"My lord, no human beings have been found."

   Standing in front of a collapsed wooden house, Sean listened to the sick dog reporting information. After staying in Monfitos for nearly 10 days, the four Yin Beasts had basically returned to normal.


There is no sadness or joy, Xiao En’s voice is faint, making people unable to hear his anger, but everyone who knows him knows that he is already angry. En then sent people to build an observation station here, one is to achieve a nominal occupation of Bloodhoof Island and to monitor the dynamics of Bloodhoof Island, and the other is to draw a detailed map of Bloodhoof Island and prepare for the comprehensive development in the future. , And now these people are dead.

   "My lord, the gophers and I surveyed the surrounding situation carefully and found some strange potholes. It is initially suspected that the members of the observation station may have been attacked by some kind of monster that can burrow into the ground."

   Checking Sean's expression, the sick dog uttered his guess.

   "Can you find the trace of that monster?"

   No nonsense, Sean asked the most important question.


   After hesitating, the sick dog cast his eyes on the gopher.

   Feeling the sick dog’s gaze, the gopher was nervous, but still said:

   "Master, this is basically impossible. The aura left by this unknown monster has almost dissipated. The depth of its burrow is very deep, and the burrowing ability of its subordinates is not comparable."

   After speaking, the gopher lowered his head.

   was silent, Xiao En stood quietly in front of the dilapidated wooden house, an invisible pressure enveloped everyone around him.

   "Let's go, look elsewhere."

   used his knowledge and color to search aggressively, but found nothing, and Sean did not continue to linger.

   Seeing Xiao En's departure, the four Yin Beasts breathed a sigh of relief.

Woo, walking on the grass, watching the wings converge, walking on the ground, his nose is constantly buzzing like a big dog, Smaug, Xiao En's face is a little weird, since he got on this bloodhoof island, Smaug has changed. Something is abnormal.

   Roar, it seems to have discovered, Smaug let out a slightly excited roar.

  Dragon claws are tough, and the soil is easily dug up by Smaug like tofu, and a grass with deep roots is uprooted in one fell swoop.

   Hum, without the slightest hesitation, Smaug directly stuffed the grass into his mouth, chewed twice, and Smaug slapped his mouth, as if he still hadn't finished.

   The weird color is stronger, and Sean is no stranger to the grass that Smaug dug up. It is the green grass that he found on the island for the first time.

   It was only strange to him that although Green Eye Grass was a high-quality forage, it was obviously not above the recipe of flying dragons like Smaug. This guy was a veritable carnivore.

   Although he felt strange in his heart, Sean did not stop Smaug's actions, but silently followed it and stopped.

  As a dragon species, it has its own judgment on the advantages and disadvantages of Smaug, and it naturally has its own reasons for such behavior.

After following and observing all the way, Sean found that Smaug was not interested in all the green grasses, but only a small part of it was excavated, but what was the mystery or law in it, Sean had not discovered yet. .

   Turning over a small hill, Xiao En, who quietly let out the domineering look and feel for a certain distance, suddenly stopped. At the same time, Smaug, who had been looking for the special green grass with his head down, also suddenly raised his head.

   The dragon's head is fierce, the nose is wide open, and Smaug is sniffing something fiercely.

   Woo, it seems that something has been discovered, Smaug became a little restless, rubbed his head against Sean's body, asked for Sean's permission, and wanted to fly over directly.

   patted Smaug's head. Without much thinking, Sean agreed to Smaug's request.

   Roar, with Sean's permission, he let out an excited dragon roar, opened his wings and rolled up a storm, Smaug quickly flew forward.

   Looking at the impatient figure of Smaug, Xiao En shook his head and immediately quickened his pace, and the four Yin Beasts quickly followed.

   On the grassland, green-eyed grass is dripping with tenderness, and a group of big-horned deer is facing a group of gray wolves.

   Under normal circumstances, the bighorn deer, which is a herbivore, would not dare to confront the gray wolf head-on, even if the number is dominant. After all, this is natural, but now the situation has changed.

Da, Da, Da, digging the soil with their hooves uneasy, the invisible supernatural power is concentrated on the two horns, the deer is already a little unbearable, on the contrary, the formation of the opposite wolves is a little loose, But in fact, they can echo each other. As the supernatural creature, the wolf is hiding in it, constantly changing its position, waiting for the opportunity to come.

   rumbling, the sound of hoofs shook the earth, and the patience was exhausted to the limit. The head of deer rushed towards the wolves like a sharp arrow with the deer, with an unstoppable force.

   Whoops, facing the impact of the deer, the wolf directed the wolf to greet it, while it quietly fell behind the wolf, and slowly moved closer to the deer without making a sound.

With a burst of power, three gray wolves flew in a row. Under the blessing of extraordinary power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the deer was unstoppable, and when it stabbed the next gray wolf with its sharp, sword-like horns, The wolf that had already lurked by its side launched a long-planned attack, and a **** game of hunting and being hunted began.

   "Oh, the battle is over."

   stopped and looked at the sight not far away. The faces of the four Yin Beasts showed a hint of surprise, while Xiao En was calm as usual. After all, he had "seen" the whole process of what happened.

   Although their speed is not slow, they are still a lot worse than the flying Smaug. By the time they arrived, Smaug had already finished the battle.

At this moment, the deer and wolves have dispersed, leaving only dozens of corpses. The wolves and deer are all covered with blood, lying quietly on the ground, only the occasional undulating chest indicates that they have not yet Death, as for Smaug, he was lying on the ground with excitement, digging and eating grass frantically.

   Watching Smaug's movements, seeing and hearing more concentrated, Xiao En finally discovered the special features of these green grasses.

   Although the appearance is the same as the general green-eyed grass, under the perception of seeing, hearing and color, Xiao En found that the green-eyed grass around Smaug has a different aura from the general green-eyed grass.

   Thinking back carefully, Xiao En found that the green-eyed grass that Smaug dug up before also had this kind of aura, but because he didn't get together and the aura was too weak, he didn't notice the abnormality either.

   "Is this green grass mutated? Why did it attract Smaug's attention?"

   noticed the abnormality, but the doubt in Sean's heart was not answered.

  Thinking to no avail, temporarily moved his eyes from the green-eyed grass and landed on the gray wolf and the bighorn deer. Xiao En suspected that their fight was related to the green-eyed grass. After all, there was an example of Smaug.


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