"Baron Sean, don't you know where the cultists are now?"

   The thoughts in his heart turned, and Mohan asked the most critical question. The moment the question was uttered, Ivy Gree, who had been sitting still, changed slightly.

   The smile did not change, and he gently put down the teacup, Xiao En did not rush to answer, he seemed to be aftertaste of the aroma of tea.

   "Those guys were killed."

   Flirtuously, Sean gave the answer.


   Hearing this, Ivegri was okay. Although his heart fluctuated violently, he still remained calm on the surface, but Mohan had no such determination, or that the news had too much impact on him.

But this is also normal. As a member of the correctional facility, Mohan has been dealing with the people of the Black Fire Church. He is very clear that those guys may not be the strongest in the same rank, but a terrifying regeneration power is. He is well-known among many cults, especially among the cultists, there is Yushir, who is ranked 33rd in the heretical rankings, a genuine Tier 5 legendary life. This time, in order to deal with Yushir, he is Knowing that Ivegri, who has always believed in fists and hammers, deliberately brought out a powerful strange object in the church's collection.

   "Baron Sean, that cultist has a holy object belonging to the church. I wonder if you have seen it?"

   Ignoring the gaffe Mohan, he looked directly at Sean, and at this moment Ivigli spoke up. Although he hated dealing with nobles, this question was not suitable for Mohan to ask.

   Hearing this, he looked at Ivy Gli, and Sean shook his head.

   Seeing Sean behaving like this, Ivegri narrowed his eyes and got up and stood up.

   "In that case, then we won't bother, but this thing is very important to the church. If Baron Sean sees it, please let us know."

   After finishing speaking, ignoring Sean's reaction, Ivigli turned and walked out of the villa. Mohan, a little confused, got up and gave a church service to Sean and quickly followed.

   walked to the door of the villa and glanced at the white beard standing next to him. Ivegri's footsteps stopped for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

   High in the sky, looking at the distant wind **** pterosaur Shilis, Mohan's face has a trace of doubt.

   "Bishop, that thing is clearly on Sean Montell, why did you just let it go?"

   Standing next to Avigli, without covering up, Mohan asked directly.

   "The other party doesn't want to give it, we are not strong enough, what else can we do if we don't count it?"

   Regarding his capable deputy, Ivy Gree still values ​​it very much, and the answer is very happy.

   "I don't have enough strength, how can I..."

It seems that something has been thought of, his expression has changed, and Mohan has taken back what he has not yet exported. As the violent organization of the Church of the Storm, the punishment house naturally possesses tyrannical power, even if they are only a part of it, but if the other party has two If the legend is strong, then things are completely different.

   "It turned out to be like this, no wonder they could kill Uhill."

   whispered in his mouth, Mohan's expression was a bit sluggish at this moment.

   "The Baron Sean should be a fifth-order true spirit wizard, and the white-bearded man should be a fifth-order glorious knight."

   Seeing his deputy reacted, Ivegri gave an accurate answer.

   When I said this, Avigli's expression was also a bit heavy. Neither the fifth-order wizard nor the fifth-order knight could deal with it. The transcendents of these two transcendent ways were generally stronger than the other transcendent ways.

   "The golden oak, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is really terrifying. I didn't expect the Montell family to hide such a powerful force."

   After regaining his senses, Mohan sighed. In this era, although extraordinary power is constantly recovering, Tier 5 is still at the top, and two Tier 5 powerhouses are enough to change many things.

   "So nobles are the most annoying, but church things are not so easy to pick up."

   took Mohan's words, said a word, Ivegri turned and left here.

   Seeing such a scene, Mohan, who is familiar with Ivygly’s temperament, knew that Ivygly had actually given up that thing, but he could understand it after thinking about it carefully.

Not only because Sean and the others are powerful, but the two fifth-tiers alone can’t scare Ivy Gree, who is backed by the Storm Church, mainly because that thing is too special. If you change it to something of the same grade Neither Ivy Gree nor the Storm Church would let go so easily.

   The hand of the demon god, in the past years, there was a demon **** who used his incarnation to descend into the great world of Liberal Arts. Later, he was surrounded and killed by the church. Only one left hand was left, and it was recovered and sealed by the storm church.

This time, in order to catch the cultists of the Black Fire Church, the punishment center deliberately took out the hand of the demon, and let it appear in a ruin, and it was discovered. As for Casio, he was just a hapless person, acting as a porter. .

The development of the matter was the same as the Church of Storm’s expectations. For the hand of the Demon God, the Black Fire Church really made a move. It’s just that the Church of Storm had expected the beginning but did not end as expected. The Black Fire Church saw through their fishing plan, and Using the fifth-order space wonders to complete the break, if there is no chaos from Xiao En and others, the storm church's plan this time will be a complete failure.

   Of course, the most important thing is that the hand of the Demon God is only the incarnation of the Demon God. Although it is contaminated with the power of the Demon God, its essence is actually only at the sixth level.

At present, the essence of Tier 6 is actually quite high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the key is that the power of this thing comes from the Demon God, which is a tasteless for the people of the Storm Church. , Since getting this thing, it has been placed in the Sealed Land to eat ashes. If it weren't for this, the Storm Church would not agree to take out this level of things for the punishment center to use for fishing.

   In the distance, high in the sky, sitting in the villa, Sean took out a box.

The    box is two meters long and is made of Mithril as the main material. There are thin chains on it, which firmly bind the entire box.

   "It's really something from the Storm Church."

   Sensation diverges, and after careful exploration, Sean found a unique mark that exudes a sacred atmosphere.

   The power of the soul surged, and after several times of washing, the light of this mark gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.

   "It seems that all of this is the Storm Church fishing, but it seems to be playing off."

   Without opening the sealed box, Sean thought of something else.

Although it hasn’t been long since returning to the Old Continent, as far as Sean saw, the Old Continent may not be peaceful, even more chaotic than the New World. It’s just that the chaos in the New World is on the bright side, but the chaos in the Old World It is hidden under the darkness.



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