In the East China Sea, over the cloudy and windy seas, the stars are woven into clouds. A negotiation is quietly unfolding here. The two sides are Sean and the eighteen immortal zombies present in the East China Sea Zombie League.

Of course, the East China Sea Zombie League mainly talked about the two eighth-turned immortal zombies, the old black wind and the old green fire ghost, and the others listened more silently.

"Pavilion Master of Star Gazing, I don't know what price we need to pay in exchange for your method to reincarnate the immortal zombie from death."

Sitting opposite to Xiao En, looking at Xiao En, the old man Heifeng did not hide his intentions, because he couldn't hide it at all.

Hearing this, he glanced at the old man Heifeng and the old green fire ghost next to him, and Xiao En's mouth showed a slight sarcasm.

"You should have guessed that the reason why I was able to convert Immortal Zombie into Gu Immortal relied on my exclusive killer move. Even if I told you the relevant inheritance, you would not be able to succeed without the cooperation of Immortal Gu."

Hearing that, although he had some guesses in his heart, the corners of the old man Heifeng's eyes still couldn't help but twitch. Although the same killer move, after continuous improvement, it is possible to use different Immortal Gus, but this is an unknown number. , It may or may not work, he understands that things are still going in the direction he does not want to see after all. Although they have just checked carefully and confirmed that Shi Zhongyu's condition is normal, who would dare to bet again? Who can be sure that Sean didn't leave any secret backhands in it. Once Sean is allowed to use such a method on his body, will his future life be completely in the hands of Sean?

"Then whether you can trade the related inheritance and immortal gu to us, we will pay the price to satisfy you."

With words, there was a cold light in his eyes, and the old man Heifeng looked directly at Xiao En’s eyes. At this moment, the aura of the eighteen immortal zombies present in the East China Sea Zombie League faintly became a piece of information. Now that he has seen hope, They are naturally unwilling to give up, even if they fight for one, they will not hesitate.

Feeling such pressure, Sean's expression is still calm.

"If you can take out the Rank 9 Immortal Gu or Immortal Venerable Inheritance, then I can't think about it. If not, then I'm sorry. Of course, if you want to grab it, I can also accompany you."

The voice went from sloppy to cold, and as Xiao En's words fell, the rich stars flowed out from the star-gazing pavilion.

Feeling the faint power emanating from the Rank 8 Immortal Gu House in the Star Gazing Pavilion, and knowing Sean's persistence and fearlessness, although Hei Feng was unwilling to do so, he still slowly condensed his aura.

Although he wanted to kill Sean very much and directly take the means to get out of the immortal state from Sean’s hands, it was simply unrealistic. There is a high probability that what he gets is incomplete, and neither he nor the deadlock behind him can't bet on it.

"What are your conditions?"

Abandoning the illusion that he shouldn't have, the old man Heifeng's expression became solemn, and the other immortals also raised their spirits at this moment.

"My condition is very simple. The Stargazing Pavilion is created and requires manpower. You only need to do two things, and I can help you come back from the dead. One is that you need to join the Stargazing Pavilion, and the other is that you need to surrender your own. inherited."

His eyes were swept across the face of the immortal stiff present one by one, and Xiao En said his conditions.

Hearing this, the immortals reacted differently. Some were angry, some hesitated, and some were thoughtful. In fact, they were not disgusted with joining the Stargazing Pavilion. After all, the strength that Sean had shown before was indeed not weak, and there was also Rank 8 Immortal Gu House, it’s good to join such a force. What really makes them hesitate is the second condition. For a Gu Immortal, his inheritance is very private, and it involves his most fundamental secrets. , Once it falls into the hands of other people, it is likely that others will find his flaws in his inheritance, which is unacceptable for the immortals.

"There is no problem in joining the Star Pavilion, and there is no problem in handing over your inheritance, but can you make a contract with us to ensure the trust of both parties."

Just when the negotiations were at a deadlock, the old green fire ghost, who had been silent, spoke up.

Hearing this, he took a deep look at the old green fire ghost, and Sean nodded and agreed. In fact, the biggest contradiction in this negotiation is that it is difficult to believe that Sean will not leave behind them. , Do not desperately squeeze them.

"There is no problem in entering into a contract. This is good for both of us, but I want to declare in advance that although I can use killer moves to help you get rid of the immortal zombies, it can also make you become immortal zombies again."

Without deliberately concealing it, Sean spoke about his constraints on them. Upon hearing this, some looked ugly, and some others took a sigh of relief. Although the feeling of being strangled by someone is uncomfortable, it is not completely. Unacceptable, and in a way, this is also proof that Sean really wants them to join the Stargazing Pavilion.

"Well, in that case, let's make a contract."

With words, a golden gu worm with a round belly and a small body that resembled a ladybug appeared in the hands of the old green fire ghost. This is the eighth-ranked channel worm daughter gu.

As the so-called Yi Nuo Qian Jin, as a channel worm, Qian Jin Gu’s basic ability is to engrave the promise. Once the promise party breaks his promise, he will lose two-thirds of his wealth. This includes not only what he has in the blessed land. Resources, immortal Gu, and even his memory, life span and other non-ordinary wealth, in fact, this part is the most difficult place for Gu Immortal to avoid, and it is also the most unbearable place for Gu Immortal.

With the existence of Qianjin Gu, after careful discussion, they confirmed each other's responsibilities and obligations, and Xiao En and the immortal zombies of Zombie Alliance made their own promises.

After the contract is concluded, the Qianjin Gu directly dissipates in the void. Unlike ordinary immortal Gus, Qianjin Gu is a consumption-type Gu worm. It only engraves the promise once in a lifetime, and it will disappear after the engraving, but it is precisely because of this. Its effectiveness is very powerful. Unless the promise itself has loopholes, its effect is basically impossible to be lifted. At least it hasn't appeared in the history of Gu World. This is also the most valuable part of Yinuoqianjin.

"Green Fire, this time you contributed a Thousand Gold Gu, even if you contribute 100,000 points, after you have all the materials, I can help you refine an Immortal Gu."

Seeing the immortal zombies with different expressions, Sean gave such a promise. In order to increase his authority, Sean also revealed his identity as the great master of Dao. It is precisely because of this that this contract was made. It will be so smooth. Although it is said that Green Fire took the initiative to take out this time, it is also to ensure his own interests, but now that he has become a sect, as the sect master, Sean will naturally take a corresponding attitude. At least let these newly joined immortals understand that he is a person who distinguishes rewards and punishments.

Hearing this, his expression moved slightly, and Green Fire saluted Xiao En.

"Thank you, the master."

The words are sincere and the attitude is humble. Although most of them are superficial skills, Green Fire has indeed set its own position at this moment.

Seeing such a scene, the other immortal zombies, including the old man in Black Wind, looked a little complicated, and they didn't expect that they should have changed the door before they knew it.

Of course Although the mood is complicated and difficult to tell, they still got up and bowed to Sean one after another.

"Subordinates pay homage to the sect master."

The movements are not neat, and the sound is not loud enough, but this scene is worth remembering. From this moment on, the stargazing pavilion, which was originally a lonely family, has become a three-digit eight-revolution, four-digit seven-revolution, and twelve-digit six. The powerful martial art that turns.

Although there are only 19 people in the Star Gazing Pavilion, including the sect master, per capita Gu Immortal, looking at the East China Sea and even the Five Regions, are top powers, and the Immortal Zombie of the East China Sea Zombie League is not affected by other Gu Immortals. To be seen, but in the end, it is also a big power, and there is a lot of background left behind. After digesting these, the power of the Star Gazing Pavilion will inevitably rise to a higher level to make up for the insufficiency of the underlying structure.

Moreover, the immortal zombies of the East China Sea Zombie League are not limited to the 18 members of the headquarters. Some of them may travel outside or guard resource points. With the previous 18 immortal zombies as an example, these immortal zombies will be included in the Star Pavilion. The question of time, even if a small number of people are unwilling to join, will not affect the overall situation. At that time, the Star Pavilion may be able to compete for the name of the largest power in the East China Sea.


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