Acceptance of the Heavens Begins with the Devil Fruit Tree

Chapter 327: The growing magic stone mine

   Lord’s Mansion, Study Room. After the meeting, Esalius who had been stationed on the ghost island for a long time approached Sean.

   "Baron, this is the magic crystal produced by Ghost Island during this time."

  With words, Esalius handed Sean a sealed oak box.

Opening the box, seeing the dim light inside, the size of a thumb, with 33 magic crystals, Sean raised his eyebrows. This number was a bit unexpected, not less, but more, because of strictness. In terms of high-purity magic crystal condensed, it can be regarded as a sixth-order extraordinary resource.

   "Baron, according to my observation, with the continuous recovery of the magic tide, the magic stone vein located on the ghost island is still growing, and it may become a large or even giant magic stone vein in the future."

   Perceiving Sean's searching gaze, Osalius gave the answer. It is precisely because the magic stone veins are still growing that so many magic crystals can be bred, and this is not a one-shot deal.

   Hearing this, Sean's eyes moved.

   "It seems that we will pay more attention to Ghost Island in the future. You have worked hard to stay there."

If Ghost Island’s magic stone veins are really likely to grow into giant veins, then the degree of importance must be increased. The production of a giant magic stone vein is more than enough to feed the entire Lvye Town. The most important thing is that the giant veins may be born. The magic source crystal, that is an extraordinary resource belonging to the seventh rank.

"Baron, it’s hard for me to be lucky, but as the magic stone veins grow, it occasionally causes magic riots, erupting powerful magic auras, attracting the attention of some extraordinary creatures. Not long ago, there was an amphibious Tier 4 deep sea crocodile. Appeared on the ghost island."

Raising his head and looking at Sean, Esalius whispered, a pair of faint green eyes gleaming with light. This is indeed the biggest problem facing Ghost Island now. If it is just a general Tier 4 creature, with his strength It was still able to deal with it, but once Tier 5 appeared, he was a little overwhelmed.

Hearing this, his right index finger tapped the desktop unconsciously, and Sean fell into contemplation. The magic riot caused by the magic stone veins is difficult to conceal. The easiest way now is to strengthen the island’s defenses, such as dampening. A fifth-order transcendent passed by.

   "Baron, I want to exchange some life metal from you."

   Looking at Sean who was lost in thought, Esalius made his request and let go of his breath at the same time.

   The mist dissipated, and a wild, savage, and primitive aura emerged on Esalius, adding a trace of wildness to his originally feminine face.

Seen and heard divergence, perceiving the breath of Esalius, Sean has a guess in his heart. For a long time, Esalius has been covered by a layer of mist, so that Sean can't see his reality, even he I don't know the extraordinary road I took, and now all of this is in front of Sean.

The silver hair fluttered and stared at Sean’s godless eyes. Esalius’s expression remained unchanged. Before, Esalius hadn’t actually planned to obtain life metal from Sean, because now this Under the circumstances, he did not think that Greenfield Town or Sean could provide him with high-quality life metal, but after seeing White Beard today, he changed his mind. White Beard’s vindictiveness might be the decisive factor. His own accumulation is absolutely inseparable from the high-quality life metal.

   "I can provide high-quality life metal, but this thing cannot be free."

I looked at Esalius for a while and understood his thoughts. Sean also said his decision. Although Essalius is now his subordinate, he is different from Whitebeard. Sean cannot be free. Providing high-quality life metal can be considered if it is just ordinary life metal, but Sean understands that since Esalius has spoken now, he naturally looks down on ordinary life metal.

   Upon hearing this, a smile appeared on Esalius's face, and for a while, a natural charm appeared. He was not afraid that something had a price, he was afraid that there was no such thing.

   "Lord Lord, this is the secret of the knight I practiced. I want to exchange it for the life metal in your hand."

   Without hesitation, Esalius took out a scroll and placed it in front of Sean. Obviously he was prepared.

   took the scroll and looked around, and Sean's eyes narrowed.

   "The Wolf of Desolation", the secret of the bloodline knight, quasi-sixth order, the content before the fifth order has been perfected, and the sixth order content has only one framework, and it needs to be constantly supplemented.

   "Did you create this yourself?"

   Putting down the scroll, his azure blue eyes locked on Esalius, and Sean asked, this secret is different from the normal secret. There are many conjectures in it. The details of the side branches are mostly rough and obviously not perfect.

   "Yes, Baron."

Without concealing it, facing Sean’s gaze, Esalius admitted this matter. Since acquiring this body, he discovered that the blood of this body is not simple, so he measured himself on this basis. He has created a secret biography of the bloodline knight, although it is only a quasi-sixth rank now, it may be in the future.

Although there was speculation in his mind, Sean was still a little shocked when he heard Esalius personally admit it, because he knew the difficulty of creating a secret, even though the secret of Esalius is still just a start. It is not perfect, but in terms of rank, it does reach the quasi-sixth rank.

   "You really gave me a surprise, see if you are satisfied with this thing."

   took a deep look at Esalius, and as the thought turned, the source power point was deducted, and a chain that was one meter long, with the thickness of a thumb, and a faint blue chain appeared in Xiao En's hand.

   [Item]: Hailou Yuanjin

   [Evaluation]: The wonderful metal from the world of One Piece is the product of world consciousness, and it has a natural banning power.

  [Price]: 200 source power points

The sea floor source gold, the source of the sea floor stone of the One Piece World, is the world consciousness that uses the source force to spawn the devil fruit tree. It is the sixth-order life metal. Under normal circumstances, the exchange price of the complete sixth-order strange object is more than 500 source force points. , But Hailou Yuanjin is not only raw materials, but the most important thing is insufficient weight. Now only a part of it appears in the hands of Xiao En, but even so, after consuming these 200 source power points, in addition to 6 fundamental source power points, Xiao Well, there is not much source power left.

   "This is Hailou Yuanjin. In addition to being hard, the biggest feature is that it naturally carries the power of ban. It is considered a Tier 6 life metal."

   With words, Sean handed Hailou Yuanjin to Esalus.

   After receiving Hailou Yuanjin, the extraordinary power surged, and he kept perceiving, and soon Esalius showed a smile on his face. Obviously, he was still very satisfied with Hailou Yuanjin.

   "Thank you, Baron, this kind of life metal suits me well."

   With a smile on his face, Esalius expressed his gratitude.

   "You like you are about to be promoted to the fifth rank of glory knight, then this thing is for you too."

   With words, Sean handed Esalius a potion with a full body and a purple cherry blossom floating in it.

   Seeing this tube of potion Esalius's face was puzzled, he could perceive a strange power in this tube of potion, but he could not distinguish its nature.

   "This is the light of hope potion, which can help you break the upper limit of the chain fruit power in your body."

   Hearing this, Esalius took the potion without hesitation, and drank it immediately.

   At this scene, the smile on Sean's face is softer.

   The so-called light of hope potion is actually a cover, the essence is that he has extracted the transforming power of an ancient demon fruit that is about to transform.

The chain fruit that Esalius ate before was not the top superhuman demon fruit, and the upper limit was only Tier 4. After this transformation, his chain fruit power will reach the level of fifth. Of course, the price is that he and Xiao En's previous connection has become closer, and it will be more difficult to cut it off.

   It may not be clear to Esalus about all this, but he did it anyway. It was a choice he made himself.


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