Phew, the space storm is sweeping through the void wantonly. With the advent of the Great Tribulation of the Era, everything in the world of the sun **** ushered in destruction, first the small thousand world, then the middle thousand world, and finally the big thousand world, one after another A world is disintegrating in the void, like dying fireworks, everything returns from nothing, back to chaos.

It's not black or white, chaos and chaos. In the dimness, the dim light radiates. The temples, the wheel of liberation, the boat of good fortune, and the bridge on the other shore are divided into four places, creating a chaos A relatively safe area, and in this area, the branches and leaves of the devil fruit spread, and they continue to grow.

The Great Tribulation of the Era is a disaster, and it is destruction to belong to the chaos, but after the destruction, there is a new life. There is good fortune in the new life. Only by taking advantage of the opportunities in the chaos, the Devil Fruit Tree can truly be promoted to the seventh rank. In fact, at this moment, it is not only a demon. Fruit trees, in this boundless chaos, there are still two vast air masses, constantly devouring the good fortune in the chaos, they are respectively a nine-hole divine stone and an undead bird egg.

Of course, the phoenix eggs made by the Nine Aperture God Stone and Semiya can resist the erosion of chaos and turn catastrophes into opportunities, except for their own high enough essence, more or less a seventh-order essence. , It’s more because Sean gave them special care. In fact, if Sean hadn’t opened the door for them after suppressing the world consciousness, they would have been swallowed by the chaos in the chaos, after all. This kind of power can be consumed by even the real seventh-order.

Standing under the devil fruit tree, playing with the jade plate of the Great Dao in his hand, Sean watched the destruction of the world and the evolution of chaos, although the epoch catastrophe of the world of the sun **** is not actually the end of the epoch, because the world consciousness has already A little separation of essence and appearance is completed, only appearance is destroyed, and essence remains unchanged, but as long as the knowledge contained in it can be understood, it can still greatly increase Sean's accumulation.

After observing and branding the many laws of the world of the Sun God, the original Rank 8 Wisdom Gu was naturally promoted to Rank 9 and reached the level of Rank 7, and the so-called Dao Jade Plate is actually just an empty shell, just a relative. Compared with Gu worms in the traditional sense, Rank Nine Wisdom Gu already possesses the characteristics of some strange things, and does not need to be fed or immortal yuan to still be able to exert some of its power.

With the halo of wisdom circulating, the seed of rules located in the depths of Sean’s sea of ​​consciousness began to quietly change. The first is the rule of death. Although the rule of death is the power of the rule that Sean first analyzed, the analysis progress is far behind. The rules of space and the rules of life have not reached 10% so far, condensing the seeds of rules.

With the arrival of the Great Tribulation of the Era, the world of the Sun God, whether it is intelligent life or non-living matter, including the world, has ushered in death. At this moment, the secrets of the death rule have quietly surfaced.

Although theoretically it is possible that the king of artifacts can protect some human races through the Great Tribulation of the Era, it is actually impossible, because the king of artifacts in the world of the sun **** has a big feature, that is, his strength is often determined by him. For the person who controls him, the stronger the person who controls him, the stronger the power that can be exerted.

If you want to rely on the protection of the king of artifacts to survive the tribulation of the era, even those ancient sun gods can't do it, otherwise the ancient sun gods who have the king of artifacts such as Changsheng the Great and Good Fortune Taoist will not die, maybe only Hong It is possible for Yi, the strongest talent in countless epochs, to do such a thing, because to some extent he has surpassed the seventh level and possesses some of the characteristics of the eighth level. The most obvious point is that his life span exceeds ten. The limit of 29,800 years, but it is a pity that He is already dead.

With the blessing of Rank Nine Wisdom Gu, the secrets of death began to emerge in Xiao En's heart. During this process, the resolution of the death rule continued to rise, and the rule seed instantly condensed.

After death is space. Although the destruction of the world is a manifestation of death, it is also a change in space. After space is life, after death is rebirth, but it is hidden and not emitted, and this happens to be something that Sean cannot observe normally. one side.

I don’t know years in the chaos, and years have passed invisibly. After realizing that it is difficult to make progress in a short period of time, Xiao En stopped to analyze the rules, and at this time, his analysis of the rules of death, space, and life reached 100%. At fifty, that is to say, Sean is already a median titled sorcerer. Besides, his analysis of the three rules of flame, light and illusion has also reached 2% unknowingly. ten.

"At this point, it is already at the limit. It may not be a good thing to continue, and the transformation of the devil fruit tree is almost complete."

The halo of wisdom dissipated, perceiving the hugely changing demon fruit tree, and Xiao En's face showed a look of expectation.

Rooted in chaos, grows savagely, without any restraint. Over the years, the devil fruit tree has become a giant. Its canopy has spread out in the chaos for so many miles, without seeing the boundary, standing under the tree, Sean is just like the same The particles of dust are so small.

Of course, the change in body shape is the second thing. What really moved Sean was that a small but extremely high power was actually born in the body of the Devil Fruit Tree.

Phew, the chaotic storm blows, and it's another five years in the blink of an eye.

Rumble, chaos and tumbling, making waves in the boundless emptiness, breeding all kinds of terrifying visions ~ ~ The promotion of the devil fruit tree has begun.

First, it swallowed the sacred tree in the world of Naruto, bred a trace of the seventh-order essence, and then got a part of its origin from the seventh-order golden apple tree, and finally took the opportunity to reopen the world in the world of the sun god, and the devil fruit tree finally left. At this point.

The branches and leaves spread, open the world, the roots spread, rooted in chaos, and the chaotic atmosphere formed a huge vortex around the devil fruit tree, sweeping the surroundings.

The sacred breath is permeated, and the essence of transcending the mundane begins to be born. That is to say, at this time, all the devil fruits below the sixth order, whether they are eaten or not, have quietly undergone some changes. Their upper limit is at Unknowingly, they quietly promoted the first rank, the third rank changed to the fourth rank, the fourth rank changed to the fifth rank, and the fifth rank changed to the sixth rank. This was the feedback brought to them after the Devil Fruit Tree was promoted to the seventh rank.

Of course, in this process, Tier 6 is already the limit, and the Devil Fruit that originally reached Tier 6 did not reach Tier 7 further.

In addition, as the cornerstone of Shaun's witchcraft, Devil Fruit Tree's promotion to the seventh rank brought great feedback to Shaun.


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