In the Emerald Kingdom, the changes in the outside world are an eventful period, but Sean's life is exceptionally peaceful, and most of the time he concentrates on completing the door of perfection.

"This is·····"

Upon receiving unexpected news, a strange color flashed in Sean's eyes.

Glancing at the Infernal Gate that has completely contained the chains of Thunder Punishment and Smaug, who is lying down in the sea of ​​fire and sleeping, Xiao En's figure sank into the void and disappeared.

In the world of the sun god, a phoenix of a god-horse is standing in the void, vomiting Nirvana and burning the chaos. It has lasted for an unknown number of years. Today, the chaos separates, the clear air rises, the turbid air sinks, and the world has reached the real world. When opening up.

Void fluctuations, Sean appeared here.

Huh, the sharp chirping sound contained unparalleled domineering, the Phoenix spread its wings, from bottom to top, struck the last chaos, the red flame spread out like water waves and enveloped the whole world.

Phew, the last chaos disappeared, heaven and earth began to emerge, and black and white were born first.

Standing in the void, watching this scene quietly, Xiao En felt in his heart that the three rules of time, space, and life in his body resonated spontaneously, condensing the prototype of the power of the developer.

I don't know how long time has passed, and Sean wakes up from his sentiment, dissipates the form of the undead bird, and Semiya, who has manifested a human posture, comes to him.


The red divine light covered the sky, and the money came, and Semir bowed and saluted. After the open-day polishing of the world of the sun god, Semiya became much calmer.

"You did a great job, Semiya."

Observing the scene of the world starting to evolve automatically, Sean let out a sigh. After experiencing this experience today, he has a clearer view of the road he will take in the future.

Hearing this, the scarlet eyes burned with flames, and Semiya's face showed a bright smile.

"Teacher, these are the origin crystallizations that were born when the world of Yangshen was opened again. Except for some of them for my own use, I have collected everything else."

With words, Semiya sent a handful of shining star sand to Xiao En's face.

Looking at the seemingly inconspicuous handful in front of him, Sean raised his brows slightly.

The crystallization of origin, a special substance produced in the world of Yangshen, was only born at the beginning of the reopening of the world of each epoch. In essence, it is actually an alternative manifestation of the world's source of power. Necessary items, and the small handful that Semiya handed over happened to contain 300 grains, which is 300 points in terms of fundamental source power.

"You have a heart."

There was indeed a need, and Sean directly collected these origin crystals, which could just be used to exchange them for fundamental source power points.

"Teacher, next I want to go back to the Yellow Sand World to take a look."

Seeing the smile on Sean's face, Semiya spoke, with a touch of complexity in her words.

Hearing this, after a moment of contemplation, Sean nodded.

The Yellow Sand World is Semiya’s hometown. It has now become a training ground for **** and the Eternal Tower. It is extremely dangerous, but now Semiya is no longer what it used to be, and Sean can clearly feel that he is in the world of Yangshen. During this period of time, in addition to burning Chaos and polishing herself, Semiya also officially embarked on the path of a magician and became a seventh-order magician.

He himself is an innate being. He was born in the seventh rank, plus a magician. Now he is considered a strong one in the seventh rank, comparable to a medium divine power. Even a strong divine power can defeat him at most, and it is difficult to kill him. .

With such strength, as long as you don't provoke the existence of the eighth rank, in this sea of ​​void, Semiya will go there, burning the chaos, and repeating the world, although it is a hard work, but it is also a rare temper.

"Go, you should go back and take a look after you have been away for so long. It just so happens that the twelfth pillar demon **** of hell, the lord of **** is now in the world of yellow sand."

Without hindrance, Sean agreed to Semiya's request, chaos opened up, and the world re-evolved. The world of Yangshen now restrains Semiya from being far less powerful than before.

Hearing this, the flames in Semiya’s red eyes fluctuated for a moment. The reason why her family was ruined and she had to risk Nirvana, the fundamental reason was that the lord of lust, for this **** The devil, he has never forgotten that he used to face this devil as small as an ant, not worth mentioning, but now it is different.

Perceiving the subtle changes in Semiya's mood, Xiao En didn't say much. He drew a finger and borrowed the power of the Infinite Door to open up a space portal, leading directly to the world of yellow sand.

"Thank you teacher."

He bowed and saluted again, manifested the posture of the phoenix, and uttered a cry that resounded throughout the world, as if saying goodbye to the world. Semiya's figure disappeared into the space portal and disappeared. After so many years, compared to the human posture, He seems to be More accustomed to the phoenix posture.

The world returned to calm again, and Xiao En did not rush to leave, but observed carefully in the world of Yangshen.

The world of Yangshen is a special world. It has never been truly destroyed. The catastrophe of each era is just a kind of harvest and reincarnation, just like a farmer harvesting his own wheat field.

In this situation, the evolution of the world of the Yang God after the reopening is much faster than the evolution of the real world. This is a good thing for Sean. Through the evolution of the world of the Yang God, he can do it for himself in the future. After all, the world of Yangshen is already a mature world, and his evolution process is of high reference value.

Measure the earth with his feet, walked to the end of the earth and stepped into the raging primitive ocean. Sean saw chaos and order. In the process, the two prototypes of powers he possessed, the creator and the Lord of the world, were shaken. .

"It's time to leave."

Crossing the barrier of the sky full of thunder and thunder, looking at the nine heavens that the world of the sun **** had not yet completed the evolution, Xiao En had a clear understanding in his heart.

The door of the space opened up, and Xiao En's figure disappeared.

As time passed, everything was developing in an orderly manner. Despite the ups and downs of the outside world, Sean still lived very peacefully, and it was another five years.

1566 A.D. After 5 years, the Emerald Kingdom took the fruits of victory on the sea, completely defeated the alliance of the Jiao Terran, the Black Fire Church, and the emperor Dagon of Warcraft, and became the new king of the sea. , King of the sea.

In this process, the once incomparable Jiao human race was killed and wiped out. The ancient Jiao Ren’s right arm, half-footed Seven Sins Fox and King Darkshang, who stepped into the seventh rank, were also beaten into nothingness by the white beard. Only the ancient Jiao Ren never saw a trace, completely disappeared in the vast sea.

The Black Fire Church’s hand reaching out to the sea was completely cut off. In the process, although the Son of Black Fire tried to change the situation, Sieggel seized the opportunity to be injured and finally retreated in embarrassment.

The emperor of Warcraft, Dagon, was anchored by Sieggel and joined forces with the white beard and the green pheasant. They were killed on the sea, and there was no escape. That day, the emperor’s blood stained the red sea and attracted thousands of people. Beast carnival.

And with the defeat of the Jiao Terran, a veteran emperor with moderate powers fell, and the fame of the Jade Kingdom quickly spread everywhere, and even some people thought that the Jade Kingdom could already be renamed the Jade Empire and became the door of the liberal world. The second empire after the Sa empire.


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