A month later, Damai Village.

"Are you really ready? Viper."

Under the faint moonlight, Sean asked.

"Don't worry, Baron, I won't be kidding about this, hiss."

The corners of the mouth raised an arc, and at this moment the entire right arm of the poisonous snake turned into purple-black slime.

Seeing this scene, Sean nodded.

"Then let's start."

In words, catching the fluctuation of space, Sean opened the door.

Seeing the emergence of the space gate, the poisonous snake did not hesitate, and immediately leaned over. There was an unconcealable excitement in his narrow eyes, and it seemed that he couldn't wait.

"After half a year, I will open the door again, be careful, and try not to be caught by the tail. Even if your nature is special, a Tier 6 demigod may not have the means to really kill you."

Seeing the back of the poisonous snake disappearing, Xiao En said.

"Relax, Baron."

A smiling voice sounded in the cold, and the viper's figure disappeared completely.

Reaching out to smooth out the fluctuations in the space, Sean immediately left here.

In the wasteland, the door of the space opened, and the figure of the poisonous snake appeared.

"Hi, is this the inside of World Fragment? It seems that I have to find some clothes first."

Although there is a bit of eagerness in his heart, the poisonous snake can still restrain his inner desires. It is true that his nature is special and will not really die under normal circumstances, but after all, there is a sixth-order demigod here, and no one can be sure of this existence. He doesn't have any powerful methods, not to mention that he doesn't want to abandon his new body for the time being.

Life transformation·Snake form, flesh and blood squirming, and scales derive. After landing, Snow, the poisonous snake, transformed into a large white-scaled snake and merged into the wasteland. Although his new body has a lion's heart, it has a snake. When building his body, many of his body structures are based on snakes.

The poisonous snake will not approach those stone cities without preparation. After all, there is a Tier 6 demigod. This existence already has a strong sense of power for the place where one’s beliefs are located. Even if the breath is reduced, there is a great possibility of being discovered.

Oh, oh, oh, cheering voices echoed across the wasteland. Accompanied by an ancient war hymn with a passionate tone, a group of barbarians came from a distance, each with their prey in their hands. Obviously this time they came home full of loads. , That is, at this time, a gust of wind blew and rolled up the fine yellow sand.

In the face of such a situation, the barbarians did not care. They had been used to such things for a long time, and they were still laughing and singing.

Plops, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and one of the barbarians walking in the front suddenly fell down. Seeing this scene, the other barbarians didn’t care. Many people even made ridicule sounds, thinking it was him. He accidentally fell down, and only the few barbarians closest to him vaguely discovered something was wrong.

"Yagu, Yagu..."

Someone called the name of the fallen barbarian, but no response was heard. At this moment, the thumping sound appeared again, and the calling barbarian suddenly fell to the ground. At this time, there were many barbarians. Everyone found out that it was wrong, but unfortunately it was too late.

The sound of thumping and thumping sounded one after another. When the wind stopped, all the savages had fallen to the ground. Perhaps the accident was so sudden that many of the savages were still on their faces when they fell. With a cheerful smile, it seems that he is still immersed in the joy of returning home.

"Twelve, should be enough."

The cold voice sounded, it was the voice of a viper, but at this moment he already looked like a barbarian.

"Hi, although I still feel a little ugly, but it can only be so."

Kneeling down, fingers with sharp nails stretched out, and the poisonous snake stroked the barbarian's body from top to bottom.

The skin was easily scratched by the nails, revealing what was hidden inside, not flesh and blood, not bones, but a mass of purple mucus.

Reaching out the human skin and separating it from the mucus, the viper easily peeled off a perfect human skin.

"Really perfect work."

Looking at the work in his hand in the sun, the corners of the viper's mouth outlines the same sick smile as before, but at this moment, it looks a bit funny with his furry face.

Zi, Zi, Zi, the purple liquid contacted the ground and immediately made a zizi sound, melting the ground into a pit. Obviously, this liquid is extremely corrosive or toxic.

"The ability of poisonous fruit is indeed very convenient to use, and it matches well with my body."

Glancing at the pit on the ground, the snake quickly collected the other eleven human skins, and then rolled up the wind and sand to hide the traces.

The poisonous fruit, the superman devil fruit, is the fruit that Sean exchanged from the door of the infinite, and it is also the help that Sean provided to the poisonous snake in this operation.

In fact, even if it’s not this time, Sean intends to provide the poisonous snake with a powerful devil fruit to increase his strength again. However, in his original idea, he wanted to provide the surgical fruit to the poisonous snake. After all, he was right. The so-called immortal surgery is still very interesting, but unfortunately it has not been contained, but the poisonous fruit is not bad. It belongs to the special superhuman family, and it spans the two branches of superhuman and creation. It has great potential. The most important thing is the poisonous snake. This body has a high degree of physiology, so that there are no side effects.

Deep in the wasteland, a dark cave, here is a temporary residence for poisonous snakes.

Back here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After checking the imprints left before, after confirming that no one had been here, the viper took out the twelve human skins harvested this time.

Talent · Stitching. Under the control of a poisonous snake, these twelve human skins were worn by him like clothes, and then talent was activated to sew these human skins on his body.

With the function of talent and stitching, these human skins seem to grow on the body of a poisonous snake, and there is no abnormality at all, and there is no disharmony at all.

"Hiss, plus these twelve skins, I have a total of twenty-four skins, which should be enough for me to use."

In the words, a dark light flashed through the long and narrow eyes of the poisonous snake.

All the cities of the savages have the temples of the savage gods, which are shrouded by the power of the savage gods. As a strange species, it is very difficult for the viper to enter the city without being discovered. However, with the cover of these human skins, the situation There was a difference. At this time, he was a real barbarian no matter from appearance or breath. As long as he didn't take the initiative to approach the temple, then he would be difficult to find.


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