Outside the suspended factory area, several heavy steel tanks with police station signs and black all over are parked here.

In the face of the strong wind, the solemn-looking police took the participants who were unconscious in the factory into the car. They will conduct a second screening of these personnel and leave files for punishment. Not far away, there are more than ten people. People dressed similar to but different from these police officers are standing there watching this scene quietly. They are all wearing silver eagle armbands, and the head of them is a tall, blonde and golden eye, wearing a policeman. Woman in uniform, police cap and a silver-gray sniper rifle behind her back.

In the Emerald Principality, the navy and land forces are the most violent organizations. Below the rankings are the dark beasts in the Black Forest and the dark department responsible for intelligence work. In addition, the Emerald Principality actually has one more that should not be ignored. The violence department, that is the police station.

As the violent department with the most contact with the public and the widest distribution, the police station is divided into two parts. One part is the ordinary police with a large number of people and is responsible for handling daily affairs. The other part is the Silver Eagle Special Operations Team, all of whom join Silver Eagle. The members of the special operations team are all transcendents, and most of them are Chakra transcendents. They will take over when things involved reach a certain degree of danger, such as this doomsday church assembly event.

Of course, compared to the official name of Silver Eagle, people outside, especially those who are active in the dark, are more willing to call them hyenas wearing black skins. They are ferocious, cruel, and cunning. Once they smell it, they will never let go. , People hate to gritted their teeth.

"Captain Catherine Detachment, thank you for your return this time, otherwise this Tier 4 superpower might have escaped."

Halfway behind, with a complimentary smile on his face, a man wearing an exoskeleton spoke.

Hearing this, other people also agreed. This time, if Catherine, the detachment leader, didn't appear suddenly, there might be a problem in their arrest.

There was silent silence, with flaming red lips biting a lady's cigarette, Catherine spit out a beautiful smoke ring, invisible power permeated here, isolated the external wind.

"After I go back, write a summary of the situation and submit it to me, remembering the mistakes made this time."

A slightly hoarse voice sounded, pressing her hat brim, carrying her sniper rifle, Catherine walked outside.

Hearing this, the others quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and just wrote a report, which is not a punishment.

"In other words, the detachment leader is really beautiful."

"Not only is beautiful, but also powerful. It is the fourth-order supernatural sniper king of the firearms and potions path, and he also has the fruit alchemy, Barrett Destroy, the night assassin. When prepared, in the fourth-order Few rivals."

As soon as the conversation begins, it quickly becomes lively. For beautiful women, most people are willing to look at them, not to mention the powerful, worthy and temperamental beauties like Catherine.

"Well, although the leader of the detachment is beautiful, it is a thorny rose, so don't think too much about it."

Seeing the more and more enthusiastic atmosphere, the man as the team leader interrupted.

Hearing this and looking at each other, the others changed the subject consciously.

"Boss, this time I killed a Tier 4 natural disaster child of the Doomsday Church. This is a lot of credit. Why doesn't the detachment leader seem too happy?"

Seeing the figure gradually farther away in the wind, some people were puzzled.

"The credit is not small, but you don't look at what time it is. The leader of the detachment is probably still worried about the coming storm."

Looking at the dark sky outside, the man wearing an exoskeleton spoke up. At this moment, his rugged face couldn't help but a worrisome surface. How could there be any eggs under the covering?

Hearing this, a cloud of haze continued to rise in the hearts of other people.

"Hey, it's really troublesome. According to the warning issued below, there should be a natural disaster-level storm about to land."

"Well, the sky is falling and there is a tall man against it. Although the natural disaster-level storm is terrible, the existence of the admiral-level navy will not be left unattended."

Looking at the frustrated team members, the man who was the team leader said a word of comfort.

"It's better for us to finish the finishing touches quickly. After all, the storm has dropped and it will be troublesome for us to act outside at that time."

"Contain the corpses of all the transcendents, especially the child of the natural disaster, and quickly send them to the research institute."

The look became serious, and the man immediately made a decision.

Hearing this, other people moved immediately, and this was only a corner of the chaos of Memphis. The natural disasters fell, and the entire city stopped functioning and became more peaceful than ever, but this tranquility was only on the surface. Under the tranquility, there was still an undercurrent surging, but the overall situation was still under the control of the Emerald Principality, and even with this opportunity, the Emerald Principality eradicated many hidden malignant tumors.

Greenfield City, the capital of emerald.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, in the Zhenyun Palace, Morrel manifested his original appearance, sitting on a black iron throne, and with a faint wave of fluctuations, Sieggel's figure was not far away from him. The place quietly emerged.

"When we first met, Siggle, it seems that your transition process went smoothly."

Teasing the green-skinned frog in his hand and looking at Sieggel, who was incarnate on another throne, Morrel narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled on his face.

"Meeting for the first time, Morrel."

As gentle as ever, he glanced at Morrel, Sieggel's gaze was slightly frozen on the frog in his hand.

"My conversion has been basically completed, and then I only need to consolidate my strength and stabilize the body of the rules."

Withdrawing his gaze and talking about the process of his conversion, Sieggel showed a smile from his heart on his face. It is precisely because of this that at this moment, he has the mind to manifest the clone here.

"Congratulations, the seventh-order magician who masters cause and effect, this is really not easy."

Understanding Sieggel's state, Morrel expressed his congratulations. At this time Sieggel was already a real seventh-order magician.

"This frog in your hand should be the king of storm disaster, right?"

His eyes fell on the green frog again, and Sieggel's words brought a touch of sigh.

"Yes, it is the king of storm disaster."

Raising his palm, Morrel gave an affirmative answer.

"Since the source of the disaster has been resolved, should the aftermath be allowed to go?"

Staring at the frog and pondering for a while, Sieggel still expressed his thoughts, although he had just arrived, but he knew everything about the situation in the Emerald Principality at this time.

"The great belongs to the great, and the ordinary belongs to the ordinary."

Raising his head and looking at Siggle, Morrel expressed his attitude.

Hearing this, his smile completely narrowed, his brows frowned, and Sieggel's expression became serious.

"If you let it go, the Emerald Principality will suffer a lot of losses, and many people will even lose their lives."

The sharp brilliance radiated from the emerald eyes, and Sieggel's words brought a rare coldness.

"A big tree will never become a fruit without being beaten by wind and rain. The emerald Principality appears because it is helpful to us. At least it has such potential. What we want is an emerald Principality that can stand alone. We don’t need to take care of everything, a baby who never grows up."

Facing Sieggel's almost questioning words, Morrel's expression remained unchanged.

Hearing this, Sieggel was silent.

"You shouldn't be able to cast power right now?"

Seeing the silent Sieggel, Morrel spoke again. Although it was a questioning tone, the words were full of affirmation. At this time Sieggel was at the threshold of consolidating his strength, and what he needed most was stability.

"It's an innocent life after all."

Leaning back in the chair, Sieggel let out a sigh.

"The Emerald Principality has grown to the point where it has a strong foundation. The Navy, the Army, the Yin Beast, and the Anbu, you should trust them. They have enough ability to prevent the spread of disasters, even if there is a loss, it is within an acceptable range. within."

"This is a disaster, but it is also a baptism~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After this time, the overall cohesion of the Emerald Principality will rise to a higher level."

Looking directly at Sieggel, Morrel made no secret of expressing his opinion.

Hearing this, he took a deep look at Morrel and sighed again. Sieggel's figure quietly disappeared. His clone carried only a trace of his consciousness, and did not have real power at all. Without forcibly projecting the power, he can't do anything. The most important thing is that he clearly knows that Morrel's consideration is reasonable.

"Does Sieggel represent kindness? It's a bit hypocritical."

With his gaze falling on the black iron throne where Sieggel's figure disappeared, Morrel's first impression of Sieggel was quietly frozen.

"I don't know what the evil Ymir is like, but it should be very different from Sieggel, after all, I haven't asked him from the beginning to the end."

With five fingers squeezed, Morrel's thoughts rolled over as he watched the frog with his eyes protruding in his hands, his mouth wide open, and his tongue sticking out.


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