"Sure enough, it's all leftovers."

After roughly checking the 35 documents, Xiao En raised his eyebrows.

He was not surprised by this result. Although the identity he borrowed now has a relatively high status in Germa 66, it is not a member of the Vinsmok family, but was hired by the Vinsmok family from outside. It is normal to not have access to the core knowledge of descent factors.

The thoughts in his heart turned, and a deep vortex quietly formed in Sean's eyes. Although this data phone worm had been transformed by the Vinsmoke family, it was still a smart creature after all.

Om, mental power fluctuated, and the eyes of the data phone worm appeared momentarily in a trance.

"Extract all the core information."

A soft whisper sounded, and at this moment, Sean's voice was extremely low.

"The search is started, the search is completed, the authority is insufficient, please try again..., the authority meets, and the data sampling is completed."

Two beams of light shot out of the dull eyes of the data phone worm, and the file entries marked in red appeared in front of Sean, but when Sean wanted to open these files, a new mechanical voice came out of the phone worm’s mouth. .

"Please verify the key."

"You even need a key?"

A gloomy light flashed in his eyes. At this moment, Sean increased his hypnosis. Naturally, he didn't have the key. All he could do was bypass the key and open it forcibly.

"The key is wrong, the key...the folder is open."

It was at this moment that Vinsmok Milburn, who was experimenting in a secret laboratory, suddenly stopped his movements.

"There is a problem in the data room?"

Looking at the ring with the piercing red light from his fingers, Vinsmok Milburn frowned. This ring looks like an ordinary gemstone ring, but in fact it was specially bred by the Vinsmok family. The alarm phone bug is not only a status symbol, but also a key to open core information.

"Second, third, you immediately go to the data room, a little mouse has broken in."

Covering the red light on the ring, Vinsmok Milburn dialed another phone worm.

"It's been a long time since this happened."

He sighed and put down the phone worm. He once again focused on the unfinished experiment and stopped paying attention to the intruder. This is not his arrogance, but more a kind of self-confidence, as a dominant force. The Vinsmok family has such confidence.

As the contemporary patriarch of Vinsmok, Vinsmok Milburn may not be top in personal strength, but in science he is a well-deserved magnate. Vinsmok's extraordinary six sons are his masterpieces.

In the information room, the piercing alarm sounded, and Sean turned a deaf ear to it. He browsed the information he needed with an extraordinary speed.

With the level of his mind that he is now sitting and forgetting, it is a natural thing to not forget, although he knows that there will be trouble in the near future, Sean is confident enough to get out.

"This is·······"

After memorizing all the information about descent factors in his mind, Sean saw a new top-secret plan.

"Troll **** training plan? And is it related to the ancient kingdom that was left behind?"

With eyes flashing, Xiao En quietly opened the document. At this time, layers of heavy steel plates in the data room were rising. They would lock the entire data room and make it a desperate cage. .

Seeing Wenlu perceiving such a situation, at the last juncture, Xiao En turned into a golden light, rushed through numerous obstacles, and got out of the cage.

But when Shaun left the cage, someone outside was blocking his way.

"Is that you? It's really rare to be a natural ability person."

The frivolous words sounded, his figure condensed, and his face quietly changed. Xiao En looked at the two people blocking the way.

They were all about 2.5 meters tall and had similar looks. Their hair was blue and purple, with the iconic ringed eyebrows of the Vinsmok family, and they wore two technological combat uniforms, one blue and one purple, and they wore a pure black cloak.

"Winsmok Hall, Vinsmok Bill, the two of you don't seem to be able to stop me."

Since he wanted to take something from the Vinsmoke family, Sean would naturally collect information about the Vinsmock family in advance, so as soon as he saw the faces of the two opposite people, Sean knew their identities, Vinsmoke The second and third of the six extraordinary sons.

"Since you know our names and dare to say that, it seems that you are really confident."

The frivolous words sounded again, Vinsmok Hall raised his eyebrows, and looked at Sean with a look of interest.

Seeing the domineering let go, and feeling the surrounding situation, Sean was not in a hurry to leave. He is indeed not an opponent of the Vinsmok family, but it is not difficult to leave. After all, he has the ability to sparkle fruit.

"Second, you talked too much to him. It's better to put this kind of person on the dissection table."

Phew, the wind whistled, and purple flames burst out of the soles of his feet. With the help of the battle suit, Vinsmok Bill came to Sean in an instant. Obviously he did not have the same interest as his brother Hall.

"Devil's feet, ground meat."

Armed with domineering cover, flames burned, when we met, Bill didn't have any temptations, and directly used his best kicking skills. Among the Vinsmok Six Extraordinary, he is the only one who specializes in kicking skills, and he is now practicing. His kicking skills are not simple. It was inherited from an elder of the Vinsmok family 200 years ago, and that elder is rumored to be a crew member of One Piece.

"Are you kicking? I happen to be better at it. Have you ever been kicked by the light?"

Seeing Bill's high-speed kicking skills burning with flames, Sean's eyes squinted.

The golden light bloomed, and Sean did not evade the attack from Bill ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the latter came first, and he also kicked it.

Bang, one red and one gold, two legs intersected, and a violent air wave set off. Fortunately, it was high in the sky, no matter how the collision would not cause much impact.

Feeling the faint pain from his legs, Bill's expression moved slightly, knowing that as a reformer, his pain is much weaker than that of a normal person.

"Devil Wind Foot · First Flesh."

The thoughts in his mind were turning, and Bill's movements kept moving. While using the rotation to dissolve Sean's strength, he raised his body and kicked with his left foot in a roundabout, bringing a fierce flame, and kicking him fiercely at Sean's head.

"It's really fierce."

When the words sounded, Xiao En's body turned into golden light spots and disappeared in place. I have to say that in some cases, the nature is really too strong.

Bill's second consecutive kick was really good, but Shaun is a natural demon fruit capable person with a strong experience.


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