"Are you going to live in this body now?"

In Shaun's perception, the body made by the viper was already quite good, and it was completely usable.

"No, it's a bit worse. Compared to the heart, the outer shell of this body is a lot weaker."

Hearing this, the poisonous snake shook his head. Although the body was ready for use, it had not reached the level he wanted.

Hearing this, Sean raised his eyebrows.

"You haven't given up on that idea? You should know that that kind of power is difficult to control. If you don't, your well-built body will be completely destroyed."

"Heh, but this is interesting, isn't it?"

A smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and a fanatical fire flashed in the eyes of the viper.

"In this case, you are happy."

Seeing the look of the poisonous snake, Sean did not object to it anymore.

"Don't worry, Baron, I am not a messy person."

Hearing this, Sean didn't speak any more, and said nothing.

"The most important thing is that I have made new progress in the study of that power."

With that said, the poisonous snake floated to another laboratory first.

"Come in and have a look, Baron."

Unlike ordinary laboratories, the laboratory where the Viper is now obviously has been specially reinforced.

"This is······"

As soon as he walked into the laboratory, Xiao En's eyes fell on the center of the laboratory, where there were twelve cultivation grooves, and each cultivation groove contained a woman, to be precise, a pregnant woman.

"Zombie virus is indeed very aggressive. Once a living body is infected by it, it will instantly destroy its sanity and become a living dead. Moreover, this kind of aggressiveness is difficult or impossible to suppress because it is caused by this aggressiveness. The mutation is also the most precious part of this virus."

Inside the empty laboratory, the viper's slightly excited voice echoed.

"In such a situation, since the corrosiveness of the virus cannot be weakened, then increasing one's own resistance has become a route that can be tried."

With that, the viper cast his gaze on Sean.

"So you used the virus to infect these pregnant women, and want to use them to get antibodies from their conceived children?"

With his eyes condensed slightly, Xiao En understood the viper's thoughts.

"Yes, I have to say that life is a very wonderful thing. These women have now become a hotbed of viruses. Under such circumstances, although the children in their bodies are likely to be eroded by the virus, there is also a certain May produce antibodies to survive, and that’s what I want."

The body was floating, and at this moment, the viper made no secret of his enthusiasm.

"Does life never lack miracles?"

Stepping forward, Sean stroked the cold cultivation groove with his palm.

It was at this moment that the woman in the cultivation groove opened her eyes, blood-red, utterly irrational, and some were pure brutality and desire for fresh flesh and blood.

Although the appearance of the corpse was delayed by the culture solution prepared by the poisonous snake, it was not obvious, but there was no doubt that the twelve women were already real zombies.

"How long have you been conducting this experiment?"

"It didn't take long. It only started recently, and you can rest assured that these women are all purchased from other places."

Although he didn't understand Sean's thoughts, Viper still opened his mouth to explain.

"That's it, I know, let me know the result."

With that, Sean turned and left the laboratory.

The zombie virus was exchanged by Sean from the door of the infinite. It came from a doomsday world. The original purpose was to study it by himself. After all, this thing is still very valuable in the memory of his previous life, and its powerful infection Sex and mutation did arouse Sean’s interest. The most important thing is that the price is not expensive. However, after the Viper became interested in this kind of thing, he wanted to use it to strengthen his body, so Sean simply gave it to him. Unexpectedly, he has actually found a way to use this virus. Although it may not be successful, it is at least theoretically feasible.

As for the origins of those pregnant women, Sean doesn’t care, and he doesn’t bother to ask. The Liberal Arts World is not his previous life. Darkness is everywhere here. I don’t know how many people die in the sewer every day. Many things cannot be used in the previous life. Standard to measure.

After leaving the viper's laboratory, the zombie virus was soon left behind by Sean. His main purpose of coming here today was not to find the viper.

It is also on the second floor of the laboratory, Anais's laboratory.

Compared with the laboratory of the viper, the laboratory of Anais is much more normal, and only some animal carcasses were dissected.

"Is this the blood of a Tier 3 knight?"

With a potion bottle in his hand, with light shining through, Sean looked carefully.

Compared with the blood of the second-order knight, the appearance of the third-order knight's blood has undergone a lot of changes.

"Yes, master."

Standing by Sean's side, Aneth's attitude was very respectful.

"You did a good job this time, but unfortunately."

"Master, you have a good reputation. These are all things I should do."

Although the knight’s blood potion has a tricky component compared to other potions, it is not easy for Anais to complete the configuration of the third-order knight’s blood in such a short period of time. One can imagine his mental strength.

"Take this thing, I have always seen your performance in my eyes."

As he said, a devil fruit that looked like an apple, was blood-red, and outlined with silver threads appeared in Xiao En's hands.

"Master, this thing..."

Looking at the fruit in Shaun’s hand, Aneth’s eyes suddenly brightened. As someone who followed Shaun a long time ago, although Aneth has been going deep and simple, staying in the underground laboratory most of the time, but for the devil He still knows the fruit.

"Devil fruit, you have guessed it, haven't you?"

"This, thank you Master."

Without refusing, Anais took the fruit from Sean.

"The ability of this fruit is very special, you should like it."

[Item]: Vampire fruit (animal form of human fruit vampire of fantasy beast species)

[Evaluation]: The nobleman in the night, the master of blood, this is a fruit with peculiar power.

[Price]: 50 power points

The vampire fruit is the same as the shadow fruit, after Sean returned from Gattuso ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ using the source power points obtained from the door of the indefinite.

In this war of Gattuso, under the circumstances that Sean and Whitebeard deliberately acted, many of the orcs among the orcs died in their hands, plus those fourth-order transcendents and sporadic ones. With some of the strange things he harvested, Sean gained a lot of source power points.

Aneth has now transferred to "Crimson Blood". Although he is already a Tier 2 wizard, compared to the other transcendents in Greenfield Town, Aneth has a flaw that cannot be concealed, that is, his age is too big. , The body has begun to decay.

Although Anis is a wizard, the decline of the body will eventually affect the soul, and the body itself is a very important part if the wizard wants to keep moving forward.

It was precisely in consideration of this situation that Sean thought for a while before he gave Anis the devil fruit in the form of a vampire of the Eudemons, this fruit has the power to restore youth.


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