The starry sky is vast and boundless, time seems to have lost its meaning here, and the sight is full of uniform desolation.

The sacred brilliance shone in the darkness, and it was fleeting. Following the line of cause and effect in the dark, Sieggel crossed the seemingly boundless starry sky and came to a strange place.

"It should be here."

Standing in the void, holding a piece of gold on the outside and silver inside, engraved with ancient patterns, shaped like a wine glass, with divine radiance flowing in the emerald green pupils, Sieggel was looking for something.

"Yes, it's here."

The brilliance in his eyes skyrocketed. With the help of cause and effect, Sieggel found what he was looking for. It was an island floating in the void. The island was full of grotesque rocks, some like monsters, some like stone forests. , But there is no real grass and wood. The main colors are gray and black, occasionally dotted with gold and silver. In the center of the island is a huge mountain range, which runs across things like a giant lying on its side, revealing an oppressive atmosphere. .

"Although it is different from what was expected, this place should be the legendary strange land Treasure Island."

Looking closely, Sieggel's eyes flashed curiously.

After fulfilling his agreement, he successfully got the wine glass of the beacon immortal leading to Treasure Island, and after dealing with the mess left by Ymir with the help of the startless clock, he handed over the finishing work to Yulin· Borges, he began to actively search for the location of Treasure Island with the help of the natural connection between the beacon and Treasure Island.

Originally, the Treasure Island at this time has not yet been born, even if they hold a beacon, the transcendent cannot lock the position of the Treasure Island, but with the help of the cause and effect between the beacon and the Treasure Island, follow the line of cause and effect. After all, Sieggel successfully found Treasure Island ahead of schedule.

"But although I found it, it's not easy to get in."

When the emptiness was explored, the environment in which Treasure Island was located was naturally exposed to Sieggel's eyes.

At this time, the Treasure Island is staying in a space-time interlayer, and its surroundings are constantly changing space-time tides. In this case, even the existence of the seventh order wants to pull it out of the space-time interlayer. Or it’s not easy to get into it through the tides of time and space. If you accidentally get lost in it, you will never get out.

"Forget it, try it. You can't just go back empty-handed, and there is a line of cause and effect. I don't have to worry about getting lost in the chaotic time and space."

Playing with the wine glass of the Immortal as a beacon in his hand, Sieggel's thoughts kept turning. Under normal circumstances, he should wait for the Treasure Island to be born and leave the space-time interlayer by himself before using the beacon to enter it, but he knew clearly He is not the only one who owns the beacon. When he waits until that time, he will face competition.

Perceiving carefully, when the tide of the sky fell from a new round of peaks, the radiance of Sieggel's body bloomed, and the emerald golden light lit up the void, converging into a bridge to suppress the tide of time and space for an instant.

The figure dissipated, seizing the opportunity, Sieggel entered the tide of time and space.


The capital of Surtilt, Karpas, the old king died, and the new king ascended to the throne. After a brief period of chaos, peace was restored here, at least on the surface.

Yege, the place where the king handles government affairs daily. The original owner here was Ebohard Bansaien, but now it has been replaced by Amir Bansaien.

Wearing luxurious and complicated costumes and looking down, Amir watched attentively at the intelligence department's summary of the current situation in all parts of the kingdom. Even if he was just sitting, Amir was also filled with a heavy pressure. The majesty of the king.

With the guidance of destiny, when he was still in the Seventh Princess, Amir secretly mastered a part of the kingdom's intelligence department. After being crowned as king, Amir used this as a springboard to quickly integrate the kingdom's intelligence department and integrate the intelligence department. His core strength is in his own hands.

"Your Majesty."

As the stars gathered, Rose Tudan, the great palace wizard and the hidden rose leader of the newly established spellcaster department of the Kingdom of Sutilt, quietly appeared in front of Amir.


Seeing Ross Tudan, Amir finally showed a smile on his cold face.

"Your Majesty, I have talked with the old guys in the five great earl families. With the Montell family taking the lead, they are all willing to offer you allegiance."

"Secondly, the Church of Dawn and the Church of Storms also sent a message to the outside world, recognizing your rule over the Kingdom of Surtilt."

Lowering his gaze, Rose Tudan reported to Amir the results of his work during this period.

Hearing this, the smile at the corner of Amir's mouth narrowed and returned to a cold look.

"They don't identify with me, but with the crown of Julen Borges behind me."

A trace of coldness crossed the broken golden pupils. Although she had ascended to the throne, Amir was not blinded by the victory in front of her. She saw the kingdom's current situation better than anyone else.

With the emergence of the seventh-tier asylum of Julen Borges, from the surface, the national power of the Kingdom of Suttilt has once again risen a step, and it has become the most dazzling existence among the countries, but in reality This is just cooking oil on fire, it looks like flowers are like brocades, and the undercurrents are already surging inside.

Originally, the kingdom had three rank six titled knights who belonged directly to the royal family. They were all members of the Bansian family, and they all had the blood of Iron Rose, but now they are all dead and become the old king of Ebohard. Break through the seventh-tier resources.

The most important thing is that in the previous divine battles, the iron rose blooming in the mythical arms inherited by the Ban Saen family was lost. This mythical weapon represents not only a kind of heritage, but also a symbol of the kings of the past.

Although these two things have not been exposed for the time being, they have already aroused some people's suspicion. It is only a matter of time when they are discovered. When the time comes, there will be the existence of Yulin Borges, and the apparent resistance may not be Yes, but there are definitely no less troubles in the dark, and even the authority of the royal family will be eroded. After all, even though Julien Borges is powerful, he is not Bensaen after all, and his level is too high, right. For the members of the Surtilt Kingdom, He is more often just a symbol and a guarantee.

"Your Majesty, after this contact, I discovered that Heston Montell, the Patriarch of the Montell family, has secretly completed the sixth-order breakthrough."

Seeing Amir who was lost in thought, Rose Tudan changed the subject.

Hearing this, Amir's face showed a hint of surprise.

"Is it so fast? Is it a gift from the father of oak?"

"Uncertain. In fact, it's not just Heston Montell. According to my observations and the intelligence department's summary, many members of the Montell family have experienced skyrocketing strength. In this regard, the Montell family has always been Cover it as much as possible."

"Compared to a simple gift, I think it is the second awakening of the blood of the Montell family."

With a little doubt in the voice, Rose Tudan uttered his guess.

Hearing this, Amir also fell into contemplation. The founder of the Montell family was just an ordinary sixth-order titled wizard. The bloodline left by this existence did not actually have much power. After all, the Montell family His ancestor was not a bloodline wizard, and now there is such an obvious abnormal situation. If the cause is really bloodline, then the most likely reason is that the blood source of the Montell family has a problem, and a stronger existence replaced the old ancestor.

"Do you suspect that the father of the oak has a close blood connection with the Montell family?"

With thoughts flickering in his mind, Amir thought of a certain possibility, although it might be unbelievable.

"It sounds weird, but this is indeed the most likely correct answer I can think of."

Raising his head and looking at Amir, Rose Tande whispered.

There was silent silence, and after a ridiculous answer was reached, the silence in the Yee Pavilion was restored again.

"Just keep your eyes on the matters of the Montell family. Don't pay attention to them for the time being. They are about to establish a duchy, even if their strength grows again, it will not affect the stability of the kingdom in a short time, not to mention that they are not enemies now."

"Now the hearts of the nobles in the kingdom are floating. Although the Church of Liming and Storms has recognized my rule over the kingdom, they have not relaxed in their control of faith, and they are even continuing to erode the authority belonging to the royal family. It was even more rampant for a while."

There was a hint of coldness in the cold voice, and when he said this, a sigh of grace that belonged to the king filled Amir's body.

"The Black Fire Church spans many countries. The one behind it is suspected to be a seventh-tier existence. It is enough to maintain the suppression on the surface for the time being. The main work is still assigned to the two major churches. The Joyful Church has connections with many nobles. The lines can be kept for the time being and pulled out together at an appropriate time. At that time, we may be able to take the opportunity to complete the further reform of the kingdom, and the Nemesis has been laid out for a long time, and it is time to close the net."

"I want to use the blood of a demigod to deter those mice in the dark, teacher, this matter will trouble you."

There was a little cold light in the broken golden eyes, and Amir made a decision.

"Follow your Majesty."

After bowing and bowing, Rose Tande accepted the task without any refusal. After the squandering of the old king Ebohard, the wealth of the royal family of Banshin was withered. At present, he is the only sixth Tier Amir can mobilize. Extraordinary.

Of course, after ascending to the throne, Amir has begun to concentrate the resources in his hands to cultivate a new sixth-tier, and there may be results in the near future, after all, she is a person loved by fate.

The Nemesis had set off a chaos on the border of the Kingdom of Sutilt before and almost killed Rostand, the former prince, with the dagger of the Avengers. It can be said that it is a good prey to build power.

"The destiny is stalwart, and now I am just a chaser, far from being a master."

Rose Tande's figure disappeared, sitting alone on the throne, his aura dissipated, thinking of the current situation, Amir let out a sigh, but such weakness only lasted for a while, and Amir recovered again. Belongs to the king's tolerance.


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