"It seems you are really not easy."

With a move, Hall came to Bill's side. Although the fight just now was only a moment, he, as a bystander, could clearly see that the opponent looked calm and relaxed from start to finish. Obviously, he still had enough energy. Can't hold the other party.

Knowing what his brother meant, Bill did not refuse, he did not have strong personal heroism.

Phew, the wind howled, one blue and one purple, one left and one right, Vinsmok Hall and Bill attacked Sean at the same time, and sealed Sean's retreat in silent cooperation.

Compared to Bill, who specializes in kicking skills, Hall, the second child, looks more messy. He has a better boxing and kicking skills. The most important thing is that his attacks are accompanied by powerful currents, which constantly paralyzes Sean. Xiao En's body slowed down Sean's movements.

"Is this the technological battle suit of the Vinsmoke family? It's really interesting."

Sean didn't care about the paralysis of his body, and while the battle was going on, he took time to observe the opponent's battle uniform.

"It looks like it's really not here."

After a while, Vinsmok Gal did not appear, and Sean had no desire to entangle with the other party anymore.

Vinsmok Hall and Bill's strengths are indeed good. With the help of powerful physical skills and technological combat uniforms, the combat strength of the two is not weak at the level of lieutenant generals, but the current strength of Sean has not reached the generals. , But he is also an alternate general, and he can get rid of the entanglement of the two of them at any time.

"Laser Shotgun."

Golden spots of light emerged, and then bloomed, covering Hall and Bill like dense steel balls, causing a violent explosion. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sean’s body instantly became elemental and turned into a golden light towards Fly away.

But at this moment, shadows emerged, blocking the sun, and muffled thunder sounded in the sky.

Boom, the storm was raging, the golden light returned, and Sean's elemental body was beaten back like a baseball by a mace wrapped around an armed and domineering mace.

"This is······"

With a solid body, he reconnected his fractured left arm. Looking at the tall figure standing out of thin air, Xiao En couldn't help squinting his eyes. This person was too familiar.

He is extremely tall and burly, with black hair and shawls, with a pair of long horns like dragon horns, a long beard like a dragon's beard on his mouth, and a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm. The upper body is naked, there is an x-shaped scar on the right abdomen, a purple shirt is hung on the waist, two gold chains are hung on the hem of the shirt, the lower body is wearing dark green wide trousers, the waist is tied with a lanyard, and the body is wearing a purple fluffy cloak, just like The devil is alive.


Whispering softly, Sean spit out these two words, no way, Kaido's image is so special that Sean recognizes it at a glance.

In the current One Piece World Kaido, the name Kaido does not seem to be well-known, but it was a household name 200 years ago. One of the four emperors of the New World, the founder of the Beasts and Pirates, has the world’s strongest creatures. A monster of reputation.

"But something is wrong."

Seeing the domineering and careful perception, Xiao En's eyes flashed.

Even if it is an unkillable monster, it is impossible for Kaido to live to the present under normal circumstances, and it can be seen from the previous fight that Kaido is a bit weak, yes, a bit weak.

Although he was injured by Kaido, who didn't know the truth or not, Sean knew that it was just the result of him being caught off guard, and even so, he just injured an arm.

"It's really interesting, let me see if it's true or not."

Hey, his body disappeared, and he appeared in front of Kaido in an instant, and Xiao En's right foot was glowing with golden light.

"Have you been kicked by the light?"

With the soft whisper, Kaido's tall body was instantly kicked into the air by Sean.

"This is not over yet."

Perceiving Kaido's slow response, the golden light flashed, and Sean once again caught up with Kaido who was kicked into the air.

"The speed of light kicks the lion's blast."

The golden light shone, and Sean's figure appeared under Kaido, whose back was facing the sea.

Shoo, the wind howled, golden light bloomed, Kaido's body was kicked up by Sean.

The light flashed nine times in a row, and Sean’s huge body was kicked into the sky by Sean, and with the tenth flash of light, Sean appeared above Kaido.

"It looks like you are really a fake."

Boom, the accumulated power exploded, and along with the swaying clouds, Kaido's body rubbed against the air violently like a howling cannonball, bringing out a fiery flame, and slamming into the sea fiercely.

Boom, huge waves bloomed, and thick water mist filled the sea. Kaido's figure sank into the sea and disappeared. As the waves subsided, a series of cooked marine fish emerged from the water.

In the observation room of the giant snail houseboat, a giant light curtain exudes a faint light. The scene inside is a scene of Sean and Kaido fighting, and Vinsmok Milburn, who was originally in the laboratory, does not know when he will appear. Here it is.

"Natural type·Sparkling Fruit Ability, really powerful ability, it hasn't appeared for almost 200 years."

Looking through the light curtain, watching Sean easily kick Kaido into the sea, there was a hint of eagerness in Milburn's eyes. It might be a good choice for such a rare Devil Fruit Ability person to study it.

"Is the data collected yet?"

Pushing his rimless glasses, Milburn asked.

"No, it's only 60% at the moment."

The mechanical voice sounded, answering Milburn's question.

"Start data transmission. If this continues, our weapons will really be broken."

The eagerness in his eyes was concealed, and Milburn gave the order.

"Yes, start data transmission now, bee, data transmission is complete."

At the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the dark seabed, two points of scarlet suddenly lit up.

"A bit disappointed, is this the product of the Troll God plan of the Vinsmok family?"

Thinking of the top-secret document he had seen before, Sean frowned. This guy who looks like Kaido is indeed very powerful. Although it is not as good as the real Kaido, it definitely has the level of a general candidate. His reaction is really too slow, it is just a target to resist hitting him with such a fast speed of the same level.

"Forget it, let's stop here."

Seeing the giant snail houseboat, Sean was about to turn around and leave. He didn't believe that Germa 66, a dominant force, was only of this level. As for Vinsmok Hall and Bill at this moment, he did not rely on it anymore. Then, through the previous match, they have already understood that the two of them together will not be Sean's opponent. As a reformer, they will not be swayed by boring emotions.

But at this moment, the waves broke open and Kaido's figure appeared again.


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