Accidentally Became a Taoist

Chapter 86: she is a fairy (6)

Before returning to the Immortal Realm, just chatting with Hua Xianzi, Bai Shuhe forgot one thing, that is to ask about the karma line.

Bai Shuhe decided that the next time she returns to the Immortal Realm, she will go to Yue Lao to have a look. This karma line can be given to others at will, this matter cannot be simply forgotten.

If the original owner was not bound by the power of the karmic line, he would not have been eaten to death by He Jie. He Jie felt very comfortable after the calamity, and almost jumped out of the third place.

Remembering that more than ten years have passed since the mortal world, Bai Shuhe returned to the yard where she lived by the stream. I don't know if Bai Ming and Bai Kui are still there.

She walked all the way, and it took almost two months to get there.

During the period, she never met He Jie, nor did she know whether he was alive or dead under the pursuit of those people. Bai Shuhe guessed that the other party should still be alive, right? The last time He Jie fell into the creek and drowned, He Jie should have kept his hands behind.

At this time, Bai Shuhe was in front of the small courtyard, looking at the luxurious mansion in front of him. There was a plaque on the mansion with two obvious characters: Bai Zhai.

Or, Bai Ming and Bai Kui moved to other places. Some big family took a fancy to this place and bought it and built a big house.

After a brief pause, Bai Shuhe knocked on the door.

Almost as soon as her hand fell, the door opened. What caught my eye was a little maid who I didn't know. There was a strange aura on her body. It seemed that she hadn't transformed for a long time. The moment she saw Bai Shuhe, the little maid was stunned.

I quickly reacted again, with a surprised expression on my face: "Shangxian, are you back?" After that, he turned around and shouted, "Sister Bai Ming, Brother Bai Kui, Come out soon, Shangxian is back."

"Shangxian is back?"

"Is Shangxian really back?"

"Oh my God, I can wait until Shang Xian comes back."

"Wuwuwu, Shangxian is finally back."

"Finally wait..."

There was a noisy voice inside, Bai Shuhe really didn't know what was going on. But for a moment, sprites in various floral dresses ran over to the door, both men and women, all of them stretched their necks to look at her, and after reading it, they bowed their heads respectfully.

"It's really a fairy."

"I feel like Shangxian is stronger."

"I thought the immortals didn't want us and despised us from being lowly."

Bai Shuhe continued to be silent, disgusting them with a lowly background? These are all a bunch of monsters, so they can make up their minds.

She could see at a glance that these spirits were all flowers and plants, and they had some familiar aura on them. She remembered that she had been cultivating here for several months, and occasionally instructed Bai Ming and Bai Kui to practice. Could it be that the innate spirit leaked out of her body infected this group of spirits, making them transform into them in the past ten years? shape?

Thinking of Bai Ming and Bai Kui, the two best talents, Bai Shuhe accepts this possibility.

Also, the Xiaoyao Sect is short of people, so these spirits are quite suitable.

Bai Ming and Bai Kui were also very excited when they saw Bai Shuhe, and hurriedly welcomed her in. Bai Shuhe was welcomed to the throne and found that the cultivation of the two had progressed very quickly, although it was not enough for those immortals in the fairy world.

But they are from spirits and monsters. In more than ten years, they can cultivate to this level, which is already very good. According to their speed, without the assistance of external objects, it is still very easy to progress to the level of Earth Immortal after cultivating for about 20 years.

Bai Kui and Bai Ming's cultivation base is very stable, which shows that they are not slack and slack, Bai Shuhe is very satisfied.

I asked them some questions about their cultivation and gave them a few pointers before she asked what happened in these years.

Bai Ming said: "About three years after Miss left, Bai Kui and I found that the flowers and plants in the yard were all born with spiritual wisdom, and we knew that most of them were affected by the fairy spirit in Miss. There is such good fortune. Since then, Bai Kui and I have been rooted in the yard to cultivate every day, and take turns to preach every day. From the eighth year onwards, these flowers and plants take shape in turn."

"At that time, the lady planted too many flowers and plants in the yard. The small yard was no longer suitable for living in the past, and we dared not move it out. Moreover, this place has the fairy spirit of the lady, and it is more beneficial for us to cultivate. So, after discussing with Bai Ming, I decided to expand the house." Bai Kui continued.

When Bai Shuhe thought of coming in, she realized that the house was bigger than she imagined, with pavilions and pavilions, everything, and the decorations in the house were also extraordinary.

"Where did you get the money?" Bai Shuhe asked her doubts, they couldn't earn it, right? What did you earn? You don't do bad things, do you? But both of them have a peaceful aura, without the slightest bit of viciousness. Shouldn't they have done something bad?

"Actually, it didn't cost much." Bai Ming said, "The flowers and plants in Miss's yard were picked up and planted by Miss from all over the world. We know many friends and know what's in various places. Good stuff. In this house, all the objects, treasures, were retrieved by Bai Ming and I through everyone's memory."

Bai Kui continued: "Building a house is not difficult for us sprites. For this reason, I have traveled to countless places and watched many processes of building houses, taking the essence and discarding the dross. , learned the simplest and most effective way to build a house." Bai Kui seemed very proud of this matter, "After I came back, I talked to everyone, everyone quickly understood and started to build a house. When I got tired, I stopped to practice. , regained his physical strength, and continued to build. We have thousands of flowers and plants here, and it is still very easy to build a house. "

Bai Shuhe heard the two talk about their feats, and felt that this was the backbone of Xiaoyao Sect.

As expected, he was able to be directly enchanted by inhaling some innate spirit. He has a good talent and a very smart brain.

"There seem to be more flowers and plants outside?" Bai Shuhe asked.

Bai Kui said: "Partly when we were looking for materials, we encountered some dying flowers and plants, and looked at them pitifully and picked them up. We were not on the verge of death, Was it picked up by the lady and planted?"

Bai Shuhe found this in her memory.

Yes, the original owner is an ancient spirit, with an innate spirit, as long as she wants to grow living flowers, she will definitely live.

When she came down to earth, she first saved He Jie. Then, relying on her own body skills, she traveled all over the world. Any flowers and plants that she saw were about to die would be dug up by her roots and planted in this small yard.

No, it's a big mansion now.

"Miss, Bai Kui and I asked everyone before, and then we went to dig up all their familiar relatives." Bai Ming said to Bai Shuhe cautiously, "This matter is me I hope you don't blame me for making up your own mind."

"So, the other part of the flowers and plants that Miss saw are all relatives of everyone." Bai Kui added.

Bai Shuhe shook her head: "Alright, the family just needs to be neat and tidy."

Bai Shuhe suddenly felt that it was really a wise move to make Baiming Baikui. Look, she has only been away for more than ten years, and the team of Xiaoyao Sect has helped her develop well.

Not only that, but also built such a big house. Just waiting for the word "white house" to be replaced by "xiaoyao sect".

Bai Ming and Bai Kui observed that Bai Shuhe seemed really satisfied, and the stone on her heart loosened. They thought they would provoke the young lady by digging up everyone's relatives. The main reason is that the place where they grew up is no longer suitable for them to exist. If they are not dug up, sooner or later they will be dead.

It seems that they took root in a yard, didn't they remember that Miss had done such a thing? made this decision.

"This time I'm going to stay in the mortal world for a while, and by the way, I will guide you in your cultivation. When the time comes, let all the flowers and plants be prepared, and you can understand as much as you can." Since they are all members of the Xiaoyao Sect , that has to be taught well, she should take root in the yard to practice at night, she can leak some innate spirits out and let them transform as soon as possible.

"Did anything strange happen during this period? Did you encounter any danger?"

Bai Ming and Bai Kui looked at each other and said, "After the lady left, there were indeed monsters who smelled good here, so they wanted to come and pay attention. However, they were all driven away by us."

"Fortunately, there are Taoist techniques taught by Miss. They are not opponents. Besides, we have a lot of members here. At that time, all the fish and shrimp friends from Xiaoxi came up to help." Bai Kui followed closely.

Bai Shuhe paused: "Fish and shrimp in the creek?"

"Speaking of which, thanks to the lady's fairy spirit, there are shrimp and fish in the creek, they are getting older, thanks to the lady's fairy spirit, they can also transform now. And , the combat power is very good. In the years when the young lady left, they often came to visit and asked about the young lady's return date."

Bai Shuhe understood: "Okay, it's all your own. When you preach, you should inform them and let them listen together."

They are all reserve members of the Xiaoyao sect, and none of them can be missing. Sooner or later, those who will enter the Xiaoyao sect will need to improve their cultivation a little.

"By the way, miss, some time ago, an old man knocked on the door, as if he was asking for help." Bai Ming remembered one thing, "He brought an injured young man with him, Originally, I looked at them pitifully, and planned to take them in for two days, and then send them away when their injuries healed. I overheard the young man calling him He Jie, and immediately dismissed the idea and only gave them some scraps of silver. , told them to go to see the injuries on their own, but they were not taken in."

Bai Shuhe secretly said, that old man is really persistent, and he thinks of living in her house, but he thinks of beauty.

Be calculated. Especially the person named He Jie, you must remember, and you can't bring people into the house."

Bai Kui nodded hurriedly: "I will inform everyone about this so that everyone will not mind their own business in the future. If you can't see it, just throw away the money and leave, and will never bring people home. "

Bai Shuhe praised: "That's right, there are countless graces and grievances in the world, you are all weird, and if you want to make rapid progress in your cultivation, you need to contact less cause and effect."

"By the way, miss, the old man and He Jie didn't leave. They built a small thatched hut not far from our house." Bai Ming said, "A few days ago, the old man gave us I gave the fruit and said it was to thank us for the charity, but fortunately I knew that the young man was called He Jie, otherwise I might have brought them in."

"After He Jie's injury is healed, he will wander around not far from our house, he should be watching flowers." Bai Kui said, in fact, there are indeed many scholars who are usually in the house They are used to staying around.

"As long as they don't enter the house."

Bai Shuhe understood, that He Jie didn't want to leave here and planned to do something with her.

She felt that the other party was dreaming, and she didn't know how He Jie would die in this life. Anyway, it is impossible for her to follow the fate line, what is the connection with He Jie.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-06-1423:54:54~2020-06-1523:02:17 ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Tracy came with 7 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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