"Speaking of which I don't know what your name is? Can you tell me."

Looking at Sean unscathed, Barorick did not continue to attack, instead chatting with Sean.

After hearing this, Xiao En smiled slightly surprised.

At this moment, even though the tip of Barorick's knife was pointed diagonally at the ground, his sword was firmly locked to Sean.

"Sean, Sean Montell, this is my name, Baroque."

Looking at the expressionless Baroque, Sean did not rush to make a move.

"Sean Montel? Okay, I've written it down."

When the voice fell, Barorick slowly raised his right hand, placed the sword horizontally in front of him, and the blade faced Sean.

Slow movement, ordinary movement, but when Barorick did this, Sean's heart was suddenly squeezed by the invisible hand, and he smelled death.

At the same time, the white beard who had been hunting the orcs in the distance suddenly blasted out a punch, blasting the orcs in front of him, and quickly swept towards Sean's direction.

Wherever he goes, wherever there are obstacles, he will punch him.

"My sword lies in Tibet. I learned the sword when I was three years old. For 89 years, I finally have this sword."

His whole body converged, and at this moment Barorick really looked like a 92-year-old old man, even his eyes became muddy.

"Your name will be remembered by later generations with this sword, it's not a shame."

He whispered, Baroque seemed to be seeing off Sean, his sword was not sent, and he didn't worry about Sean's escape at all.

Locked by Baroque's sword, Xiao En's eyes flickered, and he saw a moment in the future.

The pupil power in his eyes surged wildly, and an illusory figure began to emerge behind Xiao En.

"The name of this sword is Cangfeng·Blade Storm. I hope you can remember it."

When the voice fell, Barorick gently waved the sword in his hand. Yes, just gently waved it, just like a urchin swinging a toy sword in his hand, without any tactics and no power.

Stabbing, stabbing, this is the sound of the air being split. The moment Barorick swung down the sword in his hand, endless sword aura erupted, and a storm composed of sword aura suddenly set off in this world. There is no sign of the slightest.

The sky was cut apart, and the large forest created by Sean's tree world was also affected at this moment. Pieces of trees were turned into fly ash in the blade storm.

The sky became dim, and the area covered by the sword blade storm seemed to have come to the end of the world. It was clearly separated from the surrounding area. Under such an attack, even if the human soldiers and orc troops had wisely stayed away from here before, A part of it was still affected by the aftermath of the storm and turned into a pile of rotten meat, and this number was in the thousands.

Phew, when everything subsides, the dim sky becomes brighter than ever before.

The ground was messy, ravines were all over it, and the soil layer was cut three meters away. The huge forest had disappeared without a trace, and the slightest green was no longer visible.

"Ah, it's really scary, I almost died."

The smoke dissipated, and a huge figure appeared above the original location of Sean.

The emerald radiance is flowing, the evil breath blooms wantonly, the flesh is derived, and the armor is derived, like the ancient demon **** Suzu, standing between the sky and the earth, showing his strength, the most important thing is that there is another side on Suzuo’s right hand. A huge gray stone shield stood in front of him.

Hey, a weird sigh sounded, and an old face appeared on the stone shield. The sigh just now came from his mouth. It seemed to be regretful, and it seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

Susao Nohu, the kaleidoscope's ultimate pupil technique, has three different stages. The first stage is the bone form. The Susao at this stage is composed of bones and only the upper body. The second stage is the flesh and blood derived form. This stage Suzuo is full of flesh and blood, and looks like a real life. The third stage is the armor manifestation. At this stage, Suzuo will put on the armor, and both attack and defense will be greatly enhanced.

The third stage is the ultimate form of the normal Susao, and it is also a form with huge differences. In this form, some Susao can only display the most basic armor, and some have some special artifacts, such as Sean's. The stone shield in Suzuo's hand at this time.

The unbreakable shield of sighs, a defensive artifact, has a strong absorption effect on energy. Even if the gods face this shield, they can only sigh helplessly. Of course, this is just a description. At least the gods here are not the true gods of the Boya Great World.

"Can't you kill you like this?"

Looking at Suzuo's demon-like figure, Barorick's eyes were dim, and his polished, clear mind was covered in dust at this moment.


Suzuo collapsed, and Sean's figure once again appeared in front of Baroque. At this time, Sean's left hand was bloody, and white bones could be seen vaguely. There were two lines of blood and tears in his eyes, which made him look very embarrassed. .

"Really? What a pity."

Hearing Sean's words, a light arose in Barorick's muddy eyes, but it quickly went out.

At the same time, the sword in Barorick's hand that had accompanied him all his life quietly decayed.

The dark red rust derives rapidly. In just an instant, Baroque’s sword has gone through thousands of years of time scouring, turning from a sharp sword into a waste sword.

"Old man, I'm not alone with you, it's a pity, it's a pity..."

A sad voice lingered in the air, Baroque completely lost his voice before the voice fell, and he died.

The sword Barorick just now bet everything about him, including his accumulation in the kendo, but also his life. If Sean dies, then Barorick will not only have the sword power of his transformation, if he is dead. It may be possible to survive and take this a step further, but now Xiao En is not dead, his kendo is broken, his soul is dusted, and the body that has been emptied will naturally die.

Looking at Barorick's corpse, Sean's eyes moved slightly, and when his soul was about to disappear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to return to the spirit world, he activated the ability of the soul fruit.

Secret Art·Guling, the invisible hand of the soul stretched out, and Baroque’s soul was taken back by Sean.

After playing with Baroque's soul in his hand, Sean thought for a while and didn't melt him into pure soul quality but preserved it like this.

Hiss, the pain in his arm came, and Sean frowned. This guy Baroque did give him a surprise. Although he had responded in advance because he had seen the moment of the future by foreseeing the future, he still He was still injured by the blade storm, and half of his body was almost cut to bones, but even so, the price he paid was not small. The injury on his left arm was only a trivial matter. Although it looked terrifying, it was extraordinary. The existence of power can be healed as long as it takes some time. What's more troublesome is his eyes.

The three-gou jade disappeared, and the scarlet disappeared completely. Xiao En’s original blue eyes became extremely dim, as if covered with a layer of dust. When the shipwreck was lost, because he faced the sixth-order king of Barbarossa, he had to escape in order to escape. A lot of pupil power has been consumed, and this time, he was one step closer to becoming a blind man before he knew it.


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