland. On this day, the sound of ancient and desolate horns came from here and echoed throughout the whole Above the Northwest Wilderness, the ignorant people do not care except for the initial surprise and curiosity for a long time, while those who know quietly lower their heads.

In fact, there are many other strange scenes happening on the Old World in one day besides the Guangming Mountain and the Hall of War, and most of these scenes are related to gods, whether they are true gods or evil gods, so this day is also called God Awakening Day, after a day, various sects have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, adding another fire to the already chaotic Old Continent, and the major churches that already existed began to be more active after this day. Preaching and preaching the light of God, in the face of such a situation, the major kingdoms in power have made appropriate concessions out of some tacit understanding and relaxed the previous suppression of the church. Of course, such concessions are more of a compromise. The art of art is not unprincipled and endless.

With a silent tacit understanding, the Church of True God like the Church of Liming did not forget about it and trampled on the bottom line of the kingdom. On the contrary, they took the initiative to cooperate with the kingdom’s extraordinary power to suppress evil and chaos. Therefore, within a short period of time, the kingdom and the Church of True God were between the kingdom and the Church of True God. There was no apparent conflict, and the order on the Old Continent was still difficult to maintain.

Of course, although the order still exists, it is fragile. With the emergence of more and more monsters and the activities of the Cthulhu Church, the number of abnormal deaths in the Old Continent is rising every day, and even an entire town has been completely destroyed. The horrible incident of sacrifice.

The old continent is becoming more chaotic, and the new world is not peaceful, but compared to the intricacies of the old continent, the new world is much simpler. The main danger comes from the environment, whether it is the ocean or the jungle. More and more extraordinary creatures make the new world human The pioneering behavior is caught in a predicament.

Of course, the changes brought about by the advent of the first magical tide are far more than that. These are just some superficial phenomena, and deeper changes are still taking place.

One month later, the sun rose as usual.

Gattuso, the pioneering city of the Siphos Kingdom in the New World, has a status similar to that of Memphitos in Sutilt. It is the most important part of the Siphos Kingdom in the New World. There are more than one hundred thousand Siphos people here. Living, struggling, hoping to create a piece of sky that belongs to me.

"Ah, why did you make a hole in the sky!"

Looking up at the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Someone suddenly saw a large opening in the sky, deep and dark, incompatible with the surrounding clear sky.

"How is this going?"

As time passed, more and more people discovered the anomaly in the sky, and the pitch-black crack gradually expanded from an opening at the beginning into a **** hole, covering the entire Gattuso and surrounding areas.

Some people feel bad and want to escape, but no matter how they go, they can't leave the edge of Gattuso's suburbs, as if an invisible force is blocking the surrounding area.

The black faded, the depth was no longer, and the colors in the black hole slowly began to emerge and become clearer.

Mountains, flowing water, forests, beasts, and many weird "people", everything is clearly visible, as if it were another world.

"Is this a mirage?"

Someone issued such a question, but no one answered it.


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