The Emerald Crown, looking at the fixed space door, Xiao En's calm face showed a smile, which meant that the man-made confusion he had created was completely completed.

   "It will be called Zombie Quest from now on."

   After thinking for a while, Sean randomly chose a name for this puzzle, which is concise and straight to the core, which is very good.

   gave Mijing a name, and Sean turned and left here.

   The lavender petals are flying, fluttering in the wind, but from a distance, it is a harmonious picture to the extreme.

   After devouring the demon fruit tree in One Piece World, Sean's demon fruit tree got a qualitative leap. It grew to a hundred meters in size, and its branches were knotted, exuding a faint ancient atmosphere.

   stretched out his hand, a devil fruit fell, the whole body was green, like a fragrant pear, it was the form of the animal monster or the legendary ox.

   glanced at this demon fruit that was on the verge of metamorphosis obtained from the world of One Piece, Sean moved in his heart and extracted the metamorphic power it possessed.

Silently, subtle changes occur in the depths of the soul, and an invisible shackle is quietly opened. The soul and soul fruit that Shaun had developed to the extreme has the possibility of progress again. It has changed, and the upper limit has been changed from Tier 5 to Tier 6. Order.

   "Although the change is small, it has indeed changed."

  Thinking spread, exploring the subtle changes in himself. When he noticed the weak but powerful light, Xiao En understood that the soul fruit had really changed, because it gave birth to the power that belongs to the rules.

   Rules, a kind of supreme power, which represents the truth. In the Liberal World, only the great beings above the seventh level can truly master the rules. Even the power that touches the rules generally requires a sixth-level personality.

  Take wizards as an example. Wizards of Tier 5 need to liberate true spirits three times, because only in this way can their souls bear the oppression of rules, comprehend the fragments of rules, condense the seeds of rules, and promote from Tier 5 to Tier 6, becoming a titled wizard.

After becoming Tier 6, if wizards want to break through the sky, they need to constantly comprehend the rules, so that their condensed rules seeds can take root, germinate, and grow. When will the rules seeds grow into towering trees, and when? The sixth-order wizard has the possibility of launching an impact on the seventh-order.

   "It's time to separate a Homitz again."

   Feeling the origin of his slowly growing soul, Sean has a decision in his heart.

Sean has always been more restrained from splitting his soul origin to make Homitz, because more splits will have a bad influence on his transcendent path, so he has split only two parts so far. The soul origin, one created Homitz's white beard, and the other created the celestial body similar to the second soul, and took charge of the Ark world for him.

Consciousness sank into the door of the infinite, colorful bubbles came into Sean’s eyes, maybe this is the time with the most bubbles in the door of the infinite so far, of course, most of these bubbles are things in the world of One Piece. It was Sean who took the initiative to contain it last.

   [Item]: The body of the ice element (in metamorphosis)

   [evaluation]: The possibility is achieved in the impossible, and perhaps the miracle really exists.

  [Price]: 300 source power points

   Locked in consciousness, looking at the corpse of the green pheasant in the bubble, after getting feedback from the door, Xiao En knew that his choice was not wrong.

Generally, a complete Tier 5 item can exchange source power points from 50 to 100 points, and a complete Tier 6 item can exchange source power points from 500 to 1000 points. Now the corpse of a green pheasant needs 300 source power points. The transformation of the pheasant has taken the most critical step, transcending the limits of Tier 5.

In the past, Shaun’s source power points were still 650 points. In addition to the strange objects Greenfield Town collected for Shaun in the past six months, the captured monsters, and the contribution of the farm, Shaun now has 800 source points in total. , It’s not a big deal to spend three hundred points in exchange for the corpse of the green pheasant.

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and the 300 source power points disappeared, and Sean left the inner space of the Infinite Door.

   licked, the body of the green pheasant appeared, the chill radiated, and the white ice crystals spread quickly on the ground.

   The power of the soul soul fruit burst out, restraining the cold air within a certain range, and Sean cut off a piece of his soul origin.

  The soul breeds, and after ten breaths, a slow heartbeat comes from the body of the green pheasant that has been sleeping for more than 200 years.

   Eyelids moved slightly, and slowly, the green pheasant opened his eyes.

   The pupils are pure white, clean and flawless, and they look beautiful, but they contain the chill that can freeze a person's soul. After staring at him, Xiao En himself has been affected a bit.

   "Are you a father?"

   The hollow eyes gradually took on color, catching the shadow of Sean, the green pheasant spoke, his voice was hoarse and dry, and there was a lingering coldness.

   "Well, but I prefer you to call me baron."

Feeling the breath exuding from the body of the green pheasant, the corner of Sean's mouth outlines a beautiful arc. Unlike the white beard at the beginning, the situation of the green pheasant is even more special. His life form has changed over the past two centuries. He has been accumulating strength all the time, which made him possess power that almost surpassed Tier 5 as soon as he woke up, but he couldn't control it for the time being.

  Huh, as the green pheasant wakes up, the chill that originally naturally exudes seems to have a mainstay, and the aura is more fierce, and for a while, Xiao En feels a little unstoppable.

   "It seems we need to change a place."

   glanced at the somewhat faint blue ice crystals on the ground, and Sean spoke again.

Hearing this, the green pheasant stood up from the ground. The green pheasant had already lost one leg and one arm, but at this time, the cold was surging and the ice crystals spread. His missing legs and arms grew instantaneously, and it seemed from the surface. It is no different from a normal limb.

   followed Xiao En, along the way, leaving a glacier path on the ground. Although Qing Pheasant's heart is still at a loss, he has an instinctive dependence on Xiao En.

   Shipwreck Bay, a natural wonderland, Greenfield Town has a semi-fixed space portal with it. Of course, after Xiao En advances to the fifth level, this semi-fixed space portal will soon become a completely fixed space portal.

Crossing the gate of space, Sean once again came to Shipwreck Bay. Because of the existence of the Wraiths, Shipwreck Bay used to be lively for a while, but as the Wraiths were captured by the town of Greenfield, the place fell silent again. , Leaving Noletis alone here to sleep.

"elder brother."

Perceiving the entry of outsiders, Noletis, who was fascinated with a large book in his hand, stood up immediately. After such a long time, he was guided by the town of Noletis, who is capable of fruit for everyone, has gradually matured, but even so, he is still unwilling to contact too many people, so he chose to stay in the Shipwreck Bay and act as a gatekeeper, except for sleeping. , His only hobby is to read all kinds of novels, and these things will be sent by Greenfield Town every once in a while.

   "Long time no see, Noletis."

   Looking at Noletis with tears in his eyes but with a smile on his face, Sean felt a little weird in his heart, but after he carefully probed it with his sight, he understood the reason.

"The Elegy of the Cavalier", a popular serial novel at present, tells the story of a knight who finally died with the evil dragon in order to save the princess. Enshi didn't expect Noletis to like to read such novels. After all, he was still a veritable child based on his mental age.

   "You have grown up, Noletis, come, I will introduce you a new friend."

   Xiao En's words just fell, three meters tall, thin body, with natural curly hair, black hair and black eyes, and the green pheasant Kuzan, wearing a green army coat, walked out of the door of space.

   hum, inspired by his body, Noletis instinctively held the anchor behind his back, he sensed the danger from the green pheasant.


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