Obscurely, under the cover of the Infinite Gate, Xiao En's soul quietly reincarnated into a big world.

Gu world, here is the world of cultivating gu, using gu, and refining gu. Gu is the source of all extraordinary powers, and extraordinary people who have mastered the power of gu worms are called Gu masters.

There are many kinds of Gu worms, including Flying Sword Gu, which is good at killing, flower sac Gu, which is used for life, and Baolian Gu, which can produce primordial stone. There are countless, but these Gu worms can be divided into one to nine Turn, and the corresponding Gu master is also divided into nine ranks, among which ranks above the sixth rank are called Gu Immortals, comparable to the sixth-order transcendents of the Liberal World, and are not the same as ordinary ones, while the nine ranks are called immortals. Zun and Demon Zun are comparable to the seventh rank of the Boya World.

The Gu world is a typical plane world. The sky is round and the main material world is divided into five major regions, namely the Southern Wilderness, the Northern Plains, the West Desert, the East China Sea and the Zhongzhou.

There are invisible barriers between the five domains, and even Gu Immortal can hardly cross it in normal times. Among the five domains, in terms of strength and foundation, Zhongzhou is the well-deserved number one.

Zhongzhou is prosperous, there are heavens to suppress the world, and ten immortals to take care of the mundane. It is really a paradise.

Yuan Lian Sect, one of the top ten schools in Zhongzhou, whose ancestor is Yuan Lian Immortal Venerable, with extraordinary background and one of the top ten schools. On this day, a wandering orphan was taken by a Gu Immortal of Yuan Lian Sect. Back to the mountain gate, and accepted as an apprentice, the orphan's name is Xiao En, and he is eight years old this year.

"This Shiyuan Lotus Immortal Venerable has long since died, the Juyang Immortal Venerable has also disappeared, and the new Venerable has not yet appeared."

Sitting alone on the stone platform in the back mountain, Xiao En's immature little face showed a thoughtful expression.

Although the Rank 9 Gu Masters in Gu World have a long lifespan, they will also die, but the methods of these Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables are extraordinary. They die and are not stiff. They have left behind, waiting for the opportunity to return.

"Fortunately, the Fate Gu in the Heavenly Court has been injured by the Red Lotus Demon Venerable, otherwise the time for me to wake up my will will be delayed."

Thinking of Heavenly Court, Sean sighed.

Heavenly Court is the human race or the world’s top power. It is a veritable behemoth. No power can match it. It has stood for more than 2 million years since its inception. The main heavenly court became the fairy king of the heavenly court, which further increased the background of the heavenly court. Until now, no one knows how strong it is.

Fate Gu is a rare rank nine worm in the world. As its name suggests, it weaves the destiny of all beings in the world, while creatures reincarnated from outside the sky like Xiao En are called demon outside the sky. Once discovered, Will be killed by the Heavenly Court, because their fate is not in the control of Fate Gu.

Sean can appear under the eyes of the heavens, and even worship the Yuan Lian Sect. One is because the Rank Nine Gu worm Fate Gu has been injured by the Red Lotus Demon Sovereign, and his perception of the demon outside the sky has declined, and the other is because His own heels and feet have the power of the door to close together.

"Yuan Lian Immortal Venerable is a Rank Nine Gu Immortal who became a Venerable Wood Dao. The Yuan Lian Sect is her orthodoxy, which is just right for me now. If I can study Wood Dao to a very thorough level, the ontological alienation crisis It should be easily resolved."

The thoughts in his heart rolled, revealing a trace of depression, and Xiao En walked to the school like a playful child. To become a qualified Gu Master, reading is an indispensable process.

Gu worms pay attention to raising, using, and refining. Every step of this is a question of the university, enough for Gu masters to spend a lot of time studying. Of course, the raising is mainly the collection of resources, and the use mainly depends on the inheritance and the Gu master’s own wisdom. Refining is a process that every Gu master has a headache.

Refining Gu includes ascending refining, leveling refining, combined refining, and descending refining. Ascending refining is to turn a rank 1 gu worm into a rank 2 gu worm, while smooth refining is to turn ordinary quality gu worms into good quality gu worms. Synthetic refining uses multiple types of gu worms to make another type of gu worm, while lowering refining is to return a high-ranking gu worm to its previous appearance. Among these different refining methods, there is a common one. The rule is that there is no regret in refining Gu. Once the refining of Gu fails, the hard-accumulated materials will disappear without a trace. If you want to refining Gu, you have to start again, and for most Gu masters, their refining success is successful. The probabilities are quite touching.

"Human is the spirit of heaven and earth, Gu is the true essence of heaven and earth."

Sitting in the wide bamboo house, Xiao En sat with a group of small carrot heads and began to take his first Gu Master class in this world.

Shaking his head and shaking his head, Xiao En listened intently, but in his heart he knew clearly that in this world Gu is indeed the true spirit of heaven and earth, but human beings are not the spirit of heaven and earth, at least not in the beginning.

In the distant ancient ages, the human race was actually not strong, and the human races that were suppressed by the great alien races could not breathe, but later the human race Gu Immortal was promoted to Rank 9 and achieved the position of the immortal, which established the dominance of the human race.

Later, the immortal human beings used their own consciousness and world consciousness to distorted the will of heaven with the will of the human, and then there is the saying that man is the spirit of heaven and earth. They are demons, they all have a common identity, that is Human Race, but none of the innately powerful alien races has become the Nine Ranks in such a long period of time, as if God abandoned them and loves the Human Race alone. From this perspective There is nothing wrong with saying that man is the spirit of heaven and earth.

Time passed, ten years in a flash, and Sean grew from an eight-year-old kid to a handsome boy.

"Senior Brother Xiao En."

"Hello brother."

Driving a crane back from the mountain gate and seeing Xiao En, the past disciples saluted hello, and Xiao En also smiled and responded one by one, without the slightest arrogance. Ten years later, Xiao En is now Yuan. The leader of the Lianpai generation, the so-called big brother, is well-known throughout Zhongzhou.

"Teacher, I'm back."

Stepping into a cloud-shrouded mountain and walking into a simple bamboo house, Xiao En saw his teacher in this life, Rank Six Gu Immortal Wood Chunzi.

"You are back, boy."

Perceiving the arrival of Sean, an old man with a crane-haired childlike face and a childlike skin opened his eyes, but although the old man behaved normally, Sean still felt a trace of lingering corruption from his body.

"Teacher you..."

Looking at the old man, Xiao En’s brows frowned, and there was some worry in his words. Although he was reincarnated, Mu Chunzi not only brought him into the Yuanlian Sect, but also raised him from childhood. For this Rank 6 Gu Immortal , Sean is still in good faith.

In fact, when he received Mu Chunzi's eager transmission of a letter before, urging him to return to the Yuan Lian Sect, he already had an unknown premonition in his heart, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

Hearing this, Mu Chunzi smiled when he saw this kind of Sean.

"You should have been in the sixth rank, right? When I brought you back, I knew that you were exceptionally talented. I didn't expect you to be able to do this."

Looking at Xiao En, Mu Chunzi smiled happily, her face full of pride and relief.

"So I'm relieved, you didn't feel wrong, I'm dying."

Speaking of death, Mu Chunzi seemed quite calm.

Hearing this, Sean was silent.

The world of Gu is very peculiar. Ordinary Gu Masters cannot extend their life even if they break through their realm. They can only rely on Longevity Gu to renew their lives. After ascending to the immortal, Gu Immortal evolves his orifice into a blessed world~www.wuxiaspot.com~life. With essential changes, coupled with various means of extending life, their lifespan will become extraordinarily long, even surpassing the sixth-order wizards of the Liberal World, but few Gu Immortals can live to the end of their lives, because the blessed land has disasters, There is a disaster in the cave.

For Gu Immortal, this kind of calamity is good fortune. It can greatly increase strength. It can only be a disaster. Death and death are just common. But the calamity of Fudi Dongtian is feared by many Gu Immortals because of it. Not only is there no limit on the number of times, there will be one every certain period of time, and the power will become stronger and stronger, until the dead.

Obviously, Mu Chunzi's injury was caused by the disaster of the blessed land, which is the so-called Dao injury, and it has been wounded to the root, and it is difficult to heal. The reason why he can persist until now is only because he used some means to forcibly prolong himself. The lifespan is to be able to see Sean before he dies.

"I've lived long enough, and it's worth my whole life to see you ascend to the immortal before I die."

Seeing the silent Sean, Mu Chunzi's smile remained unchanged.

Hearing this, Sean continued to remain silent.


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