"It seems that I should go up and move my hands and feet."

On the hillside, looking at the three orc captains fighting against the four major generals of the coalition forces, Asim showed an undisguised fighting spirit on his body.

Seeing Asim like this, a bright color flashed in Sean's blue eyes. Although he was a nobleman, Asim was also a knight.

The high-end combat power of the coalition is indeed more in number than the Orc King Court, but it is also very limited. In such a situation, Asim should indeed take action.

Although he has just advanced to Tier 4, he is different from the major generals of the coalition in the four potions. Asim is an orthodox knight, and he has practiced the secret royal family secret of "Iron Blood Banner", and his combat power is natural. To be more powerful, with his strength, even if the opponent has the blessing of the banner of glory, he can compete with any orc martial arts, not to mention victory in battle, at least there is no problem in holding the opponent.

With the addition of Asim's tyrannical combat power, the battle situation is instantly new. With Asim dragging the Grim Bear alone, the remaining four major generals of the Allied Forces suddenly gained the upper hand with two to one. , But with the increase of the banner of glory, it is basically impossible for the Allied Forces to quickly solve the orcs' marquee.

Judging from the current situation, the two sides are still in a stalemate, but the one who has the upper hand has changed from the orcs to the coalition forces.

"Let's go, Baibeard, let's join in the fun too."

After watching for a long time, Sean is also ready to move, but at this time he does not intend to intervene in the Tier 4 battlefield where Asim is located, where the coalition forces have already gained the upper hand. Let’s talk about the pressure on the conventional battlefield.

Although these soldiers didn’t have much to do with him, they were all human beings after all. They were all living beings. If they could be saved, they would be saved. Of course, it would be convenient to hunt some orc supernatural beings and add the source power point. .

Shuo, with a move, Sean disappeared in place, followed by White Beard.

Standing out of thin air, looking at the orc like an ant at his feet, the spirituality in Sean began to surge wildly.

After getting Wisdom Gu, Sean kept restraint because of lack of immortality, but in the end he extended his palm to the remains of the titled wizard in the underground laboratory. Fortunately, Sean had enough sense and only used it. A very small part did not have much impact on the efficacy of the remains.

"Witchcraft ultimate move, the tree world descends."

The murmured whispers sounded from Xiao En's mouth, as warm as the spring breeze in March.

The ground was rumbling, the ground cracked, and the thick roots of the trees resembling a giant python surged freely on the ground, and huge trees rose from the ground in an instant, covering the sky.

In this process, some of the orcs were dragged into the ground by the twisted roots and became fertilizer for the growth of the giant trees. Some of the orcs were cut into minced meat by sharp leaves during the growth of the giant trees, and some of the orcs with better luck Live a little longer, and then be entangled, bound, and pulled to death by the thorns that accompany the giant tree.

Phew, the strong wind blows, the leaves rustle, and the fresh breath of a lot of vegetation exudes, bringing a baptism to this **** battlefield, but under this freshness are the corpses of nearly ten thousand orcs.

Without using the kaleidoscope, his attack power has always been Sean’s shortcomings. In this situation, with the help of the power of Wisdom Gu, Sean finally entangled with the first-order witchcraft thorns, the first-order witchcraft plants grow, and the second-order witchcraft. Witchcraft Ironwood Wall, Tier 2 Witchcraft Root Cage, Tier 3 Witchcraft Plant Nova, Tier 4 Witchcraft Black Thorns, and Tier 4 Witchcraft Life Resurrection constructed her first witchcraft killer, the tree world Come.

"It looks good."

Looking at the lush woods below, Xiao En's face showed a hint of satisfaction. At least the high-purity energy crystals he took from the remains did not seem to be wasted.

At this moment, on the relatively flat battlefield, a huge forest suddenly rose from the ground, which was particularly conspicuous, and it was difficult for anyone to notice it.

For a while, neither the orcs nor the humans could help but cast their gazes here.

"This is the one that made the move. Why am I not impressed?"

Inside the command headquarters, looking at the endless forest, Maz Kanilunka's eyes flashed with contemplation. He carefully recalled the information in his mind, but he never found the corresponding person or force.

Different from the curiosity on the human side, watching and watching, the orcs are frightened and angry.

"Damn human beings, even ignoring their faces and directly attacking ordinary soldiers."

Pure gold eyes firmly locked Sean's figure in the sky, fiery anger burned in Catu Rhein's heart, and when he was about to personally tear Sean to pieces with the force of thunder to frighten mankind, a figure Quietly came to Xiao En's body.

"You did too much."

Standing with a knife, Ruoyoruowu's sadness surrounds Barorick.

"Oh, is it? Then why didn't you stop me just now?"

For Sean, Baroque paid close attention to him all the time. With his excellent telepathy, he caught the traces of Sean soon after Sean showed his breath on the battlefield.

Under Sean’s perception and perception, although Baroque’s distance was relatively far away from him just now, he might not have the opportunity to interrupt his shot if he tried his best. Although the final result is difficult to change, it is still very difficult to delay the time. It was possible, but he did not choose to shoot.

"Because I am going to kill you."

"Swordsman·Sorrow·Upstream River."

Endless sorrow erupted from Barorick. This was his sadness for the death of nearly ten thousand orcs of the same race. At this moment, the world seemed to be stained with a faint gray under the sorrow of Barorick. It looks bleak and dull.

Huh, sadness flows upstream, without the sharpness of kendo~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it looks low and depressed.

Facing the sweeping river of sword energy, Xiao En's expression was quite serious. He had nowhere to hide with this knife, because it was not the body but the soul.

The writing wheel is visible, the three-hook jade is spinning, and the pattern of the big windmill emerges. The Kaleidoscope Pupil Shuyue Reading is urged by Sean, but the object is not the blind Barorick but himself.

The moon reading space takes shape, and Sean's mental body sinks into it.

A river of sword energy swept past, completely submerging Xiao En's body.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed that it was just a moment. After opening his eyes, everything returned to normal. There was no trace of scars on Sean's body without any protection.

"Even to cast an illusion on myself."

Perceiving Sean's breath, Barorick's cold heart throbbed uncontrollably. He didn't expect Sean to escape his slash in this way.


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