In the New World, the storm was raging. Although the king of the storm was defeated by Morrel in the previous fight, the aftermath of the storm that he set off still had a very large impact on the New World.

"Quickly, sound the alarm, a natural disaster-level storm swarm is approaching Monfitos."

An anxious voice sounded, a giant eagle with a wingspan of tens of meters and a body covered with pure blue feathers, surrounded by countless breeze, shuttled between the wind and waves.

With its wings closed, the storm eagle fell down on an orange cruiser, and then changed its shape. The eagle disappeared and was replaced by a young navy wearing a white coat of justice.

Hearing this, the other navies on the warship immediately took action, and in an instant, the shrill sirens quietly sounded in this sea area.

In recent times, the New World has been raging in storms, and there are often storms coming from the depths of the sea, trying to make landfall on the New World. According to the degree of danger of the storm, the Emerald Principality divides it into three levels, namely ordinary level, dangerous level and natural disaster level. .

Normal-level storms are the weakest. Even without strong intervention, ordinary people may be saved with the help of terrain and strong buildings. However, dangerous-level storms are different. Once a storm of this level makes landfall, it will destroy the city. Just waiting for a moment, ordinary people will die for ten years, and as for the natural disaster grade is no longer human-powered to contend, even if the legendary transcendent is drawn into it, it will undoubtedly die.

The rumbling, the sea rolling, deafening, dozens of storms gathered together, set off a huge tsunami approaching the new world at a terrifying speed, and everything passed was a scene of destruction, even a complete island would be in them. The power of the people turned into fans, and they didn't even have the qualification to let them stay for a while.

Memphitos, the second largest city in the Emerald Principality after the capital, Greenfield City. Due to natural disasters, the urban population of the Emerald Principality is increasing, and the land is polluted. With more and more cases, the total population of Memphis has exceeded three million, and it is a veritable big city.

Huh, the wind blows, uprooting the big tree, hiding in the room, looking at the scene outside the window, countless people are terrified, at this moment, the sky is gloomy, as if about to collapse, and on the distant sea, A black line has quietly risen.

"Damn it, depending on the situation, the scale of this storm will be larger than before. It is definitely a natural disaster. I don't know if the Navy of the Emerald Principality can stop it."

Inside a luxurious villa shrouded in energy light, looking out at the sea in the distance, a middle-aged man in a decent suit turned around anxiously, pacing back and forth.

"Master, do you want to talk to Mr. Mook? Didn't the Salvation Society say that an absolutely safe shelter has been built in the city?"

Seeing the man pacing back and forth, the brawny man in the black suit guarding the side spoke up.

Hearing this, he glanced at the strong man, and the anxiety in the middle-aged man's heart dissipated a lot.

"The Salvation Society? Not to mention in the Old World, they are unreliable in the New World. In the past few years, under the suppression of that consul, they are just a bunch of rats crossing the street."

The eyes converged, and the blue pupils were shining brightly. As a large businessman, Blasso saw these things very clearly. In recent years, the Emerald Principality has severely cracked down on the Salvation Society and the Doomsday Church, just because The peculiarities of these two organizations have not been able to really uproot, one crop and one crop, but even so, the power of these two organizations in the new world has also been dying to the extreme, and once he enters the shelter, It is a disguised admission of joining the Salvation Society, which Blasso is unwilling to accept.

The most important thing is that Blasso does not believe that the Salvation will be able to create a shelter that can withstand natural disaster-level storms in such a situation. Compared to the Salvation Society, he believes more in the Emerald Principality official.

"Ake, prepare the car immediately. We need the newly purchased Cavalier III Magic Car. Let's visit the Deputy Minister of Trade McGee. We just had a business that we haven't finished talking about just before."

His expression returned to normal, and Brasso made a new decision.

"By the way, are you sure to protect the safety of me and my family in this situation?"

After speaking, Brasso added another sentence.

Hearing this, he glanced at the scene outside the villa, and the strong man Ake nodded.

Seeing the reaction of his personal guard Ake, Blasso felt relieved. Ake was an orphan he adopted and a guard he trained himself. He is now a Tier 4 transcendent, and he believes in his judgment.

"We set off at once."

After speaking, Brasso took the lead to go downstairs.

At this moment, if it is said that it is the safest in Monfitos, then the first choice is the naval headquarters not far from the city of Monfitos, Marin Vando, because there is the top naval force to suppress it, even if it cannot fully prevent natural disaster-level storms. Landing and sheltering a headquarters is not a problem, but the naval headquarters has long been under martial law, and no one except the military can enter.

In addition to the naval headquarters, the safest place in Monfitos should be the government area, where at least there should be the guardian of the fifth-order legendary transcendents, and if there is a problem, the military should be the first to rescue this area. An area.

The car lights were on, penetrating the darkness, sitting in a silver-gray body, in a low-key, luxurious, with a clearly extraordinary atmosphere inside the Knight III magic car, in the raging environment, the Blasuo family quickly turned towards the government District away.

Looking at the empty streets, Blasso kept his composure and comforted his family. He believed that the benefits he had given this time were enough to get an asylum. The most important thing was that this matter did not violate relevant principles.

At the same time, a party is being held in the lower city of Monfitos.

"The storm is the manifestation of the anger of the king of natural disasters."

"This time we suffered such a catastrophe because the Emerald Principality angered the Lord of Natural Disasters. Only when we sincerely pray to the King of Natural Disasters can we be forgiven and survive the disaster."

The bewitching words echoed in the empty space, unconsciously pulling people's hearts, with this disaster, the Doomsday Church became active again.

"King of natural disasters, you are the only true god, and I beg you to forgive my sins."

"The king of natural disasters, I am your humblest servant, and I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you."

The sound of prayers sounded one after another, and a fanatic aura enveloped everyone without knowing it, but at this moment, the darkness spread and enveloped everyone, and then more and more people quietly fell silently.

"Damn it, it's those black hyenas, why did they come so fast?"


Extraordinary auras continued to appear, and several figures broke through the darkness and fled, but when they stepped out of the darkness, dull gunfire sounded, and bullets with hot flames exploded their heads, except for a small one. Outside, no one is spared.

"He is a child of natural disasters, a Tier 4 superpower."

Seeing that physical body resisted the blows of extraordinary guns, without any pause in the footsteps, members of the Police Department's Special Operations Brigade frowned slightly.

Over the years because of doctrinal reasons, the Doomsday Church has attracted many children of natural disasters, that is, superpowers with physical mutations. According to the rumors, they seem to have some means to prevent superpowers from losing control. Unexpectedly, they hide one here. , Or fourth-order.

"Damn, his speed is too fast, and his physical defenses are also very strong. Guns alone can't help him."

"He is going to break through the encirclement."

The gunfire became denser, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. In the rain of bullets, a thin layer of gray mist surrounded him, and the small Tier 4 superpower approached the boundary of the encircled circle.

Om, silently, the moment the little man stepped out of the enclosure with one foot desperately, his violently advancing figure suddenly froze.

At that moment, a pointed bullet with the length of the **** hit the little man's head silently from the side. The gray mist around him and his powerful physical body didn't play any role.

Roar, the roar sounded like a dragon, the red flame burned, completely enveloping the little man, completely cutting off his breath of life.

On a tall building far away a thin figure stood there with a silver-gray sniper rifle in her hand, with red air currents flowing on both sides, like a beast breathing .

[Item]: Barrett·Destroy·Night Assassin

[Rank]: Tier 4 (growable, with Tier 5 potential)

[Ability]: 1. The fire dragon roars, a strange object contaminated with dragon blood, which can make bullets envelop the fire dragon's breath, which is the anger of a pure blood dragon.

2. The backstab in the dark, the silence accompanies you, so that everything about you is silent, when the other party can't see you, it is the moment of your backstab.

3. A fatal blow. Silence can make the sound disappear, and it can also silence the magic. The bullets you shoot have a very small chance of silence the opponent's magic and obtain the effect of demonization. This is a fatal blow (Legendary feature) ).

This is a fruit alchemy weapon, possessing the power of silent fruit, and a weapon used by hunters for hunting.


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