Endless waters, a hidden place on an unknown island, six mysterious people sitting around a long table.

  Because they were wearing metal masks and silver-patterned black robes, they couldn't see the appearance of these six people. The only thing that was special was that these six mysterious people had a pair of faint silver eyes.

   "The latest news is that the 11th died in Menfitos, and the sun pointer that was originally acquired fell into the hands of Sean Montere, the eldest son of the Montere family."

   The speaker's voice is flat, without the slightest ups and downs, just like a perfect narrator.

   "Ah, although the mouse can't get on the stage, it is also a second-order wizard. With its blood, it can burst out of the third-order strength, so it's dead?"

   "Monfitos? Did the executioner take it?"

   "The Montere family? Is it that golden oak?"

The discussion echoed in the silent space. Obviously the death of the old hunchback made them uneasy, but this is also normal. After all, the strength of the old hunchback is the lowest among them, but it is absolutely first-class in the current environment. Such a person's death in this way really surprised them.

  咚, a crisp percussion sounded, resounding in everyone's ears, and the discussion stopped abruptly.

  His eyes shifted, everyone's eyes focused on the first place.

   "The matter on the 11th does not need to be discussed too much. The 9th is not far from Monfitos and has already rushed over. He (she) will investigate the whole story and make corresponding actions."

   His voice was hoarse and full of weakness, but no one present dared to despise him.

   was silent for a while, and it was a while before someone spoke again.

   "No. 1 and 11 are dead if they die, but the loss of the sun pointer in his hand will cause trouble for our plan and must be recycled as soon as possible."

   The speaker was tough and made no secret of his killing intent.

   eyes rolled, glanced at the person who was talking, and No. 1 spoke again.

"The opening of the ruins is imminent. We must concentrate our strength as much as possible. This will be a further opportunity for our pure silver blood. Although the fourth-order wonder of the sun pointer is good, it is only a substitute in the end, not long ago. The news was sent to me that he had found a tail feather of the Son of the Sun."

As soon as these words came out, the other five mysterious people were in shock. Although the organization had long been collecting information on the Son of the Sun, they did not expect to find a tail feather. You must know that in the legend the Son of the Sun is six. For the Monarch of Beasts, the value of this kind of existence is not to be underestimated, even if it is a dropped tail feather.

   "I found it!"


   "With the tail feathers of the Son of the Sun, we will definitely be able to open the ruins this time, and then..."

The discussion sounded once again in the silent space. This time No. 1 did not speak any more, and No. 6 who had spoken earlier fell into silence at this moment. He was glanced at by No. 1 as if he was being stared at by an evil dragon. The same, that kind of unbridled malice made him, the third-order transcendent, couldn't help sweating.

   Menfitos, small manor, after clearing up various things, Sean finally made up his mind to take out a lavender spar from the gift of nature from the storage of wonders.

  Phantom Crystal, a second-order one-time strange object, can communicate with the paired spar holder once, and the time limit is 20 minutes.

   Spirituality surged, the crystal shattered, turning into a handful of delicate crystal sand floating in front of Xiao En, changing uncertainly.

   About five minutes later, the shape of the crystal sand changed again, outlining the shape of a round mirror, and a figure was reflected in the mirror.

   National character face, not anger or prestige, a long-time high position, a pair of maroon hair is naturally slightly curled, a pair of azure eyes and Sean are the same, surprisingly is the contemporary Patriarch of the Montere family, Heston Montere.

   Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar figure reflected in the Phantom Crystal, Sean’s azure blue pupils were filled with detailed waves, but they soon disappeared.

   "Good day, father."

   bowed and saluted, at this moment, Sean’s every move was impeccable, showing aristocratic temperament.

   "Good day, my son, is there anything important for you to contact me this time?"

   After a simple greeting, it was a straightforward approach, without too much greeting, and Sean did not feel the slightest strange about this, this is his "father" style of doing things.

   "I want a drop of the source of life and the inheritance of the knight's secret "The Forge of Flesh"."

   The words were straightforward, and Sean did not hesitate.

"you sure?"

At this moment, Histon Montell’s eyes suddenly widened, just like a awakened lion, revealing an invisible power, and the pressure of people can’t breathe, even through the Phantom Crystal Sean. Feel the coercion of this momentum.

"I'm sure."

   Without changing his face, Sean remained calm as before, as if he hadn't felt Heston's change.

   was silent, the blue pupils looked at Sean deeply, and after a while, Heston spoke again.

   "I need a reason."

No longer the previous majesty, at this moment Histon’s words once again restored the original peace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With these two things, the family will soon add a Tier 4 combat power in the New World, and hopefully Level five. "

   Without too much explanation, Sean gave his promise.

   Silence spread, Heston and Sean looked at each other through the Phantom Crystal, and no one flinched.

"I see."

   I don't know how long it took, maybe five minutes, maybe ten minutes, Heston broke the connection between the two after leaving a simple word.

   Let the lavender crystal sand fall to the ground, Xiao En breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Although he was the first heir of the Montell family, he could not easily obtain treasures such as the fountain of life and secrets such as "The Forge of Flesh", although Heston did not give it to him in the end. Gave a clear answer, but he knew he had agreed.

   After solving the last worry, Sean didn't have the thought of staying in Monfitos anymore. After instructing Haag to continue to purchase the strange things, he took the people to leave Monfitos the next day.

   Bloodhoof Island, after leaving Monfitos, Sean did not return directly to the town of Greenfield. Instead, he wandered on the sea for two days before turning to Bloodhoof Island.

Coming to Bloodhoof Island again, as a natural wizard, Sean found something strange for the first time. The natural atmosphere here is far beyond the ordinary island. Although it is not as good as the botanical garden he has carefully arranged, it is still far away. Not far away, and the purity of the natural breath is faintly better.

   Woo, with a low voice, Smaug, who was originally happy, seemed to have changed into a dragon after boarding the island, became silent, and walked honestly beside Sean.

   Through the dense forest at a speed much faster than the first time, Sean once again came to the center of Bloodhoof Island.


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