Kazed, the shackles of Qi broke, and the qi that was originally bound by the white beard in the body immediately rose, and the shackles that broke through the body became apparent. For a time, the white beard's body seemed to be ignited as a raging fire. After being prepared, Bai Beard didn't hesitate to start attacking Tier 5 immediately.

The air was distorted, and at this moment, the white beard’s strong blood burned the surroundings like real flames, and the nearby emerald green plants turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the process, in the near-substantial flame In, an armed prototype began to slowly take shape.

Stretched out, Sean watched the white beard's changes. At the same time, Smaug, who was sleeping, was also attracted. Since his bloodline transformed and became a real dragon, Smaug became more lethargic, and with Sean advances to the fifth level, and it has a witchcraft link with Sean, and it has unknowingly completed the transformation from the fourth to the fifth level.

   "Boss, can the guy with the white beard make it?"

   Bend down, his eyes widened, and Smaug asked. Since he was promoted to the fifth rank, Smaug has been able to speak after a period of study.

Hearing this, Sean took a look at it. In the past six months, this guy has become an invincible hand of the same rank because of his bloodline transformed into a real dragon. He once provoked Whitebeard once, but naturally he was repaired severely. , This time as Xiao En’s breakthrough was promoted to Tier 5, it was originally trying to find a place, but it was unexpected that White Beard had already begun to break through at this time.

   "If you don't want to be beaten, try to provoke the white beard less."

   Sean is very clear about Smaug's thoughts, but even if Whitebeard has not become the fifth rank, Smaug, who has just been promoted to the fifth rank with his strength, cannot be his opponent.

   It is this time that the violent frenzy in the white beard's body broke out, impacting the surroundings, triggering changes in the celestial phenomenon, and for a while, the blood reflected the world. Seeing this scene, the legendary posture behind Sean manifested, isolating the connection between the Emerald Crown and the outside world.

   And at this time, the Glory Arms that had just formed its embryonic form also began to continuously extract the fighting energy from the white beard, preventing the fighting energy from dissipating, and restraining the explosive fighting energy to the greatest possible extent.

   Dou Qi pouring, amidst the red flames, the white beard's glorious armed forces began to quietly take shape. It was a knife, a naginata.

  Hum, the glory of the armed forces took shape, and the back-feeding began, the white beard's body began to undergo the first life transformation, and the breath of life began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Everything returned to calm, holding a naginata, White Beard stood there quietly, seeming to experience something.

   Seeing this scene, Xiao En understood that Baibeard had completed the leap from Tier 4 to Tier 5. He did not rush over, but silently retracted his legendary posture.

   At a certain moment, when he opened his eyes, the void grew white, his anger burned, and the white beard waved the naginata in his hand.

   roar, like a long roar of a dragon, an exaggerated slash was sent from the hands of White Beard, and the sky cracked.

   "From now on you will call Cong Yunqie."

   Looking at the slender handle in his hand, with dragon patterns entwined, the color is bronze, the blade is snow-white, and the naginata with the shadow of the black dragon swimming in it, White Beard gave it a name that he felt very intimate.

   "How much vindictiveness has been restrained?"

   flashed, and when he came to Baibeard's side, Xiao En asked a question that he cared more about.

   "Ninety percent."

   After a thought, Baibeard gave the answer.

Hearing this, Sean nodded. Ninety percent is indeed an exaggerated figure. It is very good that the average glory weapon can leave 60% grudge. The most important thing is that the accumulation of white beard itself is better than the average. The fourth-order pinnacle knight is much stronger, and these two factors are intertwined. At this time, the strength of the fighting spirit in the white beard's body is probably far more than the normal glory knight.

Although the core life metal of White Beard’s Glory Arms is a seventh-order black-patterned dragon gold, the big head is actually deep-sea deep-sea bronze. Xiao En estimated that if he wants to restrain all his vindictiveness, he might use more seventh-order. Life metal is possible, but unfortunately this is somewhat unrealistic.

   "How much life has increased?"

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and he felt the breath of life of White Beard, Xiao En asked, for White Beard, breaking through the fifth rank, the growth of combat power is second, and life span is the key.

   "300 years."

   Without hesitation, Baibeard gave an accurate answer.

Hearing this, Sean frowned. This number is a bit less compared to his 900 years, but it is not incomprehensible. After all, the path of knights is far better than wizards in the ability to extend life. In addition, the white beard is taking a tough road, and it is actually normal to have such a result.

   "In a few days I will be able to cut off the second shackle and liberate the flesh."

Seeing Xiao En frowning, thinking for a while, White Beard added, three chains of knights, grudge, flesh, blood, these are the shackles that a Tier 5 knight must break free, compared to the first shackles of grudge, the second flesh The requirement of the yoke is very simple, that is, the body of the knight must be tyrannical to a certain extent, because after the yoke is cut off, the body of the knight will usher in a metamorphosis. If it is not strong enough to withstand the sudden change in a short period of time, the knight’s The physical body is at risk of collapse.

   "Well, it shouldn't be troublesome for you."

   Stretched his brows and looked at White Beard, Sean nodded. For the White Beard monster, the only trouble with the three shackles of the knight is probably the blood shackles.

And when Whitebeard was talking with Sean, Smaug flew away quietly. It decided to not trouble Whitebeard in a short time. That guy was a monster, and the power he showed when he just broke through made it true. Long Du was shocked, and the most important thing was that it felt a depressive breath from the white beard's knife.

   "Since I ate the devil fruit, this fellow Sliss has been a little floating. I'd better go find it and talk about it."

   The thoughts in his heart turned, the golden flames flowed on his body, his wings flashed, and Smaug flew towards the sky. When he noticed Smaug's small movements, neither Sean nor White Beard paid any attention.

   At an altitude of 7,000 meters, white clouds are vast, and a huge black shadow is looming in it, sometimes disappearing and sometimes revealing.

   "Silis, you come out quickly."

   plunged into the sea of ​​clouds, Smaug yelled loudly, but unfortunately he didn't get a response. The surrounding area was extremely quiet, there was nothing else besides cotton-like clouds.

   After a long time no response, the amber dragon pupil glanced around, and golden sparks flickered in Smaug's nose.

   "You won't come out, are you? I ask you to come out."

   Knowing Salis' ability, and sure that Salis is here, Smaug opened his mouth.

   The sharp dragon teeth gleamed coldly in the sun, and the golden dragon's breath spouted from Smaug's mouth.

  The dragon's breath was blazing hot and gathered into a pillar, and all the white clouds where it passed by disappeared. It was at this moment that a huge figure suddenly condensed and formed from the sea of ​​clouds.

   "Smaug, you are too much."

   Although unable to speak, the wise Slither communicated with Smaug, who is also a dragon, without any problems.

   "Do you know that weaving this sea of ​​clouds is a task assigned to me by the master, how dare you destroy it?"

  The huge dragon pupil stared at Smaug closely, and Slis looked a little frustrated.

Half a year passed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Smaug transformed into a real dragon, Slisi occupied the Xiaolong Pit. In this half a year, although it did not complete the bloodline transformation, it became a real dragon like Smaug, but inside However, the concentration of dragon blood has further increased. Correspondingly, its transcendent level has also reached the fourth level. The most important thing is that after returning, Xiao En gave it a natural fruit that has completed the transformation and reached the sixth level. The strength of a body can be said to be different from before, but in any case, it is still not an opponent of Smaug.

   "Are you really floating? You dare to talk to your eldest brother like this, besides, can you call the master?"

The golden flames on his body were flowing, and Smaug immediately rushed to look at Salis, who was showing his figure. It knew that this sea of ​​clouds was indeed the sea of ​​clouds that Sean asked Sliss to weave, but it also knew that Sliss was knitting now. Pian Yunhai did not meet Sean's requirements at all, it was just a failed work.

   Dragons are intertwined, or painful, or excited, Smaug and Sliss fought high in the sky.

Although the burnt fruit in the body of Smaug has not changed, its development level is much deeper than that of Slisi. In addition, it is a Tier 5, or a real dragon, which has a strong suppression on Slisi, so this is pure It was a sling, of course, as the dominant side, Smaug made a very measured shot, saying that it was a fight, but in fact it was just a joke.



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