"Sir, please here."

   towards the elevator entrance, Veronica leads the way.

   And just as Sean walked towards the elevator entrance, Veronica moved her eyes, with a bright smile, quietly approaching Sean again.

   At the moment when the two figures were about to overlap, Sean's gentle voice sounded.

   "Miss Veronica, your hands are very beautiful. It is better to wear gloves, otherwise it would be bad if you get hurt."

   Even though Sean’s words were soft, they fell on Veronica’s ears and made her feel like an ice cave, and she froze in place for a while.

   "He knows, he knows my abilities, shouldn't he."

   Her thoughts were confused, Veronica's expression was uncertain, and Sean had already passed her figure at this time.

   "Aren't you leaving? Miss Veronica."

   Standing in the elevator, looking at Veronica who was still frozen in place, Sean spoke again.

   Hearing this, looking at the still gentle smile on Sean's face, Veronica's heart trembled, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Sean's eyes.

   With a stiff step, Veronica walked slowly into the elevator, without the enchantment before.

   On the top floor, the door opened, and seeing the figure Shaun walked in, Norris had an unabashed look in his eyes.

   With a smile on his face, turning a blind eye to Norris's scrutiny, Sean unceremoniously walked over to the sofa and sat down, as if this was his own home.

   Seeing Shaun doing this, Norris narrowed his eyes.

   "Your Excellency came here to find me, is there anything wrong?"

   Straightforward, his eyes locked on Sean's figure. Norris didn't go around in circles. If he was only suspicious before, then he has been determined now, and Sean is specifically looking for him.

   "Why come to you? You stole my goods and injured my person. Why did you say I came to you?"

   leaned his back on the sofa, raised Erlang's legs, and Sean was also very direct.

   Hearing this, his mind turned, and Norris had a guess.

   "Are you from the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce?"

Turning his gaze to Sean, Norris’s expression of surprise flashed away on his face. He didn’t expect that the other party would come to the door because of a trivial matter. It was obvious that he had been merciful, and the other party was still so aggressive. It was a bit deceitful. People are too big, do you really think Norris is good for bullying?

   "Bingo, you guessed it, but unfortunately there is no reward."

   Not knowing what Norris was thinking, Sean seemed a little careless.

   Seeing Sean's frivolity, Norris was burning with anger.

"What do you want?"

   Suppressing the anger in his heart, Norris kept his face calm. His plan has now reached a critical moment, and he doesn't want to have extra problems at this time.

   "What do I want? It's very simple, give me Bakarron, and then you join our Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce."

   Fiddled with his nails, and Sean said the most arrogant things in the calmest tone.

   Hearing this, the suppressed fire in Norris's heart could no longer be suppressed, and it burst into flames.

   "Do you know what you are talking about?"

The blue veins on his forehead were exposed, and his eyes were fixed on Sean. Norris made no secret of his murderous aura, as if he would hurt the killer if Sean answered improperly, not knowing when the clean ground was covered with a thin layer. Thin yellow sand.

   "It seems that you still have to fight, otherwise you won't be reconciled."

   The smile on his face did not change, and Sean slowly got up from the sofa.

   "Then go outside, if this place is ruined, I will feel bad too."

  With the words, the golden light shone, and Sean disappeared in place.

   Seeing this scene, Norris's pupils suddenly tightened.

   "Nature is a sparkling fruit."

   By this time, Norris finally confirmed the identity of the other party.

   "The president of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, the person with the ability to shine, and Shaun Huang, who is known as the creator of commercial miracles."


   At this time, Veronica, who is Norris’s confidant, also recognized Sean’s identity, after all, Shining Fruit is unique.

   And just when she wanted to say something to dissuade Norris, Norris had turned into yellow sand and disappeared with the wind.

   "Boss, be careful."

Looking at Norris’s disappearing back, Veronica said what she hadn’t finished saying. It’s a pity that although she is a lucky fruit ability person, she has average strength. When the fruit ability is known to Sean, she is not qualified to go. Participate in such a battle.

   "Damn it, if I'm stronger, I can help Norris."

   Standing in the empty room, Veronica hated her weakness for the first time.

  The desert is endless.

   "Just here."

   Looking at the uniform scenery around, Sean stopped first, and soon after, the wind and sand gathered and Norris' figure appeared quietly.

   "Are you ready?"

   Looking at Norris, Sean was not in a hurry to launch an offense, but instead allowed the opponent time to react.

   "Huang Yuan, general-level combat power, but are you too arrogant."

   looked at the surrounding environment, locked the figure of Sean in the distance, and the power in Norris's body began to surge. As a natural rustle fruit ability, this is the most suitable battlefield for him.

   "It seems that you are very satisfied with this battlefield, so let's start."

   Feeling the aura slowly rising from Norris, Sean seemed indifferent. The desert is indeed the opponent's home court, but what happened?

   "Command·Desert Cavalry."

   Touch the ground with a hand, and the fruit ability is activated, and the desert around Norris is as undulating as waves.

   squeaky laws, horses neighed, and fully armed desert knights leaped up from the ground.

   Boom, the earth roared, and at this moment the soft desert seemed to have turned into a hard ground, allowing the desert cavalry to arrogantly lie.

   Killing Intent Condensed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hundreds of knights did not say a word, and with the coldest look, they launched a charge against Sean.

Seeing the cavalry team rushing towards him in the shape of an arrow, Sean frowned. He didn't know if the opponent was really ignorant or had other plans. Hundreds of cavalry were integrated, and the power of the collective charge was indeed not weak. , But he can fly.

   The thought in his heart turned, and Sean's body turned into golden light and disappeared in place.

   hum, the light is solid, and Sean reappears already in the air.

   "I hope you can give me a little surprise, otherwise I might change my mind."

   Looking down at Norris on the ground, Sean slowly raised his hands.

   Crossed his arms, his thumb and index finger met, and the light of the cross star began to shine in Sean's hand.

   "Eight Chiqiong Gouyu."

   Ten years in the past, Sean’s development of Shining Fruit has reached a new height, and Polusalino’s tricks back then could be easily displayed as long as he wanted to.

  咻咻咻, a sharp and harsh sound sounded, and countless golden light bullets covered the earth.

   bang bang bang, explosions one after another, countless yellow sands were set off, and the world was hazy for a while.



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