Accidentally Became a Taoist

Chapter 85: she is a fairy (5)

A group of flower fairies surrounded Bai Shuhe to the place where the flowers were in full bloom, sitting on the beautiful swing, waiting for Bai Shuhe to answer their doubts.

The flower fairies present, except for the Magnolia Fairy, are genuinely curious about the mortal world. This Fairy Magnolia doesn't seem to be so yearning for the mortal world, but she seems to care more about Bai Shuhe's experience in the mortal world.

It can be seen from the other party's repeated inquiries.

Bai Shuhe didn't sell anything, and after sitting down, he started to talk: "The mortal world is really interesting. I came back this time to have some insights in the mortal world, and I came back to break through the cultivation base."

When Bai Shuhe said this, many flower fairies discovered that the breath of Bai Shuhe seemed to be much stronger than before. They couldn't help but ask in their hearts, can they really get a lot of insights when they go down to earth?

Bai Shuhe has only been in the mortal world for a few months, and only then did she return to the immortal world to practice for ten days, and her cultivation has improved so much? The flower fairies showed envious eyes, but their hearts were very sad. They were all under the control of the immortal book. They were immortal grasses directly enlightened by powerful immortals, and they had basically never practiced by themselves.

If you want to improve your cultivation, you can only use external objects, eat some elixir, and fairy fruit. Bai Shuhe's method was not suitable for them. Of course, there is also a shortcut, and the Jade Emperor will not interfere, that is to go down to earth and experience calamities.

However, for people like them who were directly inspired and formed, going down to earth and going through calamities would be a fool's dream, and it must be a failure.

Even so, it is not necessarily a lifetime of success.

"Fairy White Tea, what happened later?" Fairy Yulan asked again, "You know that our sisters are different from you and cannot cultivate on their own, but rely on external objects to improve their cultivation. We seem useless. We are still more curious about your experience in the mortal world, especially with that scholar."

The monarch is going through a calamity, and there is no way to spread the news. Fairy Yulan is anxious to know what Bai Shuhe has gone through. It's different than expected.

"Actually, when I first came down to earth, it was convenient for a scholar who went up the mountain to collect herbs and was accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake. At that time, his life was hanging by a thread."

"The white tea fairy can help me?" Fairy Haitang asked anxiously, in fact, these flower fairies who were directly touched are still very pure in their minds. They are in danger when they see people. Of course, they want to save them. . In addition, after reading many scriptures, I subconsciously felt that I should save people.

Bai Shuhe nodded: "I saved him."

The boulder that was pressing on Fairy Yulan’s heart disappeared instantly, and she asked, “Afterwards, what happened to you and that scholar?”

"We became friends later." Bai Shuhe replied.

"Is it just a friend?" Fairy Rose was a little disappointed, "Didn't there be some vigorous love stories?"

Fairy Yulan nodded: "Yeah, you saved the scholar, according to the book, shouldn't he promise him in person?"

"Could it be that the book grows ugly?" Fairy Haitang blinked, "If he is really ugly, it's really not good to promise him, let him be a cow and a horse in the next life. , Fairy White Tea, let's change to a better-looking scholar."

"That's right, I think the scholars in the book are all beautiful, none of them are ugly, if they are too ugly, they really don't match the appearance of the white tea fairy." Fairy Rose hurriedly replied. , "Fairy Haitang is right. If it is too ugly, it will be right to be a cow and a horse in the next life."

"You must not only be handsome, but also talented." Fairy Haitang appeared in a book of words, "I have read countless book of words, and all scholars must be beautiful and talented. Otherwise, how can they attract goblins? What about fairies? We don’t know the preferences of fairies, but what about our little fairies? Of course, they have to be good-looking and talented.”

Fairy Magnolia almost died on the spot, read the script, why do you ask for so much? However, she felt that the reincarnation of the gods should be similar in appearance and talent, right? At least among ordinary people, it should be better.

Bai Shuhe opened her mouth and stopped everyone's conversation: "He looks pretty good."

"Afterwards, did Fairy Baicha return to the Immortal Realm in a hurry to break through because of her understanding of cultivation?" Fairy Yulan asked, "You and the scholar have just met, and it is estimated that nothing will happen. Now that you are back in the Immortal Realm, maybe he is looking for you everywhere."

Bai Shuhe shook her head: "I was about to say, I think you are in a hurry."

"I've only known the scholar for a few months, how can we develop? Besides, the book is the book, whoever said that the fairy came down to earth, and the scholar will be different from the other party. What about things?"

Fairy Magnolia frowned. Was it time too short?

"I have learned a lot in the mortal world. I practice every day. The scholar has to take care of the old mother at home. Life and death." Bai Shuhe's words were astonishing, leaving Fairy Yulan dumbfounded in the same place, is the book dead? God's reincarnation just died like this?

Just kidding?

The flower fairies stared at Bai Shuhe, Bai Shuhe continued: "He fell into the creek and drowned. This is what mortals call the impermanence of things. Because of this incident, I I realized some more, so I went back to the Immortal Realm to practice, the Immortal Realm is full of immortal energy, the cultivation is faster, and I will not be disturbed in my own cave."

Fairy Magnolia didn't know what to say when she saw Bai Shuhe's expression of emotion.

The reincarnation and death of a **** is definitely not a simple matter. Most of the time, the gods set up the game and let the white tea fairy enter the set, so that the two people's relationship could be closer.

Unexpectedly, Baicha Fairy realized her cultivation base, locked in the house every day to practice, and missed the opportunity to save the gods. The first life of the gods failed like this.

It's... bad luck!

Fairy Yulan remembered what the gods told her, and quickly asked Bai Shuhe: "Will Fairy Baicha still go to the mortal world? Now that your cultivation has improved to a certain level, I think it's better to go to the mortal world more. Maybe you can comprehend more. For those of us who can’t cultivate and improve, don’t miss such a good opportunity.”

Fairy Magnolia took the lead, other fairies said the same thing, except Fairy Magnolia, other ordinary flower fairies are very simple, I really hope she can become powerful. Soon Bai Shuhe understood why, she was an ancient spirit.

Even if you can't get substantial benefits, knowing that she has such a powerful white camellia, the flower fairies in the fairyland will not be looked down upon.

Anyway, they are of the same kind, and of course I hope that there will be a great power in the same kind. In the future, she will become a high-level cultivation base, and maybe the Jade Emperor will really hand over Hundred Flowers to her. In the fairy world, the status of the flower fairies is not high, and they are all servants.

Bai Shuhe looked at the many flower fairies one by one, except for Yulan Fairy, she felt that these beautiful flower fairies have the potential to become Xiaoyao Sect disciples. All of them are well-behaved and beautiful, and they speak nicely. Except for being a little silly, they are actually quite good.

Although they are forcibly enlightened, it is difficult for them to improve their cultivation.

"Fairy Magnolia is right, I will stay for two more days and then go down to earth for a walk. Going down to earth can give me a lot of insights. It is indeed a good place." Bai Shuhe's words are like eating for Fairy Magnolia. With a reassurance, I was instantly not worried that the things that the gods ordered would not be done well.

"Then we will wait for your good news in Immortal Realm. I hope that when you come back next time, your cultivation will improve again." Fairy Yulan said inconsistently.

"Yes, I will lend you a blessing."

Two days later, Bai Shuhe went down to earth again.

This time, she randomly chose a rare place to appear. It should be a mountain road. Bai Shuhe watched from side to side, but no suspicious people appeared. She walked leisurely and leisurely. At this time, more than ten years had passed in the world, and she didn't know what family He Jie was reincarnated into.

Not long after, she came to a slightly wider road, and before she took two steps, she heard footsteps coming from the front, and soon a man with blood on his body quickly ran in her direction Come.

Bai Shuhe looked at the immortal soul faintly emerging from the man, the familiar aura, and he didn't know that this was He Jie's reincarnation. This man was only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a look of resentment and a bit of despair on his face.

When I saw Bai Shuhe, I was really stunned for a moment. After all, a beautiful girl suddenly appeared in this place, and anyone who saw it would stay for a while.

Behind the man, there were several men in black. Bai Shuhe stretched out her foot and silently took two steps to the side of the road. There are so many kindnesses and grievances in the world. She is a little fairy who came down to understand life, so don't meddle in her own business.

The reason why she could see He Jie's immortal soul was only by virtue of the strength of her own soul, as well as the power of faith and merit. Others, at most, can feel that He Jie's soul is very nutritious, and it is beneficial to eat it. This is an important part of the immortal's calamity, in order to cause various disasters to themselves.

He Jie, who fled, didn't expect that when Bai Shuhe saw him, he took a step back silently to make way for him. He always felt that she shouldn't have reacted like this. He was in a mess. He Jie still didn't forget to run for his life.

He Jie ran quickly from Bai Shuhe's side, not forgetting to stare at her, his face full of confusion and confusion.

The group at the back was also stunned for a while, but they quickly followed He Jie to chase. Obviously, chasing and killing He Jie was their main task. Besides, women walking alone on the road with such clean clothes are definitely not ordinary. They should not make extra arrangements to avoid accidents and ruin the master's affairs.

The willow spirit hiding in a tree was a little dumbfounded when she saw this scene. What about the good heroine to save the beautiful man? Why is the plot different from what he thought?

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-1323:56:45~2020-06-1423:54:54 ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: c1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of white; 1 bottle of suoqiufeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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