"They seem to be here."

The picture in the sky is getting clearer and clearer, and the proportion of the scene is getting bigger and bigger, as if they are constantly getting closer.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , It seems to be far away, and it seems to be close to the ear.

The rumbling, the sudden shock, the cracking of the ground and the collapse of the house, all the calm came to an abrupt end at this moment. At the same time, the intersection of the two different spaces officially began, followed by wailing and crying for help.

In Luye Town, Sean was having lunch. At this time, a phone worm suddenly called and asked him to put down his knife and fork.

"Gattuso has fallen? Massacred by unknown forces? The surrounding area is suspected to be blocked by extraordinary forces and cannot be entered?"

Hanging up the phone worm, Sean fell into contemplation.

To be honest, Sean’s first reaction after hearing the news of Gattuso’s fall was not to believe it. After all, as the most important city in the New World of the Kingdom of Siphos, Gattuso has a strong military force, even though it is the power of the fifth-order legend. Not necessarily, but there is absolutely no shortage of Tier 4 strength, coupled with a large number of troops and firearms, is it so easy to fall? Although it is said that the second wave of magic power has arrived and the extraordinary environment has been further optimized, after all, the time is still short. Whether it is a resurrected old monster or a newly-born powerhouse, it still needs a certain amount of time to accumulate.

Of course, Sean also knew that this news must be true, because since the other party reached him, it was naturally verified repeatedly, and after listening to the other party’s detailed description, he thought of a possibility. If that’s the case, add it. It is not impossible for Tusso to fall suddenly and no one can escape so far.

"It seems that I really need to take a look."

Looking into the distance, Sean's blue eyes flashed with thoughtful light.

In fact, at this moment, Sean is not the only one who has such an idea. Gattuso’s silent fall has affected the hearts of too many people. The most important thing is that according to intelligence, the forces that captured Gattuso were not. Humans are not monsters or natives, but suspected orcs.

The sudden fall of Gattuso itself has caused a lot of sense of crisis in opening up the city. After all, they may not be able to surpass Gattuso in terms of hard power. Such a sensitive word as Shang Orcs touched their nerves, so in a short period of time, many forces sent people to Gattuso.

At this moment, Gattuso has been soaked in blood and fire, becoming a **** on earth.

"No, don't kill me, please, please."

He roared loudly, fear gnawed at the man's heart, and finally a salivating beast mouth ended his short life.

The space overlapped, and the sudden attack disrupted Gattuso’s defense system. After the high-level forces fell, the Siphos who did not effectively organize and unite could not stop the strong and large number of green-skinned orcs. Even if they have firearms, it's the same.

From the very beginning, the scale of victory tended towards the green-skinned orcs, and as time passed, this tilt became larger and larger. Once the strong in the Kingdom of Siphos was completely resolved by the orcs, then Gattuso, this The jewel inlaid on the New World by Sivers will become a fun field for the orcs.

Hula, the broad dragon wings obscured the sky. Sean and White Beard sat on the back of Sliss. After such a long time, Sliss, who was a wind **** pterodactyl, grew up a lot, although it is currently It was only a second-order supernatural creature, far more than Smaug, who had already advanced to the fourth-order in the Demon Tide, but in simple flight, it was a bit more stable and faster than Smaug, after all, flying was professional.

"It's still a bit slow."

Above the sky, Xiao En frowned as he looked at the surrounding sea of ​​clouds.

In fact, Salis was already flying very fast, but Sean, who had guesses in his heart, wanted to be faster. If it was what he thought, he might miss some good things if he was late.

"White beard, I will take care of my body next."

As he said, Xiao En's body slowly lay down, and seeing this scene, White Beard quietly moved his position, completely blocking Xiao En's body behind him.

At this moment, Sean's body didn't seem to have undergone any changes, but there seemed to be something missing.

Soul Transformation·Day Tour is an advanced ability developed by Sean on the basis of Soul Transformation·Night Tour. Compared with the fragile and vulnerable night tour, the practicality of day tour is greatly enhanced, not only is it not afraid of wind and rain. It also has the ability to interfere with matter with the spirit. It may be slightly insufficient to deal with the fourth-order transcendents of the same level, but there is no problem with the third-order. In addition, the soul of the soul is compatible with the soul. Xiao En still has the strength of a general Tier 4, coupled with his special form at this time, there is no problem with self-protection under normal circumstances.

Losing the shackles of his physical body, Sean felt unprecedented freedom, swimming freely in the sea of ​​clouds, sometimes turning into an invisible and intangible soul body, sometimes turning into a ball of emerald flame, moving forward and leaping.

In Xiao En’s previous life, there was a saying that he traveled around three mountains and five seas in one day. Although Xiao En is far from reaching this point, his speed has indeed reached an unprecedented height.

The sun rises and the sun sets again, and what remains after the initial novelty is boring. I don't know how long it took before Sean finally arrived in Gattuso.

"Is it here? It's finally here."

Looking at the scene ahead, Sean breathed a sigh of relief. Although he lost his physical restraints, Sean would still feel tired during the day trip. It comes from mental exhaustion. The most important thing is that day trips are also limited~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Don't leave the body for too long, otherwise the body is prone to problems.

"This is indeed the power of space."

Inheritance is endless, and Sean is very sensitive to the power of space. At this moment, although he is in an invisible and intangible soul state, as he stretches out his hand, there are still layers of invisible ripples in front of him, that is space. The power of, it is this kind of power that isolates the inside and the outside, preventing the people inside from getting out and the people outside from getting in.

"It seems that it is really the fusion of world fragments."

Although the power of space isolates the inside and the outside, his sight is not blocked, and Sean can clearly see the situation inside.

After the vigorous development of the Siphos around Gattuso, there has long been no large-scale forest. Now here is towering ancient trees and shaded by greenery. The entire city is under the cover of forests, just like a lost place from a long time ago. city.

Being able to cause such a landform change in a short period of time and the spatial power pervading the surrounding area, Sean affirmed his previous guess.


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