"Noletis, this portal is very important, and it will be handed over to you to guard it in the future."

Before the illusory space portal, Sean said to Noletis sincerely.

In order to avoid possible hidden dangers, Sean does not intend to take Noletis back for the time being, and although Noletis is a little bit reluctant to Sean, he has no objection.

He likes the ocean here and is accustomed to loneliness. In other words, his consciousness has just been born and there is no concept of loneliness yet.

"I see, brother, I will guard this door for you."

Looking at Sean, Noletis's expression was particularly solemn.

"Very well, Noletis, I know you won't let me down."

With a smile on his face, Sean did not hesitate to compliment him.

Hearing this, Noletis also showed an unconcealable smile.

The illusory portal opened, and Sean's figure disappeared, leaving only Noletis holding an anchor standing there quietly.

Before leaving, Sean left the mark of the door on Noletis, allowing Noletis to touch the power of the door, and used the space debris to construct a space punctuation, so that it only needs to be in the town of Greenfield. Then construct a corresponding space punctuation, and Sean and Noletis can open the space door of Luye Town and Shipwreck Bay at the same time.

In other words, Luye Town already has a semi-fixed gateway to the Shipwreck Bay. Unfortunately, compared to a permanently fixed door, this semi-fixed door is not only troublesome to open, but also has a time limit. Every time it is opened, it needs to be separated. It will take a while to open again.

The door of space appeared, and Xiao En's figure walked out of it.

"It seems that my luck during this period is really not very good."

Seeing and hearing the domineering dispersal, looking at an empty sea, Xiao En's began to confirm his location.

Without a permanent space portal, Sean can only choose to leave Shipwreck Bay from a weak point of space. Fortunately, there are limits to the range covered by a puzzle. Although there is no way to accurately locate it, it is still roughly there. .

After confirming the approximate direction, the wind began to gather, leading Xiao En to the distance.

One month later, Sean returned to Greenfield Town.

In the underground laboratory, on the second floor, Sean was lying on the test bed, and the snakes Snow and Anais stood beside him.

"Baron, the situation is a bit weird. According to my inspection, you have no problems with your eyes."

Checked again and again, the snake gave such an answer.

Although his body was condensed from pale flames, Xiao En could still "see" his frowning brows at this moment. Obviously, the current situation made him very puzzled.

"how so?"

After hearing this answer, Anis still felt a little disbelief, although he had checked it once before and got a similar result.

"It seems to be the case."

Shaun's face was also a little ugly when he got up from the test bed.

The other party did take away the eyes, but not from the material level, but from the concept. Now he not only can't see things, but also loses the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

After taking off the illusion pupil, Xiao En's eyes have turned pure black at this moment. His eyes have not changed. They are still the original writing wheel eyes exchanged before, but the power inside has disappeared cleanly. , There is only a dead empty shell left.

"My Lord Baron, it seems that you are having a lot of trouble this time."

As his eyes turned, the poisonous snake had some guesses in his mind.

"Yeah, it's troublesome, after all, it's a god."

Hearing the word God, both Viper and Aneth fell into silence.

No matter when and where, the word **** has magical powers, and they knew that the **** Sean was talking about must not be a false **** like Totem God, but a true god.

"It seems that I am going to be a blind man."

After putting on the illusion pupil again, Xiao En's expression returned to calm.

The eyes were conceptually taken away by the god, and even if he had a new pair of eyes through the operation, it wouldn't help. He still couldn't see.

There are only two ways to restore the light before him. The first way is to find the **** and get his eyes back from his hands. The second way is to let his dead eyes be silent. Resurgence, breaking the conceptual shackles.

But although the road is there, Sean is powerless now, neither of the two roads is easy to follow.

Rubbing his eyes, Sean always shrouded the domineering look and feel around him.

Although the eyes are invisible, Sean still has a special domineering presence, which does not have much impact on his daily life, but he is still unaccustomed to it at the beginning.

"Well, don't think too much about it. God's existence is not something we can touch now."

Looking at the silent snake and Aneth, Sean looked a little more open instead.

God, a high-ranking word, but it is not out of reach.

Leaving the laboratory and returning to the lord's mansion, Sean's behavior was not different from usual. Those subordinates and servants did not realize that their baron had become a blind man.

In the study, Sean flipped through the books. Although it was weird, he did "read" it.

"Baron, the priest of the Storm Church came to visit during the time you were away, but I refused on the grounds that you are conducting a major experiment."

Handing over the freshly brewed black tea, Gureya talked about some things that happened during this period.

"Oh? Is the Church of Storm moving so fast? It seems that the large-scale mission of the Church of Dawn really stimulated them."

Although Gulea hadn't said the purpose of Storm Church's visit, Sean could guess that it was just for preaching.

"It is true, Baron and Priest Bede have visited you three times, but they have not seen you. Now they have purchased a piece of land through the city hall and started to build the Storm Church."

Going behind, kneading his shoulders for Sean~www.wuxiaspot.com~Gurea whispered.

"Is that so? It seems that the conflict between the two major churches is greater than I thought. As soon as the people from the Dawn Church arrived, the Storm Church arrived."

As he said, a smile appeared at the corner of Sean's mouth.

Even if the demonic tide is cut off, the influence of the major churches is rapidly weakened, and the status of the Storm Church in the Kingdom of Surtilt is relatively special. The attitude of the Storm Church in the New World has been relatively arrogant, and it is rare. They are so anxious to get angry.

"Baron, your eyes..."

After hesitating for a long time, Gurea asked this question after all.

Hearing this, Sean smiled indifferently.

"It's just out of sight for the time being."

Hearing that, Gureya didn't speak any more, but the movements in his hands were softer.


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