Luye Town, City Hall, today is very serious here, and the staff who come and go do not even dare to breathe.

   In the big meeting room, the senior leaders of Luye Town gathered together, and even Esalius, who was stationed on the ghost island, hurried back deliberately.

Left and right: Clerk Iluka, Chief Military Officer Ferrolie, Head of Yin Beast, Illusions, Shadow of Minister of Darkness, New Chief of Police Claudius, Right of Head of Zombie Farm, Viper Snow, Chief CP0 Monens and Ghost Island are stationed at Esalius, the head of the laboratory, Anis, and the Black Knight Commander Kyle.

   There was no sound, and they communicated with each other for a while. Everyone began to wait quietly. After half a year, this was the first time Sean held a high-level meeting since the crisis brought about by the debris of the world.

   Crunch, the door of the conference room opened, Sean was in front, Baibeard was half behind, and the two walked in together.

   Seeing Sean walked to the main position, everyone else stood up.

Sweeping his gaze, he glanced at these people, Xiao En’s face showed a gentle smile, half a year later, in his absence, these people managed the Greenfield Town very well, maintaining relative stability while still gaining A lot of development left him with a lot of mental energy.

   "Sit down, you guys have been sitting pretty well these six months."

   reached out his hand, motioned everyone to sit down, Sean announced a good news.

   "Following Snow, just yesterday, Whitebeard has completed the transformation and became a fifth-order glorious knight. Here let us congratulate him."

Shaun’s voice fell, and thunderous applause rang out in the conference room. Everyone had an undisguised smile on their faces. Although each of them might have different ideas in their hearts, they were generally happy. Yes, after all, they share weal and woe with Luye Town. The stronger the collective of Luye Town, the better their lives.

Before Snow achieved Tier 5, although everyone also expressed congratulations, but they didn’t have too many thoughts in their hearts, because the path Snow took was so special that most people couldn’t walk at all. For them, it’s a reference. There is no value, but Whitebeard is different. Whitebeard is an orthodox knight. His experience is of reference value to many people present. For a time, in the meeting room, besides the ordinary person Iluka, many people have thoughts. Come alive.

   Now, in this large conference room, except for Iluka, the weakest are the third-order transcendents. At their level, they are very aware of the precious training experience of a fifth-order glorious knight.

   "I have two things to announce for this meeting today."

   When the warm atmosphere passed, Sean looked serious and began to talk about business.

   Hearing this, everyone's expression became solemn.

   "The first thing is the education popularization plan. I plan to build multiple schools in the territory, including elementary schools, middle schools, and evening schools. There must be a primary school in every village."

   In a low voice, Xiao En said the first thing. Now that the total population of Luye Town is close to 50,000, education should also be on the agenda.

   Hearing this, his eyes turned, and many people turned their eyes to Iluka. Among all the people in the room, he was the most related to this matter.

Perceiving everyone’s gaze, Iluka’s face is a bit heavy. As an excellent graduate of Foster University, the Kingdom’s First University, Iluka naturally knows the importance of education, and he agrees with the fact that knowledge changes destiny. In fact, before Sean mentioned it, as the clerk of the territory, Iluka also thought about opening a school, but conditions did not allow it. This is a new world and a pioneering land. Not only is the teaching staff weak, but the cost of running a school is huge. The most important thing is that it may not be pleased, because most of the people who come here are poor settlers in the old continent and people who plan to fight and lick blood on the edge of the knife. For them, reading is a waste of money, and reading is useless. Many of them agree.

   "Baron, I'm afraid this matter will be a little troublesome."

   Looking at Sean's gaze, Iluka bit the bullet and spoke out his concerns.

   The right index finger tapped the desktop rhythmically. Sean knew that the problems and concerns that Iluka said were real, but the education promotion was related to his future plans and should not be missed.

   "Iluka, I know all these issues you mentioned, but the plan must be implemented."

   "Yes, Baron."

   Hearing this, Iluka's expression stiffened, but he nodded quickly and agreed.

   "I know that this matter still has some trouble for the current Lvye Town, so I don't want to do it in one step. I only need to complete the infrastructure within a year. In terms of teaching, it is mainly in the direction of agriculture and basic industry."

  Understanding Iluka's difficulties, Sean added that even if he is willing to devote himself, education still needs to be done step by step.

   "The problem of teachers' strength is handed over to Anbu. First, start with the new continent, and if it is not enough, try to find a solution from the old continent."

   "Yes, Baron."

Perceiving Xiao En’s gaze, the shadow who served as the head of the dark department nodded and agreed. Although this is a bit troublesome, it is not difficult to complete. After all, what Xiao En wants to build is only elementary school, middle school and night school, so don’t go too far. High-end talents.

"As for educational enthusiasm, all school-age children in Luye Town need to receive primary school education. This stage is compulsory education, and the necessary expenses are funded by the city hall ~ Those who cannot graduate from primary school, and their families The residence qualification of Luye Town is cancelled, and the middle school education adopts entrance examinations. After passing the examinations, you can enter the middle school to study. The corresponding expenses are borne by yourself. The city hall will give certain subsidies to the outstanding people and those with difficult families. The city hall of middle school graduates is responsible for arranging the work. Outstanding candidates can obtain extraordinary qualifications. Evening schools are mainly for adults. They also focus on agriculture and industry. As long as they can pass the exam, they can get jobs or extraordinary opportunities."

With a calm face, Xiao En told his thoughts. Hearing this, everyone understood Xiao En’s determination to promote education. The price paid was too great, not only money, but also extraordinary resources. .

   "I see, Baron, I will implement it as soon as possible."

   After listening to Sean's statement, although I felt something was wrong, this was a bit too preferential to the civilians, but Iluka immediately made a guarantee, because there is only one will that exists here and that is Sean's will.

   Hearing this, Sean nodded.

   "The second thing, I need to go back to the old continent next, so the stability and development of Luye Town need your continued efforts."

   Hearing this, most of the people in the meeting room showed a look of surprise. They didn't expect that Sean, who hadn't appeared for more than half a year, would immediately disappear again.



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