"Baron, everything is set up as you ordered."

   After visiting the most important laboratory and determining the value of zombies, Sean went around in Snow's farm again. At this time, he finally waited for reports from his subordinates.

   Hearing this, Sean stopped his footsteps.

   "Then let's start."

   The voice fell, the power of the soul-soul fruit fluctuated, and the wind gathered, and Xiao En flew into the sky.

   Overlooking the earth, at this moment Sean's expression became solemn.

   It is impossible to preserve this whole world fragment with Sean's current strength, so the best way is to cut off a part and transform this world fragment into an existence similar to a maze.

   In fact, Sean is not the first person to do this. In the past years, there have been many extraordinary people, especially wizards, who have done this, but compared to them, Sean's strength may be the lowest.

   hum, the space vibrates, the gray mist fills, and Shaun’s legendary posture of endless willows begins to manifest.

   The branches and leaves spread out, and the body grows extremely fast. At this moment, the emerald green willow leaves cover the sky.

   Reaching the limit, thousands of willow branches fell at the same time, the characteristics of the legendary posture began to play, and the two worlds began to separate. This is a very important part of Sean's plan.

There is a space barrier outside the world fragments, which protects the safety of the world fragments. As the days of complete integration with the main world get closer, this space barrier becomes more and more unstable, and once Shaun starts Cut the world fragments, then this layer of space barrier will inevitably be destroyed. If there is no new protection at that time, the world fragments will suffer the erosion of the void, and will eventually be involved in the turbulent flow of the void and be destroyed.

In other words, after starting the cutting, the only place that Sean can leave in the end is the place covered by his legendary posture of infinite willows. It is about the size of a medium-sized island. Fortunately, for the convenience of management and observation, Snow will all All the zombies were gathered together.

   "Space String Cut·Bird Cage."

   Spirituality is boiling, and the power of space is surging. With Sean as the center, the power of space that resembles a thread blooms high in the sky, quickly covering the boundary of the fragments of this world.

Space string cutting, the fifth-order space witchcraft, is a witchcraft born after Sean absorbs the awakened thread fruit. Before he is promoted to the fifth-order, he can only apply it instinctively. Although it is powerful, it is very rigid. , And after the fifth level, this powerful space witchcraft finally bloomed its due brilliance in Xiao En's hands, although there were elements of wisdom in it.

   "Cut it."

   Perception diverged, and he raised his head and glanced at the sky, Xiao En gathered the silk thread in his hand.

   Ten fingers fiddled, the thread of the space was tightened, and destruction began.

  Space, a kind of terrifying force, in front of its powerful cutting power, most of the material is fragile, mountains collapse, rivers are cut off, and invisible silk threads wantonly destroy this world.

   The space barrier of world debris was shaken, and the space turbulent flowed in, which made the originally unbearable world even more unbearable.

"It's now."

   is always paying attention to the changes in the surrounding space. At a certain moment, Sean stopped the movements in his hands.

   "Space String Cut·Skynet·No Leakage."

   The ten fingers change and shuttle continuously, and the invisible space thread is quietly woven into a net in Xiao En's hands, constantly capturing the broken space debris, and finally forming a new space barrier.

Wow, the gray fog dissipated, the legendary posture disappeared, and the characteristics of the division of the two worlds disappeared. The remaining world fragments were exposed in the void, but with the Skynet created by Sean, there would be no danger in a short time. .

   After perceiving divergence, and after careful inspection, it was found that the situation was not bad and did not deviate from the predetermined track, a smile was drawn at the corner of Sean's mouth.

   "Next, only need to activate the ritual witch formation."

   Although the current world fragments are temporarily not dangerous under the protection of Skynet, this is because Sean's power is maintaining Skynet. Sean can't do this all the time, so he needs to use a ritual witch formation instead.

   Spiritual leaps, one witch formation node after another was illuminated by Sean, a ritual witch formation centered on gods was quietly activated, and began to replace Sean's role to provide power for Skynet's existence.

   Feeling that the chaotic force continues to spread, Sean knows that this time the action has been successful.

  Using Wisdom Gu, Sean deduced a plan to divide the world fragments. Among them, the ritual witch formation centered on the gods is the key point.

This ritual witch formation is actually not complicated. There are only two most troublesome places. One is to extract the power of the gods, and the other is to seamlessly dock with Skynet and replenish energy for Skynet. As long as these two problems are solved, this Even if the ritual witch formation is completed.

The nature of God’s evil is special. Even if Sean has advanced to Tier 5 and has become a legendary being, it is difficult to kill him without specific means. So in order to solve this God’s evil, Sean chose to use it. The ritual witch formation slowly drained his power.

  Although this method takes a long time, it is effective. The most important thing is that it can be used as waste. As long as this **** is immortal, the artificial space barrier outside the world debris will not disappear.

Of course, Sean’s doing this is not without its drawbacks. He took advantage of the power of God’s evil. As time goes by, the ecological environment of this fragment of the world will inevitably be polluted, becoming worse and worse, and less suitable. For the survival of normal life, fortunately, this place is positioned as a zombie farm. Except for a small number of staff, the rest are zombies. Even if the environment becomes bad, it is not insurmountable, and zombies may be more Maybe you like this environment.


   The ritual witch formation is functioning normally, a new energy cycle is formed, and Sean has reduced his strength and fell into shape.

   "Baron, this is what you want."

   With words, Whitebeard and Snow each handed Sean a small silver bottle, which contained some space debris generated when Sean cut the fragments of the world.

Taking a look at the silver bottle, Sean nodded. In just a short while, the two of them collected 65 drops of space debris. It was very good. After all, the environment before was very bad, even if they both had five. The combat power of the order cannot be reckless.

   "Snow, I solved your problem for you. I hope you can produce results as soon as possible."

   played with the little bottle in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and put it into the ring of space, and Sean set his eyes on Snow.

   "I understand, Baron, I won't let you down, but I'm afraid I will need you to help me solve a problem before again."


   Hearing this, Sean raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

   With his head down and a humble smile on his face, Snow whispered.

The biggest problem at the farm is the safety of employees. In the past six months, the mortality and infection rate of the employees in the farm has been high. Now, although the farm has made a lot of protective measures, it can roughly guarantee the safety of the employees. However, casualties are still unavoidable during certain close contacts, such as when the dead body is examined.

   After hearing Snow's words, and looking at Snow with his head down, Sean understood his thoughts.

   "Let's go, go to your laboratory."

   Hearing this, Snow's mouth was drawn with a smile.

The space fluctuates, the roots spread, and the two corpses are easily swallowed by the devil fruit tree. At the same time, two new devil fruits are quietly formed on the devil fruit tree. They are animal type, human fruit, extraordinary species, tyrant form and animal type. ·Fruit for all · Extraordinary species · Wanderer form.


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