In the dark night, the silver moonlight quietly spilled from the sky, covering the town of Luye with a layer of silver gauze.

"Father, father..."

An inexplicable call came from far away, as if crossing the distance between time and space, so vague and so real, at this moment Sean lying on the bed opened his eyes.

"Baron, what's the matter?"

Even though Sean's movements were very slight, he still awakened Gulea next to him.

Speaking of Gulea, she was ready to get up and light up the lights.

The blanket slipped, and against the background of the moonlight, Gureia's body exuded ivory-like luster, with a different style, very tempting, but at this moment, Sean’s attention did not fall on it at all. .

"Sure enough, this is not a dream, what the **** is it."

Muttering in his mouth, Sean cast his gaze out of the window, and his azure blue pupils were deep.

As a fourth-order great wizard, Sean will still dream without sinking into meditation, but few times, and this call like this is not the first time. It has happened in just ten days. Three times.

"This call makes people feel a little cordial, but I'm pretty sure I've never heard such a voice."

The thoughts in his mind turned, but Sean did not find an answer after all.

"Baron, are you all right."

The light was lit, and watching Sean frowning, Gulea walked to the bed, rested Sean's head on her thigh, and massaged Sean with her slender fingers.

"I'm fine, Gulea."

Enjoying Gureia's service, Sean's expression relaxed a little.

Although this incomprehensible call made Xiao En a little concerned, but fortunately, it did not have any substantial impact on him at the moment, and he did not perceive any dangerous aura from it.

I have to say that Gu Leia's massage technique is very good, and Sean's frowning brows quickly stretched out, but after such a toss, Sean is no longer sleepy.



"Let's rest."

When the voice fell, Xiao En pulled Gureia over and pressed her under him. Under the moonlight, with a slight gasp, the two figures gradually overlapped.

In the next few days, Sean fell asleep as usual every night, but Mo Ming’s call never appeared again, as if it was really just a dream before. Faced with this situation, Sean was a little confused, but only Can be pressed in the bottom of my heart.

One month passed quickly, and Sean appeared here in the botanical garden, the top of the mountain, and the meditation room.

With the passage of time, the space channel has been completely formed, but at this moment, what is presented to Xiao En at this moment is no longer a gloomy black hole but an illusory portal.

The gate is two meters high and grayish white, just like Shimen, but it does not have the weight of Shimen, but it looks very vague, as if it doesn't really exist.

"Is this the gate of the two worlds?"

Looking at the illusory portal in front of him, there was a dark light in Sean's blue pupils.

Reaching out and pushing the door, a white light appeared, and Xiao En stepped in.

To descend into another world through the gate of two realms, Sean has two options to choose from, one is the arrival of the soul and the other is the arrival of the true body.

The main advantages of Soul Descent are concealment, safety, and relatively low risk. Unless it is encountered with some extremely special means, even if Sean dies in that world, the soul can return smoothly. The disadvantage is that his own power cannot be carried over. Rely on the strength of the soul itself.

Different from the soul descent, the main advantage of the real body descent is that its own power is not limited and can be used perfectly. The disadvantage is that the danger is higher. Once you die in another world, you are likely to really die, at least The physical body is definitely dead.

Under normal circumstances, for the first time to explore, Sean should choose the soul descending for safety, but this time Sean chose the real body descending because the world itself is special, or the upper limit is not high.

All perceptions return to nothingness, no superior, no left, no right, no front and no back, time passes, I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe it’s a long time, maybe it’s just a moment, Sean once again has a real feeling.

Opening his eyes, the dazzling sun was shining, and the blurry scene in Sean's eyes slowly became real.

"Is this the Ark World?"

Standing on top of the mountain, looking around, it was a primitive scene, with deep grass and dense forests, strange peaks, and the roaring dragon roaring faintly.

"Sure enough, there is no magic power?"

Looking at the surrounding scenery, feeling the strangeness coming from his body, Xiao En frowned.

As a Tier 4 great wizard, his body has long been accustomed to the nourishment of magic, and now he suddenly falls from the magical world of liberal arts into the magicless Ark. His body is like a fish coming to the shore from the water. Uncomfortable outside.

"Next, use as little witchcraft as possible."

Without the existence of magic power, once Shaun uses witchcraft, there is no way to supplement his spiritual consumption, and his battery life is extremely poor.

The world is different from the world, and the gate of the two worlds is also different from the gate of the two worlds. With the amount of space debris in Sean's hands, he can only build a low-energy world portal to the Ark.

Enduring the physical discomfort, Xiao En walked down the mountain after observing the environment. There was a river in that direction.

The trees are tall and dense, and the tall canopies are woven into a sea of ​​woods, blocking out the sun. It is obviously warm outside, but it is extremely humid and cold here.

In the past, Sean didn't care about these feelings, but now his body seems to be particularly fragile or sensitive, and he feels more uncomfortable under such circumstances.

Hey, it was the sound of the wind blowing at extreme speed. When Sean passed a big tree, a poisonous snake hiding in the tree attacked Sean, and then the sound of the wind sounded, flying fingers and grabbing.

Although the power of witchcraft should be used as little as, the power of the body does not matter. It is easy for Sean to kill a poisonous snake.

"Although there is no magic power, this world has a relatively high active power, which is somewhat similar to the world of One Piece?"

After walking in the mountains and forests for several hours, Sean came to this conclusion through his own perception and observation and analysis of the surrounding animals and plants.

But it is normal to think about it. After all, there are many large creatures in this world. If there is no higher active force in the air, these creatures will not be able to survive at all, and the food chain will have long collapsed.

As for whether it is similar to the situation in One Piece World, this is just Sean's inference, after all, he has never been to One Piece World.

"Perhaps I should find a dragon for transportation."

Wangshan ran to death, in the case of simply using his body to drive the road, even at the speed of Sean, it took a long time to get to the river, and by this time it was already dark.


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