Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 811: Strange Mom and Dad (7)

Strange Mom and Dad (7)

Lin Yutong completely underestimated the actions of the show crew. She was sleeping soundly, but the phone kept ringing at this time. The camera is still on, so I can't speak. Connected first, "Recording a program."

"I know." His voice was not high. "Look at the news. The program team over there has edited the video of your singing and put it on the official website and official Weibo. It's on fire!"

"Huh?" Lin Yutong suddenly woke up, "How many hours this time?" So fast?

"I didn't say that when I called." Fourth Master's voice became even lower. "A child born in the United States has American nationality. What is your current nationality?"

Lin Yutong was stunned for a moment, only then did he understand what he meant. If I'm always American, I'd be a little bit... don't ask, I'm sure there will be a lot of scolding. Really, why didn't you think of this one.

She was stunned for a second, got up and went to the bathroom. After closing the door tightly, she said, "Our country cannot have dual nationality. If you don't give up your American citizenship, you can't come back and register for a hukou?" Actually, hukou and nationality are two concepts. , but the police station doesn't care about you. If you want to register when you come back from the United States, you will naturally have to write a document to renounce your American citizenship. Otherwise, you won't be able to get your account here. In my memory, I used the household registration book to register for school. Moreover, Zhu Zhu does not have a green card in the United States, and her hukou has always been on the hukou book. As soon as she said this, the fourth master said, "You should ask your home and wipe up the places that are prone to problems."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yutong went online. When he saw his Weibo, his fans went crazy. Under the guise of a National Day gift, the program team edited the video from last night, and matched it with the surrounding idyllic natural scenery, plus a cappella singing, a natural and simple atmosphere rushed to the face. Many people left messages on Weibo, expressing their tears.

There are more messages on the official website of the TV station, and they all say that they are waiting for the first episode of the program.

Lin Yutong guessed that with this attitude, this episode will be broadcast on TV a month after it was overwhelmed, and now it's almost September. A month later, it happened to be the eve of National Day.

She sat on the toilet and sent a WeChat message to Lin Bo, asking him to help him pay attention to the nationality issue. Zhu Zhu and Ma Daha guessed that he didn't know anything about his hometown at all, so Lin Bo had to find someone to check it out.

Lin Bo was following Zhu Zhu to choose something, frowned slightly when he saw WeChat, and then forwarded it to Lin Yuan. He couldn't say anything in front of the camera, and he couldn't get away to check, so he could only ask Lin Yuan. But this program group is also, should you say hello in advance before you put it on?

And Lin Yutong is annoying now. As soon as he appeared in the yard, Dong Dong came over to take a group photo. He was dodged by Lin Yutong. You don't need to ask to know what the kid's idea is. If you take a photo, it will definitely be posted on his own Weibo. Take advantage of the trend of your own. Whether it's a topic or something. Lin Yutong did not intend to cooperate. Don't you need to rely on this to get ahead? She said half-jokingly, "My dad won't let me get so close to the boys, let alone take pictures."

Dong Dong looked at Lin Yutong in amazement: "I said sister, we are also friends from the world, so don't be so outspoken."

Shit world friends! Feud is more or less.

She still doesn't know the urine **** of those entertainment reporters? As soon as the photo of themselves and Dong Dong is posted today, they will dare to write tomorrow: Haina and Caifeng are preparing to marry.

Therefore, Lin Yutong put on a serious face, "Then you ask my dad to apply, and if my dad allows it, you can come again." To solve this kind of trouble, the signboard of Lin Bo is very useful.

Lin Bo heard such a sentence at the door, and he was refreshed immediately, his waist was straight, and his chin was slightly raised, "Tongtong is right, tell me something in advance." Seeing Dong Dong holding a camera When he took the photo, he immediately waved his hand, "Not yet eighteen years old. This is not good for minors."

They all said they were minors, so what else did they say.

But Lin Bo immediately said again: "Haina is preparing a play, come and try it if you are interested?"

Of course that's fine.

Dong Cheng just came out of the room, "I still don't thank you Uncle Lin." Then he got angry with Lin Bo, "This child needs everyone's help."

"It's all for the children." Limbaugh entered the role of father very quickly, how could he have said such a thing a month ago.

Lin Yutong didn't do anything else today, just showing off his cooking skills. This kind of show, you have to create a little something for the audience to watch. When she came back after buying minced meat, she started to cook porridge to make pot stickers. He also asked Yang Yi to go out and find the sweet potato leaves that were fed to sheep and pigs. Yang Yi is very grateful, he will definitely not have too many shots when he is with the boss's family once. But being arranged by the little boss for such a very interesting task, there are more opportunities to appear in the camera virtually.

Lin Bo whispered to Zhu Zhu, "Some people are born to be courteous."

She was born with shit, she just didn't want so many cameras to shoot around without dead ends.

When eating, here are cold wild vegetables, stir-fried sweet potato vines, rice porridge, and pot stickers stuffed with green onions and pork. On the other side are vegetable salads, fruit salads, and hamburgers. The people in the program group were a little bad, and put the dining tables of the two families together across the fence.

Fan Ying smiled and said, "We didn't buy meat. Our family can't do without fruit every day."

Dong Shuangshuang wanted to strangle this coquettish guy to death. Is there such a black man? I'm three years older than others, they can cook, I can't do anything. It’s okay if you don’t, and you’re picky eaters, and you can’t stand the pain at all. Knowing that it is only fifty yuan, what fruit do you want to eat? Am I so ignorant? Why didn't you say what else would you do besides stuff ham and lettuce into the bread? It's been almost 20 years, and someone who has never been in the kitchen dares to run on her here without shame?

She just smiled and said nothing. While they were talking, she whispered to Lin Yutong, "Do me a favor, let's change." She pointed at Fan Ying under the table, "Sister will remember your kindness."

Lin Yutong thought it was ridiculous to invite someone who was not very familiar to do something bad, and she felt sorry for the motherless child. She nodded and put the plate on her lap and asked her to take it as she liked. , but deliberately exposed the side, it is not difficult to photograph her gobbling up food. In a blink of an eye, a plate of pot stickers was eaten by the competition. Lin Yutong drank two bowls of porridge and ate quite a few dishes, and he was considered to be full.

There are no special arrangements for tonight's time. The two families gather on the mat in the yard to play poker. Lin Yutong didn't sleep all night and went back to the house early to sleep. The next day, I was arranged to help my fellow villagers harvest crops, and then had a lunch at the fellow villager's house. The show was almost over.

Now is the time to harvest corn, and the leaves of this thing are a blood mark on his face and hands. So when these guys are harvesting corn, they just wander around the fields, picking only what they can get at the intersection. It's like being bitten by a dog. Lin Yutong ignored them, took a silk scarf and wrapped his face, and then went into the ground with the basket on his back. People who have served crops can't see this kind of playful waste. Yang Yi was still quite clever. When he saw that Lin Yutong was serious, he immediately accompanied the little boss to get serious. Lin Yutong pushed down, and he went out of luck. Lin Bo borrowed a fart donkey and transported it to the villager's house when it was full. Lin Yutong disliked Zhu Zhu's uncleanness in breaking the stick and asked her to sit in the villager's yard and peel the corn. This is also easy. The four of them cooperated in the morning, and they were stunned to collect the entire border.

Simple mouths are country people. After the work is done, they are really delicious and delicious. They kill chickens and goose and eat eight kinds of dishes. Also opened a good bottle of wine. This meal was quite comfortable.

He Ning was very satisfied, of course it would be nice if he could be funny and adjust the atmosphere, but it was inexplicably cute to take entertainment so seriously. Unlike the other side, lunch was not eaten at the fellow's home at all, because Fan Ying and An Ning disliked the uncleanness of the fellow's home. But people say it's to catch a plane, what else can the program team say?

After dinner, it was supposed to go, but when Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu turned their heads, they found that their daughter had dragged their place again, cleaned the bathroom, and moved the luggage, and it was the same as when they came in. Now, all traces of living have been erased. As long as the quilts and sheets are changed, you can live in immediately. He even told the show team that if there is any leftover food in the kitchen, if you don't eat it, you will give it away, so don't waste it.

These are small details, but they are all positive energy.

Respect other people's labor, it is easy to get the other person's favor. When they were leaving, the program team approached Lin Bo to talk about the cooperation. Lin Bo didn't let go at all. "You can choose any of the artists under the banner, but the child is not good. She has started school. Schoolwork is important."

There is no room for negotiation. You can't say more money, people don't lack that few money.

Lin Yutong also felt that she was really not a material for entertainment. She couldn't do that exaggerated one, looking for jokes anytime, anywhere. Or honestly learn to write scripts. She is really busy.

When I went to the airport, there was a car from the program group, but there was nothing on the road. But after getting on the plane and sitting down, a flight attendant stopped by the side, "Are you that little girl who sings the field of hope, oh! Sure! Can you sign my autograph for me? You really sing Well, I was moved to tears. Especially my grandparents, they liked it very much, they said it was like seeing the scene of their labor when they were young..."


This was the first time they had met. Lin Yutong patiently signed his name and took a photo with the flight attendant. This was the end.

Limbaugh turned his head and asked, "Would you like to arrange an assistant for you?"

Don't be so exaggerated.

"What kind of assistant do you want at school?" Zhu Zhu disapproved, "Go to school like an ordinary child. The more this happens, the more you want to be the same as before. Don't listen to your father, psychologically, don't treat yourself Get in their circle."

Which circle are we?

Lin Bo stared, and the nature of this woman without outsiders was immediately revealed.

Zhu Zhu sneered, "It's still outside, don't ask me to say anything bad." It was about peace.

Limbaugh shut up immediately, his screensavers were replaced with pictures of his daughter, isn't this all over? Why are you still holding on to it?

When I got home, I just adjusted, and the day of school has arrived. Two days in advance, Lin Yutong went to the apartment opposite the school in person. In fact, going to class from this apartment is not necessarily farther from the school district than living in the dormitory. She made a field trip, a ten-minute journey. It's faster to ride a bike. But if you want to ride a bicycle, you can't do it. If you want to cross the road and take the overpass, it is a bit of a delay to cross the overpass by bicycle. The apartment here is not big, with three bedrooms and two living rooms of about 100 square meters. There are two bedrooms and one study room. All household appliances and furniture have been purchased, and you can live in when you move in. Living in the first year is probably not enough. It is much more convenient to come to wash clothes occasionally than to dormitory.

So when the school started, Lin Yutong didn't have much to bring. The bedding was distributed uniformly by the school, and all the clothes were moved to the house here, and he could come back and change at any time if needed. Just bring the required procedures for admission, stuff spare clothes, shoes and socks in the bag, and a backpack.

But when he got downstairs, he found out that Zhu Zhu was directing Limbo to stuff things into the trunk of the car. "It's a custom-made mattress, it's fine to roll it up... it's a curtain, it's for the bed... don't pull that down, it's a cushion for the chair..."

As soon as Lin Yutong saw that there were still basins and towels, he hurriedly stopped them, "There are some for sale at the entrance of the school, so don't bring any of these..."

"Don't take it? Don't take you to sleep on the hard board?" Zhu Zhu waved, "Don't worry, you can't even buy it yourself and move it upstairs yourself. What a hassle. Ask your dad to clean it up for you."

"Are you still going to see me?" Don't make fun, okay?

"Of course I'm going to send you off?" Lin Bo wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I worked with your mother for a few days before I made time for today. Stop by to see your accommodation and roommates. Classmates, I'm looking at your class. I'll invite your teachers to dinner with your mother tonight. Don't worry about this. Your grandfather has spoken to your principal on the phone, what kind of grievance did he suffer in school..."

What can I be wronged? Just go to school.

This kind of feeling of being controlled, Lin Yutong only felt like he was tied with a tight rope.

"Except for class time, keep your mobile phone open." Lin Bo continued to babble, "Don't go out to dinner with your male classmates. If you are having a party with your classmates, you should call your father or your uncle in advance... No need, our family's Hotels and leisure clubs, I will say hello to them in a while, and send you their contact information to your mobile phone, if you need it, give them a call first, and someone will arrange it for you."

Lin Yutong's mind was buzzing, and he had never been governed like this in his life. Zhu Zhu leaned over and whispered: "Don't listen to him, he says his, you do yours. Didn't your aunt Shi Ying give you a card? She opened that leisure club, and Mom has shares in it. , change the shares to your name another day. It is the safest for you to go there. Your membership card is limited, all consumption is free, and there are only five people in the entire clubhouse. Go there and see whoever does what, absolutely It will be kept secret for you."

Winking, he almost didn't say that he could go with his little boyfriend.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and it was up to them. But as soon as they got there and got out of the car, these three people immediately became the focus. Recently, he has been on the hot search for several times, and his recognition is still very high. Many people took their mobile phones and kept taking pictures here. Lin Yutong pressed down the brim of the hat on her head, and Lin Bo deliberately blocked the camera for her, and then she entered the school smoothly. When I signed up today, the students and parents in the school were in a mess, but everyone was busy with business, so fewer people paid attention.

Lin Yutong didn't touch the registration procedures. She looked at things on the side of the road. Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu ran back and forth to complete all the procedures. She refused intentionally, but she swallowed the words. They are eager to do something for their children, and this cannot be stopped. Otherwise, with the two of them, their own affairs are handed over to the assistant secretary, so what needs to be done in person? Seeing the two sweating profusely running, Lin Yutong went to the canteen a few steps away to buy two bottles of water.

The boss asked, "Did your brother and sister bring you here?"

"My father and my mother." Lin Yutong called out willingly this time.

When the two came back, Lin Bo hugged a bunch of quilts, sheets and pillows, Zhu Zhu hugged the mattress, Lin Yutong only carried two basins, and then went to the dormitory.

"No. 2 Building 312..." Lin Bo nodded with satisfaction, "It's alright, the floors are neither too high nor too low." The low ones are a bit tidal, and the high ones are troublesome.

When we got to the dormitory, the dormitory door was open. Lin Yutong thought he would be the first, but unexpectedly he became the last. The two beds in the dormitory were made, but no one was in sight, and there was another one being made. The one who was making the bed should be the mother, and the one sitting on the stool below and swaying his legs bored should be the roommate. The one who was wiping the table with a rag must be Dad. The vacant bed was directly opposite the girl's bed. Everyone nodded and said hello to each other, and then went back to their own way. Fortunately, the dormitory of the quadruple room does not matter whether the bed is good or bad. It's all the same. Above is the bed, and below the bed is the cabinet desk. And the ladder to the upper bunk is not a straight up and down escalator, but a common step is placed between the two beds. Just like some children's beds, it can be used as a step and a drawer.

"That's good, you don't need anyone to follow you when you go to bed and toilet at night." Zhu Zhu went straight up, reached out and asked Lin Bo to hand her something, and she went up to make the bed.

Lin Yutong could only sit on the side chair and look at a girl who was as boring as her. The girl winked at her, and she smiled back.

"I look familiar to you." Kaiyan leaned over and asked in a low voice.

Lin Yutong smiled: "Many people say that."

Kaiyan moved the stool closer to Lin Yutong, then glanced at Lin Bo: "You and your brother look so much alike! But your brother is so handsome!" Still very gentle.

Lin Bo felt that someone was looking at him and thought that his daughter had something to do, so he turned around and asked with his eyes. Lin Yutong just laughed and didn't hold back his voice, "That's not my brother, it's my dad."

"Ah?" Kaiyan's already big eyes widened. Not only this picture, but also the expressions of her parents are exactly the same. As expected of a family.

Lin Yutong said "um", "That's my parents and my mother."

"Oh...oh..." Kaiyan jumped up, "I know who you are?"

"Yan Yan!" Kai's father hurriedly scolded and apologized to Lin Bo and Zhu Zhu, "I'm sorry, the child is always surprised when he is young. But we really know that this girl in your family sings that one. The child of the field of hope, right?"

It seemed that the surprise was just because they saw what they thought was a 'star'. A very talkative person.

Lin Bo got angry a few words, and chatted with his father. After a while, he not only figured out the old foundation of the family, but also asked about the situation of the other two children who were not in the dormitory.

Kaiyan's family is in the capital, and both parents are civil servants. Although they are not high-ranking, they are much better than ordinary people. Although not very rich, but not short of money to spend. The other two are out of town. They arrived yesterday and live in your school's guest house. The first to sign up today, the one who has registered to catch the train catches the train, and the one who catches the plane catches the plane.

Kaiyan pointed to the two bunks on the side, "This one belongs to Wen Juan. This one belongs to Miao Miao."

Lin Yutong looked at the bed. Wenjuan's bed was very simple. The bedding had nothing but the school's distribution. The sneakers on the shoe rack under the bed cost 30 to 50 yuan a pair. As for Miaomiao's bed, it was comparable to Lin Yutong's current bed. The high-quality mattresses, bed sheets and quilts were changed. At first glance, the cost of bedding alone could be recorded in units of 10,000.

When the dormitory was cleaned up, Lin Bo gave Lin Yutong the meal card, "If you're not used to it, Dad will ask an auntie for you, who usually cooks for you in the apartment and will send it to you?"

Lin Yutong wanted to scratch his head, "No, it's good for people to eat more. It's good for me to eat in the cafeteria."

Zhu Zhu cleaned up the clothes cabinet, "This is the clothes for this week. If you don't have enough clothes, just go and pick them up. You can't put them down any more."

There are clothes from all seasons in the cabinet. Do you think the cabinet is small for my clothes this week?

Lin Yutong felt that if things went on like this, there would be no classmates willing to get close to him at school. It's not okay to be out of touch at all.

She smiled and sent them downstairs and kept making various guarantees before sending them out of school. It was a relief to see them drive away. The phone has been muted all the time, and it has been lit several times, all of which are calls from the fourth master, but these two are guarding, she only dared to reply a text message, and now she has the time to call back.

"Signed up?" It should be midnight on Fourth Master's side.

"Sleep in peace." Lin Yutong said with a smile about his situation, "What can happen, and live like a princess."

That's good.

"I can go back in about half a month." The fourth master added: "You send me the address of your current apartment, and I'll buy one there..." It's convenient to meet.

This is a way.

Lin Yutong sent him the address and went straight back to the dormitory. She had already turned around the school in advance, and the approximate location was engraved in her mind, so there was no problem of getting lost.

Wenjuan and Miaomiao in the dormitory have returned. Wenjuan is a slightly fat girl, but she looks fair and clean. Miao Miao looked more mature, with a camisole and a miniskirt and high heels of seven or eight centimeters. She had long brown hair with big waves and delicate makeup.

When she entered, the three were talking hi. Kaiyan's notebook was open, and there was a video of Lin Yutong singing in it.

"It turns out that you really have no makeup." Miao Miao rushed over and took off Lin Yutong's hat, looking at her face, "You dare to be without makeup on the show?"

Her false eyelashes flickered, and the fragrance of her perfume rushed into Lin Yutong's nose. Lin Yutong smiled, "It's not plain makeup, it's just a simple **** makeup." She has no hobby of heavy makeup.

Miao Miao didn't know if she heard it, so she took out her phone and said, "Come on, let's take a group photo in our dormitory, and the same dormitory with celebrities will be envied by everyone."

This kid is so noisy!

But in a dormitory, it is really unavoidable to take photos. The four gathered together and took a few pictures. Miao Miao carefully edited the picture, and then posted it on Weibo, with the label: Look who is she next to me?

Lin Yutong really felt that she had the potential to be an entertainment gossip reporter.

It's okay, I want to write something, but this dormitory is messed up again. She went to the bed and lay down to recuperate. As a result, as soon as he lay down, the phone rang again, and Lin Bo called, "Tongtong, my father just asked your teacher and said that after the opening ceremony, military training is required. What should I do? Do you want my father to go to the hospital for you? Prove."

Military training should have been attended.

No matter how hard the training is now, can it be compared to starving on the ground and sleeping under the hail of bullets?

"I was just about to write the main melody..." Lin Yutong reminded.

This is true.

"I asked Secretary Chen to send you mosquito repellant and prickly heat powder." The other side said something and hung up.

"Ai..." Lin Yutong was really convinced, isn't this sold around the school?

The author has something to say: There is one more evening. This one is less than nine thousand first. The laptop is broken, and the power button does not respond for a long time, and it cannot be turned on at all. After tossing for a long time, I went out and bought a new one, and it was very uncomfortable to use. Seriously affect the codeword speed. Let's do this first, I will code out more and more around the early morning at night, don't rush me, I'm more anxious than you.

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