On the grass, all the corpses of the bighorn deer and gray wolf were carefully examined, and Sean fell into contemplation.

   There is nothing special about the physiological structure of the Big Horned Deer and the Gray Wolf, only the body of the two heads has changed slightly.

   Separating the wolf hair from the neck of the wolf and touching the slightly warm black scales inside, Sean thought about the possibilities. The same scales are also found on the deer, but the tail is red.

   "Is it Longhua?"

   murmured to himself, combined with Smaug's abnormality, such a thought quietly emerged in Sean's heart.

In order to confirm his conjecture, Sean deliberately stayed in Bloodhoof Island for seven days. During these seven days, he took the Yin Beast to sweep the entire Bloodhoof Island and killed two extraordinary creatures, namely Bloodhoof and Flower Face. Bear.

   "Bloodhoof Island does have a strange power that affects the bloodlines of the animals on the island, causing them to become dragons, but unfortunately, there is no source at all."

   Standing on the beach, thinking about the harvest during this period, Sean finally confirmed his conjecture.

Bloodhoof Island is very special. On a small island, four extraordinary creatures, or even more, have been born, such as the burrowing extraordinary creatures that have not been found. Although it has been a while since the first demonic wave has recovered, a small island can The birth of so many extraordinary creatures is really incredible, and the most important thing is that these extraordinary creatures have more or less the phenomenon of dragonization.

Although dragonized monsters are far from being a dragon species, it is just the performance of their own blood being corroded by dragon blood, and their combat power will not exceed ordinary monsters, but as long as they can deepen dragons and their own blood does not collapse, then these dragonized monsters are good. It is possible to be promoted to dragon species.

Peeking into the secret corner of Bloodhoof Island, Sean pays more attention to this island. As for the mutant green grass, Sean changed its name to Dracaena. Although accurate medicinal properties have not been tested yet, According to Sean's observation, this kind of grass is very attractive to Dragonized Beasts, and should be able to deepen their dragonized level.

"Bloodhoof, gophers, you two brought a team of men and horses to stay. One is to guard the island and prevent outsiders from discovering the island’s anomalies, and the other is to continue to investigate the extraordinary creatures on the island, especially the extraordinary creatures that can only burrow. Understand?"

   "Understand, Lord Lord."

   stayed on Bloodhoof Island with Sean for seven days. Although Bloodhoof and Gopher didn't know the secret of Bloodhoof Island, they also noticed the anomaly.

   made corresponding arrangements, and Sean boarded the ship with the reluctant Smaug, the phantom lizard and the sick dog.

   It took two days to swim upstream, and Sean finally returned to Greenfield Town.

   Botanical Garden, the devil fruit tree is still there, and it has been almost twenty days since Sean had left here unknowingly.

   Putting the corpses of the big horned deer, gray wolf, and flower-faced bear under the tree, Xiao En quietly watched the three devil flowers wither quietly, bearing three embryonic devil fruits.

   Bloodhoof Island and his party, four extraordinary creatures provided Sean with 6 power points, but one of them was bloodhoof, so only three of them could be used as templates in the end.

   processed the corpses of the extraordinary creatures, Xiao En first returned to the lord’s mansion to rest for a few days, relax, and then returned to the botanical garden to break through the third step.

  Luye Town Government Affairs Hall, on the tenth day after Sean returned to the Botanical Garden, the clerical officer Iluka, the military chief Ferrolie, and the sheriff Elos gathered together in a rare gathering. They were silent with each other, and their faces were not pretty.

   "Eros, didn't you say that you had caught the murderer before? Why is this still happening now? When will this matter be resolved, you always have to give us an explanation."

   In a low tone, Iluka stared at Elos's fat face with a sharp gaze and said word by word.

   "Your Excellency, although it is a pity, I have to admit that things are beyond my control."

   Ailos, who had always looked very slippery, was extraordinarily solemn at this moment.

   Seeing that Iluka and Ferrol were silent, their faces were still gloomy, and Elos knew that they were not satisfied with his statement.

   "During the arrest operation yesterday, one of our operations squad members was wiped out and their hearts were taken out. It has been confirmed that the murderer has extraordinary powers, strange movements, and agility, which can no longer be dealt with by ordinary police."

   After finishing speaking, Elos once again turned his eyes to Iluka.

"damn it."

   With a slap on the conference table, Iruka, a gentleman who graduated from the first university in the kingdom, made a rare swearword.

   "If I let the Yin Beast cooperate with your actions, how long will you be able to catch the murderer."

   Feeling the raging anger burning in Iluka's eyes, Elos groaned a little, and then said:

   "Seven days."

   "Three days, I only give you three days. Ten days ago, Lord Lord had already begun to prepare for the advancement. I hope that Luye Town can restore calm before he comes out."

  Iluka's words are extraordinarily firm, and seem to tolerate opposition from others.

   was silent, took a suffocating cigarette in his hand, Elos finally agreed, or he had no other choice at all, after all, this was a responsibility he couldn't escape.

   Resolutely and resolutely, after getting the answer from Elos~www.wuxiaspot.com~Iluka immediately took out a phone worm from the drawer.

Brumburu, the phone worm was connected, and the face of the phantom lizard appeared. Iluka asked for the Yin Beast to cooperate with Elos. Although Sean had been granted a certain amount of command, Iluka understood that he The actual control over the Yin Beast is basically zero.

   The meeting dissipated, and with the assistance of the Yin Beast, Elos immediately began a large-scale search for the murderer.

   Although the Public Security Bureau was misled by the murderer and caught the wrong person, it still gained some clues. With the help of the sick dog, it has roughly locked the area where the murderer is located, and I believe there will be gains after careful investigation.

   The fourth block of Luye Town, Poker Clinic.

   "Doctor Pokel, thank you very much. If it weren't for your kindness, my father would really be dead."

   With tears in the corners of her eyes, a plainly dressed girl with freckles on her face, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl was facing the doctor in her white coat and black-rimmed glasses in front of her, expressing her gratitude.

   "It's nothing, I hope your father can recover sooner."

   With a gentle smile, Dr. Pokel sent the little girl out.

   As a rare doctor in the town of Greenfield, Poker is respected in this neighborhood, and he is gentle and often helps others, which makes this even more profound.

   I talked to a few people around as usual, and chatted about the daily routine. Poker looked at the sky and closed the door of the clinic.

   "Well, Dr. Pokel is really a good person. I don't know who will be so lucky to marry him in the future."

   Watching Pokel’s face disappear behind the door, an aunt who was chatting with her friends could not help but express such emotions, which triggered the surrounding friends to agree.


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