Between the water, the top floor, here is a private place. All partition walls are opened to form a large flat floor, which is not open to the outside world. Just as Norris returned here, Mars, the person in charge of daily affairs between the water, immediately looked for it. Come here.

   Mars is not tall, about two meters tall, wearing thin-rimmed glasses, a decent tuxedo, and a delicate moustache, just like an old housekeeper.

   "Boos, something happened to the casino."

   Hearing this, Norris raised his eyebrows slightly, and slowly vomited a ring of smoke, without feeling too anxious.

The tree attracts the wind, and the water is inevitably targeted by people as it is fighting for gold each day, especially some gamblers who claim to be extraordinary, always want to make a fortune here, but so far no one has succeeded. These people either turned into bones and were buried under this casino, or turned into tool people, working to pay off debts. It can be said that Shuijian can develop to the scale it is today, and these tool people have also played a big role in it. .

   "Tell me, what's the matter?"

   Looking at Mars's expression, Norris knew that this time things should be more troublesome.

   "boos, a master came to the casino yesterday, who won the casino's 100,000 gold chips with just one gold coin, and so far the other party has no plans to stop."

   lowered his head, Mars whispered.

   Hearing this, Norris took a deep cigar.

As the owner of the casino, Norris is very clear about the pitfalls in the casino. The casino does allow guests to win, and even deliberately creates a myth of wealthy wealth every once in a while to attract guests, but there is one thing about this. The red line, once someone crosses this red line, casinos will take certain measures to ruin these people's losses.

   "Is there any means?"

   Looking at the ever-changing flames on the cigar, Norris spoke casually.

   "Hey, I personally made a bet with him for three, and I lost every one."

   Hearing this, Norris finally got some interest.

Although Mars looked gentle and gentle, like a gentleman, Norris knew that the other party was a real gambling master, proficient in various gambling techniques, and once made the name of the king of gambling in the new world. It was only because of offending someone that he took refuge in him and asked for asylum. Such a person would lose three times in a row in the hands of another person. It really makes people feel curious.

   "Is the opponent capable?"

The thoughts in his mind turned, Norris guessed like this. This kind of thing is not unprecedented. Some strange devil fruit abilities are indeed more suitable for the elderly. The most important thing is that he does not believe that someone can use Mars in pure gambling. The suppression was so miserable.

   Hearing this, Mars shook his head.

   "Boos, I'm not so sure, I tried it out before, but I didn't find any clues."

   Shaking his head unsurely, Mars took out a surveillance phone worm.

   "Boos, this is the guy."

   Light curtain projection, looking at the blond man on the screen, Mars spoke.

   Following Mars's gaze, Norris narrowed his eyes slightly.

Between the water, in the magnificent lobby on the first floor, here is the first floor of the casino. The main gameplay is to roll dice and bet on points. There are hundreds of gaming tables of all kinds, but at this moment, the usual lively hall looks a little bit. Quiet, most of the gaming tables are empty, only the middle of the gaming table is very lively, the inner three floors, the outer three floors, the enclosed water can't escape.

   "This time I still choose the leopard."

   glanced at the croupier who was pale and sweaty, and Xiao En pushed out the hill-like chips in front of him, Stud.

   "I follow, and I follow."

   "Don't squeeze, you are stepping on my foot, **** guy."

With Sean's move, the already frenetic atmosphere around the gaming table once again rises a step, and it will be as if a pile of dry wood has been ignited. Countless gamblers have red eyes and waved the chips in their hands, followed by Sean's. In their eyes, Sean is the **** of gambling, they just need to pick up the money.

   "Okay, then, then I will drive."

   glanced at the smiling Xiao En, then at the tightly clasped dice cup, the croupier's gaze was a little unsteady, and he was a little uncomfortable when he spoke.

   stretched out his hand, opened the dice cup tremblingly, and saw the scene inside. Although he had expected it, the croupier still couldn't help feeling a despair. It was obvious that he had already moved his hands and feet. Why did it still turn out like this? This unscientific.

   "Haha, three six, Leopard, we won."

Compared to Sean’s indifferent, other gamblers’ reaction was much greater. At this time, a woman who was three meters tall and wore a red high-slit tight-fitting cheongsam showed her rugged figure vividly across the periphery. The crowd came to Sean's side.

   "Is Mr. Gambling so good? I really admire it. I wonder if I can teach it to others?"

   Jiao DiDi sounded, with a fragrant breeze, shaking three steps at a time, this woman with plumped lips and big eyes, like a vixen, walked towards Sean slowly.

   "What I admire most is a gambling expert like Mr., I don't know if I can meet him, maybe we will become friends who talk about everything in the future."

   emphasized the tone of the seven words of friends who have nothing to say, the woman stretched out her hands naturally, as if she wanted to wrap Sean's left arm and snuggle into Sean's arms.

   But at this moment, Sean made a mistake and escaped the woman's approach just right.

   "Sorry, I'm already married, and there are people watching here, I would be shy like you."

   With a playful smile, Xiao En glanced at the upper left. He said that someone looked at and pointed to the gamblers around him.

   Upon hearing this, Veronica's delicate face couldn't help but appear sluggish for a moment.

   On the top floor, looking at Sean’s dark eyes across the A sneer was drawn at the corner of Norris's mouth, and he squeezed out the cigar in his hand.

   "It seems to have come prepared."

   Although there are heavy barriers, Norris knows that Sean just saw him.

   In the hall, suppressing the anger in her heart, Veronica once again showed a bright smile on her face. Just when Veronica wanted to do something, the phone bug on her body rang.

   Blubru, a muffled voice sounded, Veronica stopped her movements, reached out and took out a dying phone worm from her chest.

   "Veronica, bring people up."

   Upon hearing this, Veronica's expression changed and she couldn't help but glance at Sean.

   "I see, boos."

   Hanging up the phone worm, reducing the smile on her face, looking at Sean, Veronica looked very solemn.

   "This sir, our boss invites you to go up."

   "Really? Then let's go."

   For this invitation, Sean nodded and agreed without even thinking about it.

   Seeing Shaun's performance like this, Veronica's expression became more solemn, and she was sure that the other party was coming for Norris.


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