Greenfield City, Lord's Mansion, Study Room.

At dusk, the slightly reddish sunlight shone into the study through the half-open window, and fell on Sean behind the desk, adding a bit of mystery to Sean.

"The charm rule, or the charm rule, is really unexpectedly powerful."

Opening the palm of his hand, looking at the palm of his right hand, Xiao En let out a sigh. At this moment, his palm had lost the color it should have, and turned into a grayish white, like a stone.

In the spirit world, although Sean and the woman in white appeared to have a peaceful exchange, and soon reached an agreement, they actually had a silent contest with each other, namely the soul and the rules. In the realm, in the soul, Sean suppressed the white-clothed woman, but in the contest of rules, the spatial rules that Sean mastered were not as good as the other’s charm rules, and the final result was that the two sides reached a silent understanding, the white-clothed woman Allowing Sean to use the dead flower, Sean promised not to disturb the sleep of the woman in white. As for the petrification in the palm of the palm, it is the trace of the charm rule on Sean.

"One black and one white, born together with the stems, coupled with the aura that is somewhat abrupt with the spirit world, is she really an ancestor of good and evil, and like the nightmare, a creature that spoils the world?"

The thoughts turned, the breath of life was fundamentally changed, and the golden flames slowly rose in the palm of Sean's hand.

The power of the light bloomed, pure and unabashedly domineering, and the traces of the charm rules on Sean began to slowly melt away.

"My analysis of space rules is still too slow."

After releasing the mimicry of life, looking at his palms that had returned to normal, Sean sighed again. Of course, he also knew that under normal circumstances, his analysis of spatial rules was not only slow, but unexpectedly fast. , After all, among the many rules, the space rules are also very difficult to master. It can only be said that he has an extraordinary talent in this respect.

"The rules of space are not in a hurry for the time being, but with the two life mimicry of the Son of the Sun and the Emerald Dragon, I may be able to put the analysis of other rules on the agenda, such as the rules of life."

His eyes flickered, suppressing the momentary restlessness in his heart, and Xiao En began to make certain plans for the future direction.

The reason why Sean worked so hard to create a witchcraft like life mimicry is not only because it can improve his strength in a short time, but also because he is fundamentally transformed into a legendary creature like the Son of the Sun, flowing inside him. His blood has also become the blood of rules. Under such a posture, the power of the previously elusive rules will become traceable. Coupled with his tyrannical soul power and unique Xinghaiming thoughts, these rules are To a certain extent, power is clearly visible to him. In this way, Sean is completely capable of completing the analysis of the power of rules more safely and effectively.

And just as Sean was thinking about all the possibilities, there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

Condensing the thoughts in his heart, Xiao En cast his gaze to the door.

The study room opened, and under the dim sunlight, the thin figure of the snake Snow walked in.


Walking to Sean, Snow bowed and saluted.

"Sit down, Snow."

Looking at Snow, who was wearing a white coat as always, Sean stretched out his hand.

Hearing this, Snow was not polite, and sat down directly in front of Sean.

"Count, is there anything important for you to find me this time?"

After receiving notice from Sean, he just rushed over from the laboratory. Looking at Sean, Snow directly asked what he cared about the most.

"Snow, don't worry, drink a cup of tea first. It seems that you are not doing well during this time."

The legendary life energy of Tier 5 is very vigorous, but now Sean can see the fatigue visible to the naked eye on Snow's body, and there are even obvious dark circles in his eyes, and I don't know how long it has been.

Hearing the words, and taking a look at Sean, Snow took a sip from the teacup, soothing his mood.

During this period of time, he did not have a very good time. First of all, although the zombie farm has stabilized, the zombies produced can be effectively competent both in combat and production, but that is it, except for tyrants, rogues, and controllers. In addition to the three variants, no new variants have appeared in the zombie group for such a long time. The strongest are these three extraordinary variants comparable to Tier 4, as if this were the limit.

In addition to the zombie farm, Snow himself has also fallen into a bottleneck. Because of the integration of the black light virus and mastering the unique power called Kazue, Snow has embarked on an unprecedented road, and now he is on this road. Nuo has lost the direction to move on. In fact, this is a process that is almost inevitable to embark on a new and extraordinary road. If you can survive it, you will have a new sky.

"Count, do you think I should change to a stronger body, or continue on the existing path?"

Putting down the tea cup in his hand and looking at Sean, Snow asked such words. In fact, he seemed to be asking Sean when he was actually asking himself.

Hearing this, Sean did not answer, and silently added a new cup of tea to Snow's teacup.

"Count, if I change my body, I might be able to achieve Tier 6 soon, but it is estimated that I will be Tier 6 in this life, and I will never be able to surpass my previous achievements."

He picked up the teacup again, then put it down again, looking at Sean. Snow told his true inner thoughts. He had nothing to hide in front of Sean.

Before encountering Sean, Snow or Pale Nightmare’s peak period was when he eroded a blood wizard at the sixth-order peak, or eroded a near-god, but to be precise, he was not true. Success, he and the blood wizard can only be regarded as losing both sides, but in the end the blood wizard completely died, and he survived by relying on his own special essence.

And now if he walks back on this old road, with the help of Sean, Snow is absolutely capable of corroding a Tier 6 title, but this is the limit. This is where his racial restriction lies, and he wants to break through the fundamentals of Tier 7 impossible.

"Didn't you have made your choice?"

Picking up the tea cup and looking at the rare confusion on Snow's face, Sean spoke.

"Although the second road is currently in trouble, it is not really cut off. You are just missing a breakthrough direction."

Taking a sip of tea, Xiao En's face showed a gentle smile.

"I have a peculiar world coordinate here. They have a unique and extraordinary power called Nianli, which may bring you new inspiration."

Looking directly at Snow, Sean offered a plan.

Hearing this, Snow's pale face showed a hint of surprise. Although he had been immersed in his laboratory for a long time, Snow still knew something about Greenfield City, including what Shaun had mastered. Several different worlds, and now that Sean gave such a plan, it was obvious that he had considered it a long time ago.

"Thank you for your kindness, count."

Standing up, Snow solemnly expressed his gratitude to Sean.

"You and I are one body. You don’t have to be like this. Besides, I have another piece of good news to tell you. This time I found a force composed of nightmares in the spirit world. Quite a few, the strength is also extraordinary, at least there is a sixth-order existence."

Sean's low voice sounded, and Snow's pale face showed uncontrollable surprise when he heard these words.

Snow knew for a long time that he was not the only one in this world, he even encountered and swallowed a blue nightmare, but other than that, he hadn't found any other nightmare after so long. Traces, and now from Xiao En's mouth, he actually heard that there was a force composed of nightmares in the spirit world, which was beyond his expectation.

His expression changed, with surprises, fierceness, and hesitation. Looking at Snow whose expression was constantly changing, Sean did not speak in a hurry, took a sip of tea, and waited silently.

Phew, time passed, and it took about a quarter of an hour before Snow's expression became soothed again.

"Think about it?"

Looking at Snow like this, Sean asked, and when he heard this, Snow nodded calmly.

"Think about it, count, I want to go and take a look at that peculiar world first."

Hearing this, Sean nodded, and as expected, Snow chose the second path in the end.

In fact, it is more appropriate for Snow to choose the first path from a rational point of view, because he has the unique talent of cannibalism. If he can swallow all the nightmares in the spirit world, he may not be unable to. It is possible to break the race's restriction and get promoted to the seventh rank. After all, in the rumors, the Demon Nightmare family seems to have appeared in the seventh rank.

Of course, this road is not easy to take. Once he walks on this road, Snow will become a mortal enemy with other nightmares, and his talent for cannibalism may not be able to support him to take the final step, but in any case this After all, there is a little hope in the road.

However, in this situation, Snow finally chose the second path, because this path was his own path. If he could continue to walk, perhaps he could become a different nightmare. Breaking the race restriction in an alternative way And even if you take the second path, you don't have to give up on the first path, just adjust the priority.

"You can deal with the beginning and the end. After you deal with it, I will send you to that world."

Now that Snow had made a choice himself, Sean would naturally not object.

Hearing this, Snow nodded. Now the zombie maze he controls has become an important module for the development of Greenfield City. It involves many aspects, especially in terms of outward development. The zombie troops under his are the main force. It has improved the development efficiency of Green Field City, and also reduced the loss of Green Field City. Under such circumstances, if he wants to leave for a short period of time, he does need to make arrangements in advance. Fortunately, he has cultivated since this time. A few good assistants.

"I hope you can gain something."

Seeing Snow leaving behind, Sean whispered a word, and at the same time, the scene of using Xinghaiming's idea to show appeared in his mind. In the **** flames, countless dark and distorted emptiness The shadow emerges like a devil coming from **** to the world.


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