Wow, the sea is surging, and a transparent whale that is more than 20 meters long is wandering in the gray water, and a figure can be vaguely seen inside the whale.

Soul Fu·White Whale, in order to find the traces of Barbarossa in the sea, Sean gave the soul of the sea, making it look like a whale, and taking him to search in the sea.

"I think I found it."

After receiving the domineering feedback, Xiao En's mouth was drawn with a smile.

In order to find the trace of Barbarossa, he has spent more than a month in the wreck bay puzzle, and now finally has the result, of course, in the process, Sean did not waste time in vain, as long as he encounters He did not let go of the resentful spirit, and unknowingly gained more than 50 points of source power.

Following the guidance of Sean, the white whale began to dive, and the dim light became dimmed at this moment.

"It turned out to be here."

The darkness couldn't stop Sean's sight. After approaching, Sean accurately captured Barbarossa's figure.

The bottom of the sea is calm, and the sea is as still, without the slightest disturbance.

Barbarossa's ten-meter-high body was lying there quietly, with his limbs spread, his back against the bottom of the sea and facing the sky, without moving.

Stopping the pace, Sean did not drive the white whale to continue to approach, after all, Barbarossa was not dead.

At this moment, Barbarossa’s state is a bit peculiar. The aura of life is still open, showing strong vitality, but his consciousness seems to be plunged into chaos and ceases to operate. A pair of opened eyes emits a strange purple light, in the dim light. The bottom of the sea is particularly conspicuous, but it is empty inside, without any look.

"It's really out of control, but there is something wrong."

There was light flowing in the azure blue pupils, and Sean carefully observed Barbarossa's state.

Loss of control refers to a state in which the extraordinary power in the extraordinary person runs away for some reason and loses control, causing the extraordinary person to lose himself, and the soul and body are double aberrated. The external manifestations are usually loss of reason, bloodthirsty, violent, and physical body. A drastic change, from a person to a monster.

Now Barbarossa’s body has indeed undergone an abnormal change, his body is covered with bronze scales, his facial ears have completely disappeared, parotid glands have appeared on his cheeks, and sharp teeth have grown in his mouth, just like a shark, but he behaves like a shark. It's too quiet.

After getting out of control, the monsters transformed into monsters are extremely crazy, venting their strong desire for destruction all the time, and it is basically impossible to calm down.

"The soul is still there, and it's complete."

After the soul fruit awakens, Sean observes Barbarossa's state from another perspective.

If the soul of a normal person is transparent, Barbarossa's soul is chaotic at this moment. Although it is equally complete, it has no thoughts.

"What is this?"

Continuing to explore further, Xiao En found a little blue gold brilliance in the chaotic soul of Barbarossa, faint and bright, exuding a sacred atmosphere, incompatible with the disorder and chaos around him.


Thoughts flowed, confirming this point of Guanghua's identity, and Xiao En's expression became solemn.

Divinity is one of the important signs of gods. There are usually only two ways for non-spirit people to have divinity. One is heredity. If the blood of gods flows in the body, then there may be divine birth, and the other is After mastering the broken divine power, use the power of divine power to sublimate one's soul to obtain, and this kind of existence has another name that is pseudo-god or demigod.

"Is there blood flowing in Barbarossa's body? Who is it?"

Although the demigod is also Tier 6, its life form is obviously different from the normal Tier VI. Under the influence of theocracy, the body will change in the corresponding direction. Sean is sure that Barbarossa is not a demigod, then The most likely is that the blood of the gods is flowing in his body, and there are other possibilities, but the possibility is too low.

Roar, just when Shaun was in deep thought, Barbarossa, who had fallen into silence, seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly he woke up.

Seeing this scene, Sean immediately moved.

The invisible silk thread quietly emerged, woven into a net, and firmly bound Barbarossa's body. It is the fifth-order wonder puppet ring. As a soul-side wonder, the power of the puppet ring and Shaun’s soul The abilities of soul fruit complement each other.

Roar, the roar set off an undercurrent on the bottom of the sea, but Barbarossa's body was still unable to move, because the silk thread of the puppet ring seemed to bind his body, but his soul was actually bound.

"Sure enough, there is only a level five."

Previously, Sean had some uncertainty. After all, even if he was out of control, the rank of the Transcendent would not fall, but now it turns out that Barbarossa not only lost control, but also fell from Tier 6 to Tier 5.

Booming, the soul turbulent, under the shackles of the soul thread, Barbarossa struggled violently, and finally broke the control of part of the thread, giving his body room for movement.

"Why on earth? Is it because the wraiths bound in the body escaped, leading to the loss of extraordinary characteristics?"

Seeing Barbarossa who had recovered part of his ability to move, Sean's expression remained unchanged, and he was still thinking about the reasons for Barbarossa's fall.

Soul power surged, more soul threads were born, and Barbarossa, who had just gained part of his ability to move, fell silent again.

Although there is still a fifth-order rank, after losing control, without reason and thinking, Barbarossa can only break away from Sean's shackles by instinct, under such circumstances, Sean seems particularly relaxed.

Of course, if Barbarossa takes the wizarding path, even if it is out of the situation that Sean is facing now will also change, but he is not.

"Want to try it?"

Originally, Sean was planning to kill Barbarossa and gain a source of power, but seeing Barbarossa’s current state, Sean had some other thoughts in his mind, especially Barbarossa's body still has divine nature. exist.

The thoughts in his heart turned, and the space around Xiao En set off layers of waves, and then a branch with emerald green branches and lavender flowers in full bloom stretched out of the space.

With the palms open, a baby's fist-sized fruit that resembled an avocado fell from between the branches and leaves, the animal family, the beast species, and the fruit of everyone. (Although it's a bit unpleasant, but strictly speaking, ordinary human fruits can only be regarded as beast species.)

Playing with the devil fruit in his hand, Sean cast his eyes on Barbarossa.

For normal people, this fruit for everyone has no effect, and it is eaten for nothing, but it is completely different for an out-of-control monster like Barbarossa.


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