Silence, deathly silence, after hearing Iruka's words, everyone turned their eyes to Sean, waiting for his choice, and at this time Sean himself was hesitant.

The pioneering land of Luye Town has gradually matured, and it is about to develop. It is a pity to give up now, not to mention that the Montel family has invested a lot of manpower, material resources, and even paid for the development of Luye Town. The price of blood, does it mean that you can give up if you give up?

The most important thing is to abandon the town of Greenfield. It is not a simple matter to reopen a new territory on the new continent in the current environment.

It is precisely because of hesitation in his heart that Sean held this meeting today.

"Baron, I don't know what kind of demigod the barbarian's demigod is?"

A low voice sounded, and while Sean was still hesitating and the others were still waiting, Viper Snow broke the silence.

Hearing this, Sean turned his gaze to Snow.

Demigods are not the same as demigods, and the main difference comes from their theocracy.

"He is a racial god, a racial **** accomplished by the body of a soul."

After a little hesitation, Xiao En gave the answer. Although he was injured in the hands of the brute **** in the previous fight, he also took this opportunity to spy on the truth of the brute god.

"A racial god? Or a racial **** made with the body of a soul? Hiss."

Hearing this, the corners of the viper's mouth turned into a beautiful arc, and now his new body has been built, although he still has some dissatisfaction, it does not affect the use.

"Then his power comes from blood and faith?"

The cold voice continued to sound in the silent meeting room, and a dangerous light appeared in the long and narrow eyes of the poisonous snake.

Hearing the words of the viper, most of the people in the conference room were confused. After all, the knowledge of the gods was too unfamiliar to them. Only Sean, Osalius, and Whitebeard were thoughtful.

Theocracy is divided into the original theocracy and the conceptual theocracy, and there is a very special branch in the conceptual theocracy, that is, the racial theocracy. The gods who follow this path, including the demigods, need to become the blood source of a race.

The most famous racial gods in the Bo Ya Great World are the mother of dragons and the father of dragons. The dragon is a big concept. It not only has purebreds and hybrids with strong individual strength, but also has a large number of hybrids. , And a larger number of dragon blood creatures, it is precisely because of this that the dragon race has just supported the personality of the two true gods.

Most of the dragon race are arrogant, and their belief in gods is actually very shallow. Most of them are unbelievers and hypocrites. However, both the mother of dragons and the father of dragons are gods of flesh and have the power of tyrannical racial bloodlines. They do not have a high demand for faith, and at this point they are more inclined to the original gods than the general concept gods.

With the message about the race **** flowing in his heart, Xiao En's face gradually changed. He thought of a certain possibility, but some could not figure it out.

"Snow, you mean..."

Looking at the poisonous snake, there was a trace of doubt in Sean's words.

"Since he relies on racial blood and beliefs, then we will cut off his ties with racial blood and ruin his beliefs. Even if he does not fall, he will inevitably fall into personality and hiss."

When he said this, Snow showed a sick smile on his face, which was an uncontrollable excitement.

Hearing this answer, knowing that Viper's thoughts were the same as his previous guesses, Sean still frowned, because the real difficulty of this plan was how to implement it.

Cutting off the connection between a racial demigod and one's own blood race is not a simple matter. From a certain perspective, it may be more difficult than defeating a racial demigod head-on.

But Sean also knew that the viper wouldn't talk about it. Since he said so, he would naturally have a corresponding method, at least he would suggest a possibility.

"Baron, have you forgotten my previous research? Now there are results."

A slightly excited voice sounded, and the poisonous snake slowly stretched out his pale jade palm.

With the palms open, a strand of black oily substance came out of the palm of the snake.

Seeing this substance, Sean's expression was slightly stagnant, he felt a familiar breath, while Whitebeard and Esalius frowned, and they actually felt a certain dangerous aura from this thing.

"I named this thing the black light virus. It is my latest research result. It has an erosive power beyond imagination and may allow us to achieve our goals."

Introducing his own research results, the smile on the face of the poisonous snake became more and more sick, and it was constantly distorted in his palm, and even hissing, like a black light virus like a living thing, it is really unlikable.

Observing the black light virus in the hands of the poisonous snake, Sean fell into a short silence. It knew that the predecessor of this thing was a zombie virus. If this thing really has a terrible alienation on the basis of the zombie virus, then a It may not be impossible for the blood of the race to be distorted.

"That's the end of today's meeting. The evacuation plan is temporarily put on hold. Viper, come with me."

After that, Sean took the lead to leave the meeting room.

"I see, Baron, hiss."

Seeing Xiao En left with a smile on his face, Viper immediately followed.

And seeing Shaun and Viper who were leaving, although the others were puzzled, they knew that the crisis faced by Greenfield Town might really have some sort of solution.

"It's really a surprise, it's a Tier 6 demigod."

With an arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, with an inexplicable smile, Esalius also got up and left the meeting room.

Lord's Mansion, Study Room, Sean and Viper looked at each other, and no one spoke.

"How sure is it?"

There was a long silence, when the black tea in the cup no longer steamed, Sean spoke.

"Thirty percent."

To Sean's question Viper answered very simply, obviously he had already considered it in his mind.

Hearing this answer, Sean frowned.

"too low."

"Hi, I know, Baron, but with your help, this chance can be changed from 30% to 70%."

With a smile on his face, the poisonous snake spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Sean looked directly at the viper with godless eyes, as if he wanted to see something.

"Baron, my current body is the mother body of the black light virus. Although the black light virus is far more variable and weird than the zombie virus, it is still a bit worse in terms of quantity and quality. After all, we have to deal with a Tier 6 demigod and a race."

Not hurriedly, the Viper was telling his situation, and when he heard this, Sean also understood what the Viper was thinking.


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