The invisible thread of the soul continued to sink into Barbarossa's body. At this moment, Barbarossa was like a moth falling into the spider web, completely losing himself.

Crunching, crunching, it was a moan of muscles, under Sean's control, Barbarossa opened his mouth full of teeth.

Gulong, the devil fruit fell, and strange changes began to take place.

Plops, thumps, and the heart beats calmly and powerfully, the weird purple light in Barbarossa’s eyes began to slowly converge, her pupils changed from weird purple to pure blue, without a trace of magazine, just like a newborn Baby, and this is just the beginning.

The sharp teeth converged and the parotid glands disappeared. Barbarossa once again returned to his human appearance, and then the bronze scales all over his body began to gather and overlap. After a while, a set of simple and heavy bronze armor covering the whole body appeared. Barbarossa's body.

The body is changing, and the soul is also changing. When the power of the fruits of everyone begins to play, the chaotic soul of Barbarossa also begins to reshape.

Barbarossa’s consciousness has long dissipated during the previous runaway, but now a brand new consciousness is beginning to sprout, that is, at this moment, the divinity that has been quiet in Barbarossa’s soul suddenly blooms with scorching brilliance, and seems to be resisting This newly formed consciousness.

"You, who are you?"

A deep voice sounded, mixed with the opposite immaturity during the period.

Hearing this, and staring at Barbarossa's pure eyes, Sean knew that he had indeed succeeded.

"I'm Sean Montel, your brother, Nottiers."

With a smile on his mouth, Sean's tone was gentle.

"Are you my brother?"


"My name is Noletis?"

"Yes, Noletis Monteel, to be precise."

Hearing what Shaun said, Barbarossa or Noletis fell into silence, seeming to be thinking about something, and seeming to be a little slow to react.

"Noletis, after playing for so long, we should go back."

Looking at Noletis with his head down, Sean spoke to him like a real brother.

"Okay, okay, brother, wait for me."

Seeing Sean who was about to leave, Noletis became a little panicked, reached out his hand to grab a ship anchor with a strong iron chain that sank on the bottom of the sea, and hurriedly walked towards Sean.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Sean's face became more gentle, that is, at this moment the change happened.

The sea water stopped flowing, and time and space seemed to have an instant stagnation. At this moment, all the colors in Xiao En's eyes became gray, only a little blue, sacred and pure.

Dingdong, Dingdong, like the sound of a spring falling, an illusory figure quietly formed and slowly came to Xiao En's face.

But at such a moment, Sean's expression was dull, his eyes dull and blank.

"Did you move my toy?"

Close to the figure, the illusory figure gently stroked Sean's face with the palm of his hand, which looked like a lover's caress from a distance.

"I like your eyes very much. In that case, use your eyes to exchange them. This is a fair deal, isn't it?"

A gentle voice sounded, as if with a gentle wind, and his slender fingers touched Xiao En's eyes, softly and softly, as if he were dealing with precious jewels.

"Since you have no objection, then the deal is concluded."

The sweet laughter echoed on the bottom of the sea, and at this moment everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Finally gone?"

Suppressing the turmoil in his heart, Sean maintained the calm on his face, even if his eyes had lost all their brilliance.

Under normal circumstances, he should have no memory of what happened before, but his soul was protected by the door after all, which gave him a glimpse of reality, and it was precisely because of this that he was uneasy.

He raised his head and looked at Noletis who came by with a godless gaze. Sean's mood was a bit complicated. Now he finally knows how the divinity in Noletis came from, and finally knows Noletis. Why did Si fall from the sixth rank.

Under normal circumstances, there are indeed only two ways for living beings to obtain divinity, but there are exceptions, such as the active gift of the gods.

This method is similar to the divinity born from the blood flow in the body, but in fact the two are essentially different. The divine blood flows in the body, and the self-born divinity is related to the **** at the source of the bloodline. The most fundamental right to belong still belongs to the creatures themselves, and the divinity given by the gods is completely different. Although the effect is not different from the former, the right to belong still belongs to the gods.

However, divinity is an important foundation of the gods. Under normal circumstances, the gods will not take the initiative to cut it, let alone give it to others. This will weaken their power and even leave hidden dangers.

And now Sean has encountered this extremely rare situation. An unknown god, with a high probability of being a sea god, actively divided his divinity, gave it to Noletis, and used this divinity. Having absorbed the power of Noletis, it is precisely because of this that Noletis will fall from the sixth rank.

The reason why Noletis was not sucked dry was because the remaining power was not much, and the other was that the **** might really want to leave an interesting toy.

Of course, the sixth-order transcendent, as the person closest to the gods, is far less than the gods, but under normal circumstances, it is not a little divine that can draw power at will, but if this sixth-order loses control, then the situation will be different. It's different.

The thoughts in his heart were tumbling, and Sean "looked" towards Noletis and gradually brought a little pity to Noletis's eyes. Perhaps the One Piece who used to call the wind and rain in the old age was just a poor creature from the ~ His magnificent body is more like a stage built for him by some existence, otherwise it is difficult for Sean to believe that a successfully promoted Tier 6 will suddenly lose control, and then happen to be absorbed by the divinity in the body and become a **** Nourishment for recovery.

The compassionate gaze flashed away, and Xiao En quickly calmed down this emotion. He now has no such qualifications. After all, he also suffered a loss in the hands of this **** just now.

It is not a shame that, as a transcendent person with only Tier 4, suffered a loss in the hands of a true god, there is no flame of grief in Xiao En's heart, and now he just wants to leave this puzzle as soon as possible.

Relying on the particularity of the door, Xiao En could vaguely perceive the weakness hidden under the appearance of this god's mighty power, but in any case, the other party was a true god, and he could not provoke him now.

Leaving the ocean and flying into the sky, the power of space began to surge.

Originally, Shaun intended to bring Noletis back to Greenfield, but now he has changed his mind, although the divinity in Noletis has disappeared.


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