Emerald Kingdom, Greenfield City, King Court, Sun Palace.

"It's done."

Above the blazing sea of ​​fire, looking at the gray stone gate that is no more than a hundred meters high, flowing with quiet brilliance, and round as a gray stone door, Xiao En's face revealed a rare excitement.

On the other side, looking at such Sean, Smaug was slightly puzzled, and then looked at the door of the infinite, but found nothing. After a few years, under the chain of Nature Walker, he relied on Sean, he not only retrieved his previous memories, but also officially stepped into the seventh step, the speed is incredible.

"The eighth-order strange thing."

Ignoring Smaug, who was full of doubts, carefully feeling the breath of Infernal Gate, the thoughts in Xiao En's heart continued to roll.

Unlike the Immortal Warhammer Thunder Roar, the Gate of the Infinite is the eighth-order wonder that is truly mastered by Sean, and the Gate of the Infinite is only at the eighth stage before his subsequent plans can be unfolded smoothly.

"The door of the infinite, search for the eternal lotus seed."

The door to the infinite communication of ideas, Sean gave his order.

Infinite Gate’s containment items have always been based on Sean’s needs. This sign has been continuously supplemented, and Sean has become stronger and more obvious. After being fully completed, Sean has been able to pass through Infinite Gate. Accurately contain items.

Om, the power of the door vibrated, and the invisible power instantly jumped out of a long distance. For this change, Xiao En had not noticed before, but now he can clearly feel it.

"Another sea of ​​void?"

Perceiving carefully, Xiao En confirmed his own guess that the world of Wu Tomb and the Great World of Boya are not in the same void sea, but this is also normal. The eternal lotus seed in the world of Wu Tomb is produced from the eternal **** lotus, which is the rank of the gods. I am afraid that it has already exceeded the eighth level. If it is really in the same void sea as the Boya Great World, it is impossible for there to be no news in the Boya Great World.

The stars are as small as dust compared to the world, and the world is as small as dust compared to the void sea. Some civilizations also call the void sea the universe, but this concept is rarely touched by civilizations, and most of them are vague.

"could not find it."

After taking back his thoughts for a long time, Xiao En's brows frowned.

The lotus seeds produced by the eternal **** lotus are scattered in the void sea where the Wu Tomb world is located. They seem to be a lot of them, but they are actually a needle in a haystack. Even if the current door of the door has been promoted to the eighth level, I want to find and complete the containment in a hurry. It's not easy.

"It may take some time to find the eternal lotus seed. I will either wait patiently or take some other means."

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Sean made a decision.

The golden oak building, with golden light flowing on the clean glass curtain wall, looks like a golden oak bathed in divine light from a distance. It is sacred and beautiful. This place is also known as the power building, which is the secular world of the Jade Kingdom. The core of rights, everyone who enters and exits here holds the rights that ordinary people look up to.

At the top level and between the powers, the Kingdom Archon Iruka is dealing with government affairs. As the Kingdom Archon, he has a lot of things to deal with every day. If he hadn't had a transcendent nature, he would have long been unable to hold it.

But for this kind of life, Iluka doesn't hate it, but enjoys it very much. He is a sweetheart. He is naturally a person who likes to fiddle with power.

Of course, although I was busy with government affairs, I have lost the energy of Iruka on the extraordinary road, and the road is still Chakra, but if someone underestimates Iruka's strength, then he is destined to taste bitter fruit.

Taking into account Iluka’s merits and ability to handle government affairs over the years, in order for the ruling fetus to stay longer in this position, Sean connected the Chakra mother tree, the source of the Chakra Road of the Boya Great World, with Iluka. Together.

When the Chakra Road really grows in this world and the Chakra Mother Tree grows further, if Iruka can seize the opportunity to successfully accommodate the Chakra Mother Tree, then it is entirely possible for him to become the God of Chakra and ascend the seventh step in one step.

Even now, with the power of the Chakra Mother Tree, Iruka can show the power of Tier VI. The pair of writing round eyes he originally transplanted has now transformed into reincarnation eyes under the influence of the Chakra Mother Tree. The strength is not small. watch for.

Om, the space fluctuated, and Sean's mind appeared in front of Iluka.

"His Majesty."

Perceiving the arrival of Sean, Iluka immediately bowed and bowed his humility to the extreme. He can live today and rely on Sean's gift. He has always seen this very clearly.

"The Royal Power Alliance should have a more formal charter since its establishment today. In the name of the Emerald Kingdom, you will send invitation letters to the royal families of the Confederate nations, inviting them to come to the Emerald Kingdom to participate in the first alliance assembly."

Looking at Iluka, Sean did not say any greetings, and directly stated his purpose.

Hearing this, Iruka felt a little surprised, but he immediately nodded and agreed. Regarding this matter, the kingdom's ruling party had already discussed this matter, but he did not expect that Sean would call for it now.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will immediately send invitations to the royal families of the participating countries, but I don't know the specific day of the alliance meeting?"

With his gaze down, Iluka asked softly.

Hearing this, Sean groaned slightly.

"On March 3, it happened to be the day when the Kingdom was founded."

"Yes, Your Majesty, but this is the first official meeting of the Alliance. For the safety of the royal families of all countries, the Alliance Army alone is still a little weaker. Is it necessary to mobilize the Royal Navy as an auxiliary?"

"Yes, I will explain the green pheasant about this matter. At that time, you can transfer the fleet and generals from the navy as auxiliary. In any case, this time the mission should not be missed."

Considering the importance of the first alliance meeting, Sean accepted Iluka's proposal.

At present, there are three kingdoms and seven principalities in the royal power alliance. The high-end combat power of the alliance army has a pseudo-7th, two sixth-tier and several fifth-tier legends. Although it is not weak, the mission this time should not be missed. The royal family members had problems in this process, so it was undoubtedly a blow to the prestige of the royal power alliance.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable to transfer part of the kingdom’s navy, not to mention that with the destruction of the Jiao tribe, the pressure on the emerald kingdom’s navy has been greatly reduced in the current sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gives the answer. , Sean's figure disappeared.

After Sean left, he sat on the chair and wiped his moustache. After thinking for a while, Iluka immediately began to write official documents and convey orders.

In the past few years, the Emerald Kingdom has always adopted the method of boiling frogs in warm water for the other participating countries of the Royal Power Alliance, mainly through economic and cultural means to indirectly influence, but now it is time to make some changes. At least it is necessary to truly clarify the status of each other, so that countries are more closely united around the Emerald Kingdom.

Although the royal power alliance of scattered sand is huge, it is slightly bloated. Only the royal power alliance that is squeezed into a fist has real power, and only such a royal power alliance truly meets the interests of the Emerald Kingdom.

"After this meeting, the Royal Power Alliance will turn a new chapter."

Putting down the pen in his hand, looking down at the entire Greenfield City through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a smile appeared on Iluka's face, and he was excited and looking forward to it.


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