Yorkshire, bordering Yihe County, is the borderland of Sutilt, bordering the Dark Forest.

As a noble fief, the Montell family are the real owners of this land. Of course, since the political reform, compared with the medieval times, the Montell family’s control over the fief has declined a lot, such as losing the right to enact laws. The law as a whole refers to the kingdom, which is no longer formulated by the Montell family itself. Of course, even in this way, the Montell family is still the veritable masters in this land, because the executors of these rights basically belong to the Montell family.

   Wings waved, after leaving the train, at the speed of Slisi, Sean and his party quickly arrived in Yorkshire.

   "Welcome home, Master."

   Outside Oak City, Yorkshire, watching the figure walking down from Sliss back, a meticulous old man with a silver head full of silver hair but a meticulous smile on his face bowed to Sean.

   "Long time no see, butler Plant."

   Looking at the old man, Xiao En's face also showed a smile.

Plant Bunge, the chief steward of the Montere family, was born in the Viscount family, and was the second son of the family. He was sent to the Montere family for training by the Bunge family from a very young age. He was with Sean’s father Heston Monte He grew up together, but compared to Heston, he was a bit older.

   "You are fortunate to have suffered this journey, young master, and there is already a place for you to rest in your home."

   Looking at the fatigue on Sean's face, Plante said.

   Hearing this, Xiao En nodded, without much greeting, got in the car that had been prepared a long time ago, and headed for the city.

In the past, Sean’s eyesight was limited, but now he realized that Plant Bunge turned out to be a transcendent, and also a fourth-order transcendent. Judging from the energy escaping from his body, the probability is that the magical medicine system’s fourth-order dark Master, maybe this is why he is old.

   In order to meet Sean, Plant had already prepared and blocked a street specifically, so the vehicle that Sean was riding on this road did not encounter any obstacles.

   When he returned to the earl's mansion, Sean originally planned to take a break. The continuous research these days has made him a little tired, but the appearance of some people disrupted his plan.

   When Sean’s car stopped at the gate of the Earls’ Mansion, a group of people had been waiting there.

   "Big Brother."

   "Big Brother."

   "Big Brother."

   "Baron Sean."

   Looking at Sean who got out of the car, he said hello one after another. They are Sean’s brothers and sisters and some of the noble children of the York group.

   "It's been a long time since everyone."

   In the past years, as the first heir to the Montell family, Sean has always been the core of this group of people, and hasn't felt anything uncomfortable about this.

After greeted others, Xiao En set his sights on his younger brothers and sisters, and the other noble children were also very acquainted, and soon left one after another. Today is not suitable for dealing with this occasion, they just came over to brush up a sense of existence. .

   "Second brother, third brother, fourth sister, how have you been in the past few years?"

   Looking at his two younger brothers and one younger sister, Sean has a gentle smile on his face.

   Judging from the general situation of the nobility, the blood of this generation of the Monteel family is not prosperous, and the identity of the first heir to Sean has been determined early, so the relationship between the four Sean brothers and sisters is still good.

   Looking at Sean’s gentle smile and listening to Sean’s kind words, the estrangement between the four brothers and sisters due to time quickly dissipated.

Along the way, the four people talked, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious, but most of the time it was them who asked, and Sean was responsible for answering, similar to Sean, the second child, Hart Montele, and the third child, Ewing Montele. They are all maroon slightly curly hair with blue pupils, only the fourth oldest Katie Montel has green hair with purple pupils.

   "Brother, New World is so fun, did you bring me any gifts when you came back?"

   Holding Sean's right arm, Katie, who has eliminated the strangeness, acted like she did before.

   The third and fourth are actually twins, but because they already have three sons, both the countess, Sean and others naturally prefer Katie in daily life.

   "Naturally bring it, I'll give it to you later."

   With a smile, Sean said.

   "I knew you were the best brother."

   Upon hearing this, Katie's face immediately smiled.

   "You have too."

At the same time, noticing the expressions of the other two younger brothers, Sean also gave the answer. Hearing this, the 18-year-old second child was okay. Although his eyes were excited, his expression remained calm, but the third child I couldn’t help showing a clear smile. After listening to Sean talk about some of his adventures in the new world, such as repelling the natives who harmed the territory, such as chasing and killing nasty pirates, such as fighting with the ugly murlocs, they told Xiao The gifts En brought back are more and more anticipated.

   "Master, the master wants you to talk in the study."

   At this time, Plant rushed over and let Sean escape from the entanglement of his brothers and sisters.

   "Okay, I'll go right away."

   Hearing this, Sean nodded and agreed.


   "Father, long time no see."

   Looking at the tall figure in the study, Sean bowed and saluted.

   Unlike the flimsy Sean, Heston Montell is very strong, like a lion, with a national character face, without anger or prestige.

   "It seems that the intelligence is true. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I really can't believe that you have become a Tier 5 True Spirit Wizard."

   After looking at Sean carefully for a long time, Heston spoke with a low tone, with sighs and sighs in the words.

   Hearing this, the corner of Sean's mouth outlines a nice arc.

   "Isn't my father already promoted to the fifth rank of glory knight?"

   Raising his head, Sean and Heston looked at each other, and while Heston was watching him, he was also watching Heston.

   looked at each other and laughed. As the laughter sounded, the atmosphere in the study suddenly became relaxed.

   "Originally, calling you back this time was mainly for you to be baptized, so as to increase your probability of breaking through the fifth rank. I didn't expect you to have already broken through."

  Speaking of this, the smile on Heston's face is getting richer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, he is very satisfied with the fact that Sean has become a fifth-order true spirit wizard.

   Hearing this, Sean was thoughtful. The Montell family really has a lot of roots, and there is a way to increase the probability of breaking through the fifth rank.

   "However, although the effect of baptism is greatly reduced after the fifth level, there are still some benefits for you."

   Looking at Sean, Heston tells something about baptism.

   When it was getting dark, Sean left Heston’s study.

   Looking at Sean's disappearing back, Heston's expression looked a little dim in the dim light.

"what's the result?"

   The low voice echoed in the silent study, with a hint of chill.

   Hearing this, a phantom was solidified, and he held a palm-sized mirror in his hand.

"everything is normal."

   Looking at Sean in the mirror, there was no abnormal face inside and outside, and the ghost gave the answer.

Hearing this, Heston was obviously relieved. As long as there is no problem with blood and soul, then everything is easy to say. To be honest, it is true that Sean has been promoted from Tier 1 to Tier 5 in just a few years after going to the New World. Some scared him.



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