Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 812: Weird Mom and Dad (8) 3 in 1

Strange Mom and Dad (8)

The four people in the dormitory belong to the same major and the same class. Actions must come together. At dinner time, let's go to the cafeteria together. I met you on the road, and there are all kinds of beauties. For example, students majoring in broadcasting and hosting, those with a poor image simply cannot get in. Lin Yutong was still used to wearing a baseball cap, and lowered the brim just to block other people's sight.

Miao Miao smiled and said, "Take off the hat, and also pull up our average appearance."

This is telling a joke. The three girls are actually pretty good looking. Kaiyan is petite and exquisite, and looks strange. Miao Miao's facial features should be average, but she can't help but clean up herself. Eighteen has no ugly women, and if you fiddle with it, she is also a modern beauty. Wenjuan doesn't like to talk, she dresses plainly and is a little fat, but not too bad. Coupled with the fact that her family is white and her facial features are delicate, such a girl has nothing to do with ugliness.

Lin Yutong smiled and said, "Everyone's eyes are pointed. It's not that I don't dare to see people, but it's mainly meal time. If people recognize you, you will have to follow me and starve."

"I can't be hungry. With a young lady like you, I'm afraid we won't have any food to eat." Kaiyan pointed to the outside, "There are a few good restaurants, I've inquired about them. Let's try them together on weekends, you'll treat yourself! "

"Okay! I'll invite you." Lin Yutong pointed to the door of the canteen, "Then we have to finish the military training. I asked in advance, the canteen tastes the best. Is it the first floor or the second or third floor? "

The first floor is a large row of food stalls, everything. Miao Miao glanced at Wenjuan before turning her head and said, "On the first floor. I'm afraid there are more people on it than on the second floor. I'm too lazy to go up."

Lin Yutong smiled. The girl looked exaggerated and had a superior family environment, but she was very considerate, obviously worried about Wen Juan's financial ability.

So the four of them got together to see what to eat. Seeing Wenjuan looking at the vegetable window, Lin Yutong said, "It's clean, not bad." He asked for two, and turned to Wenjuan and said, "Actually, you don't need to lose weight. But it's better to eat a vegetarian meal at night, it's good for your skin. ."

"No wonder your skin is so fine and powdery." Kaiyan touched her face and looked at Wenjuan's face again, "It's true, I'll have to be a vegetarian in the future."

Miao Miao glanced at Lin Yutong with a smile, this eldest lady has a good temper and is also a good person. Knowing that the other party wanted to save money, he deliberately said this to relieve the embarrassment. On the other hand, Kaiyan, this girl, doesn't have much heart, she believes whatever others say.

So the four of us had two vegetarian dishes and two taels of rice in the evening plus free seaweed egg drop soup, which couldn't be simpler.

When Miaomiao was eating, she said that the vegetarian restaurants are good, and the wild vegetables are the most authentic. Wenjuan thought: It seems that vegetarians in the city are fashionable and healthy, not shabby. Thinking about it like this makes me feel more comfortable.

Kaiyan is not a person who thinks too much, and he talked about clothes again, "...I have seen your new products from Xihuang. I like several of them, but at least one of them costs seven or eight hundred. Can you give me a call?" A discount?"

Really out of sight. It's not a big deal to give your own people a discount. But Lin Yutong couldn't make this start, she pointed to the clothes she had worn, "If you really like it, I will give you two. I will not hide it from you, this one on my body is actually a defective product. If you want it Next time, pick the one you like and take two." Then he added to Wenjuan and Miaomiao, "Let's pick it together. But you can wear the clothes yourself, don't sell them as genuine, it's a brand-breaking thing."

Miao Miao looked at Lin Yutong: "Is it really a defective product?" Can't see it at all?

Of course not wearing it! Zhu Zhu is just digging again, the clothes for her daughter must be genuine. However, she has also seen defective products, and the faults are not too big. It is difficult to find out if you are not a professional. These clothes were really picked out by Zhu Zhu to give away. There are also their company's own employees, who are distributed as benefits, but they don't have a trademark, so they are afraid that they will sell it out.

The new clothes can always make the girls happy, they ate dinner, went to the class with a smile, and said they were going to have a class meeting. In fact, there are only 28 people in a class, and the journalism department is different from the art major. Most of the arts are girls, but journalism is the concept of half male and female.

When the four of them entered the classroom, more than half of the people in the classroom had arrived. Before I saw the classroom, I heard someone shouting: "Come on... come on come..."

what is coming?

As a result, as soon as he entered the classroom, Lin Yutong felt that his eyes were looking at him. Yes, those who signed up for other majors and other grades may not be able to get the news so quickly, and their own class must know it. Lin Yutong didn't hide at all, just took off his hat, if you want to see it, it's not shameful.

"Look at it, and shoot it, don't mess with your hair." Miao Miao shouted, "She is not yet an adult, and underage protection, do you understand?"

The class sat and laughed loudly.

Lin Yutong said: "I was curious when we first met, and when we meet every day in the future, there will always be times when you don't want to see it."

"Beauty wants to see it anytime!" The boy sitting in the back shouted, and everyone laughed again.

Lin Yutong then picked up the last row with Miao Miao and sat there. Wenjuan and Kaiyan both had poor eyesight, so they sat in the vacant seats slightly ahead.

At half past seven, people are almost here. But the posts about Lin Yutong on the campus forums have spread. Miao Miao glanced at her mobile phone, and said, "These people are really busy." They can find out the eight generations of people's ancestors.

Lin Yutong glanced at it and was stunned. Good guy, I don't know some of this information very well. For example, Lin Zhongqu, the old man of the Lin family, actually retired from the deputy hall. He stood at the last post in the CPPCC and changed to the main hall. Moreover, he has never worked in any real power department in his life, and most of them are deputy positions. According to Lin Yutong's understanding, without Ms. Su Yuan's activities, it would be difficult for him to even get in. That's all she knew. However, in this information, the old man's resume is put out, and it is also mentioned that a certain old general is Lin Zhongqu's cousin. Lin Yutong didn't even know this. There are also Wanhai Group, Haina Media, and Qihuang Group. The information is very detailed. In the end, he even calculated an account, saying that the assets that Lin Yutong could inherit were 20 to 30 billion.

"Rich people." Miao Miao sighed, "Please support me!"

Keeping a fart, I really want to say that there are billions.

The counselor was a short, fat, bald, and baby-faced male teacher in his thirties. He introduced himself as Yuan Bing.

Then started laughing. Where is this reinforcement, it is clearly a round cake.

Teacher Yuanbing is used to people talking about his name, "...I wanted to change my name since I was in high school, but I tried to change it three times and it didn't work. The first time my dad took me there, I was caught halfway through. Upstairs, I don't know which bear child threw the leftover half of the cake and hit his nose, and the nosebleed was rushing..."

He threw the cake upstairs and hit his nose, but he just raised his head at that time. This kind of probability can catch up, which is quite bizarre. Everyone in the class was laughing like crazy.

"I was admitted to university, and I went to change my name. This time, my mother took me there, and I went to a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant and the couple were fighting. The sesame cake was thrown back and forth. I slapped it on my eyes, the biscuits were just out of the oven, and they were so hot, I thought I was going to go blind in one eye..."

You are really related to the cake.

Regardless of whether it was exaggerated or not, it all sounded amusing, and Lin Yutong couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"The third time I wanted to change my name, it was a middle school classmate who accompanied me. He just returned from his studies abroad, and he also went to the police station to do some errands, so we went there together..."

Before he could finish speaking, some boys coaxed, "Is it smashed again?"

Everyone burst into laughter. But the round cake teacher has a serious face: "How can I be so lucky! This time someone took the cake and slapped it directly on my face."

I rely on! it's so funny.

"You don't know, the classmate I went with was called a handsome one. I met a few girls on the way and came to my classmate. They asked for a group photo, and they wanted to kiss and hug. That classmate said it was bad for him to be alone, so he pushed me out of my relative's house. The girl opened her eyes to see that someone was wrong, and slapped the sesame seed cake with shredded pork with cumin and green pepper in her hand. That smell, I still remember very well…”

This funny!

Just as Lin Yutong thought this teacher was funny, he felt a line of sight look over, followed by the round cake's voice that was neither high nor low, "Lin Yutong, don't laugh. The one who accompanied me to the police station caused me to be photographed. It's your dad." How could it be more shameless to bring Lao Tzu here to be your counselor!

Whoops! So awesome!

Lin Yutong was really surprised this time. This funny ratio and Lin Bo were classmates in middle school. It seemed that they had a strong relationship. She quickly got up and bowed slightly, then sat down.

After such an interruption, the atmosphere of the class meeting was very good. Get up and introduce yourself, and then run for class cadres. Lin Yutong didn't even run for election. She was busy and didn't have time to participate in student affairs. The round cake probably got Limbaugh's words, and there was no hard requirement. Lin Yutong followed everyone to vote indiscriminately, and the class cadres were elected, that's all. In the end, the military training was arranged by the class cadres. He left a contact number to the class, and when he left the classroom, Lin Yutong called Lin Bo first, "...Do you want me to call this uncle."

"No!" Limbo didn't think there was anything wrong with arranging individuals. "He was originally a teacher in your school, and that's his job."

Is it his job to be a counselor? What counselor has a watch with more than 100,000 on his wrist? People are definitely not that simple.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yutong really scratched his head, this big eyeliner, his every move is under the eyes of others.

Zhu Zhu leaned against the door of Limbo's bedroom, sipping the red wine, "You are also someone who has been abroad for so long. How can you do this to your children? This is a violation of children's human rights."

"But she's underage." Lin Bo closed the notebook, "Don't take out your tricks and poison my daughter."

"What's wrong with being a minor?" Zhu Zhu chuckled, "Don't forget, her household registration is in my household registration book. My brother and sister-in-law are her guardians!"

Whoops! Forget about this one.

"Tomorrow, I will apply for a household registration transfer, and both your household registration and Tongtong's household registration will be transferred. I am the head of the household." Lin Bo was righteous this time! Beijing account! you have none! Without me, you don't have a hukou in the capital!

Zhu Zhu pouted in disdain, turned around and left with the wine in hand, but when she turned around, her face raised a little smug! First entered your house, and then entered your household registration book. You are running for me! See where can you run?

This time I won the tigress. Limbaugh was a little smug when he lay on the bed. Turning over, I always felt that something was wrong. Turn over again, still not right. Finally, with hindsight, I found that the bed seemed to be a bit big!

The bed is still the same bed, why is it so big?

He sat up directly, opened the door and looked out, the woman really went upstairs. He suddenly slammed the door hard, what a ruthless woman. When you want it, you don't let go, and when you don't want it, you don't hold back at all!

Who is rare? !

At this time, Lin Yutong only took a shower from the bathroom. The current dormitory conditions are really good. There are only four people, and the bathroom has two toilets, two rain showers, and two washbasins, and they are all blocked, ensuring maximum privacy. And Limbaugh checked in the bathroom before, and there was no such mess as cameras. Lin Yutong lived at ease, and it was not difficult to accept that the two of them shared a shower. However, in the dormitory, Lin Yutong's pajamas were relatively conservative.

Miao Miao is on the Internet, Kaiyan and Wenjuan get together to watch TV series. Lin Yutong went directly to the upper bunk. He originally wanted to write the script, but in the current environment, Lin Yutong felt that he had to get used to it. In addition, her own information has spread, and she estimates that this bedroom will be more lively.

As soon as the curtain on the bed was closed and the switch on the head of the bed was turned on, there was a knock on the dormitory door. Miao Miao looked at Lin Yutong's bunk, "You are hiding, how do you get rid of the people who came here?"

Lin Yutong opened the curtain and stuck his head out, "Just say I'm asleep."

Sure enough, one by one all belonged to the school club, and the most enthusiastic one belonged to the External Relations Department. They often go outside to find sponsors, and people like Lin Yutong are fat sheep. Raising your hand is enough. Miaomiao also lacked interest in these things, so she was very positive, "My parents and my mother said that they should exercise their organizational skills in school. If they can join the student union, they will also be an important resume on the file for graduation ceremony in the future."

"Unless you want to be a civil servant." Miao Miao's thinking is obviously more mature than her peers. "During college, this is really good. As for the youngest, she just doesn't dare to do anything now, just eat and wait to die. She also can't spend her family's money. She has her own family business, who cares about the qualifications. It's useless to her."

"What if I join some big companies and large units." Wen Juan asked hurriedly. This is about finding a job in the future.

Miao Miao smiled and said objectively: "You can check the house prices in Beijing on the Internet."

Wen Juan still didn't understand, Kaiyan shook her head, "If you don't have a house in the capital and you want to stay here to work, it's really going to be hard. The down payment alone is not something ordinary people can afford. During the summer vacation , My parents said to show me a house, the real estate is in Tongzhou, the usable area is less than 50 square meters, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, 3100000. Oh my mother, even if you pay the down payment, you can I have to borrow money from relatives. After thinking about it, it’s okay. Our family’s house, which is my parents’ work unit, has good welfare conditions. One has a set of welfare housing at the beginning. In the end, the house was transferred to my name. Ordinary people If you want to stay in the capital after graduating from college, it is very difficult. Either you rent a house with someone, or you live in a basement. If you live here, you may lose all your youth." Then he asked Miaomiao, " Your family is not from the capital, you bought a house here?"

"Oh!" Miao Miao replied, "I bought a 90-square-meter, two-bedroom apartment during the summer vacation. My dad said that after this house is given to me, I will no longer have my share of the house. After college, you have to be self-reliant." So it's not much better than others. In Beijing, she also had to start from scratch. The only good thing is to have a place to stand.

Kaiyan pouted, "That's about the same as me. You're still the youngest, you don't have to worry about anything."

Miao Miao smiled and said nothing. Don't worry? I'm just afraid of worrying more. Thought it was a relief to have such a large plate?

She registered on the live broadcast platform and earned a few by doing a live broadcast on the Internet. Looking back, Kaiyan was flipping through the leaflets of various clubs, while Wenjuan was looking for a part-time job with Kaiyan's computer to watch May 8. She held it for a long time before she said, "If you want to make money, you have to do something on your own. To be honest, if you work part-time for others, if you die, you may still be able to make ends meet."

Wen Juan raised her head, "But I...I know nothing..."

What can't be learned. There are no fools in the IQ test.

Lin Yutong listened to what several people said, and then felt that the days were real. real! During this time, she always had a floating feeling. Or this kind of fireworks atmosphere is better. This Miao Miao, who seems to be difficult to get along with, is really a warm-hearted person. She stuck her head out from behind the curtain, "She's right. You can think about it. The part-time job you can do now is nothing more than handing out leaflets and being a tutor. The work of handing out leaflets doesn't necessarily pay off when you have time. , Tutoring is not so easy to do. Jingcheng University is next to each other, and you are a freshman. To be honest, many people now are not graduate students, but also hope to be juniors and seniors. Also, do it yourself. , the time is free. It can be done at night and on weekends. But other part-time jobs will not work at night, and I won't be able to come back. Only on weekends, if this place is far away, how much time will you have to delay on the road?" When you can do it yourself, give it to others It's really not worth it to work.

Kaiyan looked up and said, "With such a large group company as your family, there is no chance of working?"

"Yan Yan!" Wen Juan's face flushed, "What are you talking about!"

"What's wrong?" Kaiyan looked at Wenjuan inexplicably, "What did I say?"

Didn't realize what she was saying was inappropriate. These words not only made it difficult for Lin Yutong to answer, but also looked down on Wenjuan. Her words were kind, and she offended both of them without knowing it. Lin Yutong didn't care about such an old child, but smiled instead: "Do you know what other people's ideals are? Just make arrangements in such a hurry. The right one is the best..."

"That's true." Kaiyan immediately agreed, "Actually, I always wanted to be a news anchor, but I didn't pass the art exam. I knew that I got into Communication University with my cultural grades. My dad said he would go to a newspaper office or publicity department in the future. , I think it's better to be a news anchor." Don't take it too lightly.

But if you read the wrong word, you will be charged. And the salary itself is not very high, and the pressure is still very high. Anyway, this child always thinks so simply, it can be seen how he grew up since he was a child!

Miao Miao is helpless to the point, is it easy for children from wealthy families to be loved by parents to be simple. Very well protected!

Because of Kaiyan's unintentional remarks, Miao Miao and Wenjuan were not easy to talk to, and Lin Yutong also retracted, she was the only one who was muttering, as if she was asking about other people's clubs on the post bar.

After a good night's sleep in the dormitory, Lin Yutong got up on time at 5:30 and went out for a morning run lightly. She was wearing a hat, and it was not very bright, and no one recognized her. After running for forty minutes, I bought breakfast for four people and went back to the dormitory. These people haven't got you up yet. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, and Wenjuan stuck her head out, "You got up so early."

"No way, I'm used to it." She was about to eat breakfast when the phone rang, and it rang at about the same time. In the class's WeChat group, the monitor sent a message, telling everyone to hurry up and get ready. The car will pick you up at eight o'clock and go to the training camp outside the city for military training. Ask each dormitory to take a representative to go downstairs to lead the military training uniform.

This work had to go on Lin Yutong who had already packed up. The sizes are all graded in advance, and you can get them by size. The squad leader was a big boy named Li Qun. When he saw Lin Yutong coming down, he directly handed over four sets, "I picked them out for you."

"Why is the squad leader still watching people serve dishes?" A girl with hair draped beside her was waiting to receive her clothes. She might be a little angry when she got up, so she sneered. Lin Yutong didn't even see her face, let alone what it was called. Just as she was about to answer, Li Qun said, "You are a dormitory for eight people, I haven't had time to pick them out."

How come a class is divided into dormitories, and also divided into four-person rooms and eight-person rooms. Really according to what? If it was voluntary, that would be wrong. Wen Juan could not have chosen the more expensive quadruple room. Lin Yutong felt that this was either a problem with the dormitory he chose, or it was simply a matter of grades. Living in a quadruple room is probably good. When she went back, she asked Miao Miao like this. She had inquired about all these things very carefully.

"It's the result." Miaomiao stretched out **** while drinking the soy milk that Lin Yutong bought, "We are only about two points higher than them. But in this dormitory, our money is only two hundred more than theirs. Just a block."

Want something like this?

While the four of them were eating, they all felt that this was a huge advantage. After dinner, I happily changed clothes. There is only one pair of trousers, and the top is a singlet and a jacket. Add a pair of yellow rubber shoes, a hat, and a pair of socks, and you're all set.

There is no replacement.

Then there are more classes to prepare for.

"Baskets, towels, a series of toiletries, sunscreen, slippers, a few more pairs of sweat-absorbing socks, as well as changing clothes, underwear, and insoles. Toilet paper is a must, and girls should prepare sanitary napkins. , to prevent emergencies. There are also sewing kits, Band-Aids, and anti-heatstroke and mosquito-proof medicine..."

Lin Yutong counted all the same, and before he could finish, there was a knock on the door.

Secretary Chen came and brought a large package.

Lin Yutong checked it again, and in addition to what she said just now, she also prepared five power banks and a pile of cash.

Secretary Chen smiled and said: "The power bank is full, and the boss said that the phone must be unblocked. There is also cash... The food and drink over there are probably not very smooth. When you go out to buy, you can't swipe your card. There is no WeChat payment, and cash is the most convenient. Useful. Do you need anything else?"

No need, it's rare to be more thoughtful than I thought.

After sending away Secretary Chen, he turned around and saw that several other people were looking at him brightly.

Kaiyan even jumped over and hung it on her shoulder: "Your father is so kind to you. Usually my mother takes care of me, why is your father all taking care of you here? You say your father is so young, so handsome, and so handsome. Rich, just…”

Ha ha! Who knows who is sad! Everything that is veiled is beautiful in the imagination.

She is ready here, but others may not, and many things have to be purchased quickly. Don't dare to delay any more, go down with your bag on your back, the school's supermarket canteen is full. Men buy more sanitary pads than women. Lin Yutong looked at the bag for the people in his class, and they went in lightly to grab it.

Lin Yutong thinks it's nice to be young!

It took four hours to get to training camp on the school bus. The dormitory here is not a four-person or eight-person room, but a dormitory in a row. There are four rows of bunk beds in the great room. A platoon is thirty people, which means that the room has to accommodate thirty people.

Everyone is unfamiliar, that is, a dormitory is familiar with each other. Seeing how lively people are, now I realize the downside of having fewer people in the dormitory. Students are like this, a dormitory is a circle, and everyone is like this. Except for the class cadres who roamed the dormitories to coordinate with each other, everyone else just nodded their heads even if they walked face to face. It should be better to get used to it later, but that's it for now.

After putting things away, Lin Yutong went to the toilet, but when he came back, the dormitory was already in trouble.

It happened that the three of his dormitory were surrounded by the middle. Miao Miao stood in front of the other two, Fang Juan was crying with her head down, shouting that I didn't. Kaiyan supported her and glared angrily at the surrounding girls. This time, there are more than a dozen girls in the music department living in the dormitory this time. Everyone is not familiar with it. Why is there a conflict?

"...Catch the traitor and get the pair, catch the thief and get the dirty, your money is lost, why do you care about others?" Miao Miao sneered, "What? You are justified when you have more people."

"Miao Miao, please stop arguing..." A girl who stood up should be the class secretary, Ruan Ling or something. "No one said that Wenjuan must have taken it."

This is like saying nothing! Why don't you doubt others, but only Wenjuan? Obviously, when these dozens of girls are together, as long as Wenjuan seems to have the worst family background.

Lin Yutong went in, and the Huo Kai crowd went in, "There are so many people in this dormitory, who of you saw Wen Juan flipping through other people's things?"

Fang Qin turned to look at Hai Li, "She saw it!"

Lin Yutong squinted at Hai Li, "You must have seen it."

When Lin Yutong looked at Hai Li like this, she couldn't help but wince, "I saw it!"

"You lied! I didn't!" Wen Juan's face was pale and her whole body was shaking.

Lin Yutong patted her: "Don't be afraid!" Then he looked at the others, "Who else saw it?"

A box of dark girls should belong to her own class, "I only saw Wen Juan cleaning her and Kaiyan's beds."

In other words, Wenjuan didn't touch other people's things at all.

Lin Yutong wrote down the girl's face and asked her name later.

"You are in your own class, who knows if you will cover up?" Hai Li immediately replied.

Lin Yutong smiled and said, "You are one-sided, and she is one-sided. No one can believe what you have to say. Then, everyone in this dormitory is questionable. But I arrogantly ask the owner, you think I may take yours. money?"

Give me a break! Your billions of properties can look at me.

Fang Qin shook his head: "It's only 800 yuan, it's not enough for you to have a meal. Naturally, you don't like it."

"Eight hundred?" Lin Yutong asked again, "Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Fang Qin thought for a while, "I took one thousand, and the purchase cost less than two hundred, and the remaining twenty or thirty are on me, and the rest are in the wallet under the pillow."

"Okay!" Lin Yutong raised his voice and said to everyone: "The owner thinks that I am not suspected of stealing, so I will come out to check everyone's belongings, and everyone will not think I will cheat."

Ruan Ling smiled awkwardly, "Of course not."

Lin Yutong nodded at Ruan Ling, "Then let's start the investigation from our class. Whoever lost his belongings?"

"Okay! Okay! Just check. We are also innocent. It's not like some people know that they are looking down on others."

Lin Yutong's words can easily make the people in his class stand on the same front. Fang Qin was a little embarrassed. She didn't mean it that way. It was Hai Li who saw someone looking at her stuff, so she went over to question it.

"Start with me." Lin Yutong put out all his belongings, and then put them back one by one.

Miao Miao's eyes flickered, and there is a great chance of cheating like this. Is she so cautious because she is afraid that someone will frame her?

Lin Yutong proved his innocence, and then checked Wen Juan's, but there was nothing. "Look! No! Then the money must still be in this dormitory. In order to clear the suspicion, I think it is better to check it carefully, so as to prevent such incidents from happening in the future."

Fang Qin's face turned red, but she simply bowed to Wen Juan. Then he looked at Hai Li, "What's the matter?" Didn't you say that someone turned over something?

"Maybe it's a thief calling to catch a thief." Miao Miao said coolly.

"Who do you think is a thief?" Hai Li changed her face and rushed towards Miao Miao.

Miao Miao was not afraid of her: "It's not you, why are you guilty? Check your bed first to know if it's you. What? Don't you dare?"

"Who... who said he wouldn't dare." Hai Li pointed to the bed, "Go look it up, go check it out! I have nothing to say when you find out."

Lin Yutong kept looking at Hai Li's expression, and saw that she pointed to one bed, but glanced at the other bed. The finger was definitely her own, but the bed she was looking at was also messed up, so it could only be the owner's bed.

She raised the corner of her mouth, this little trick of a child is really immature.

Lin Yutong walked towards Hai Li's bed, and yanked the quilt back, and the red ticket flew out.

Everyone coaxed, "What a thief!"

Fang Qin looked at Hai Li in disbelief, "Why are you..."

"Impossible!" Hai Li's face turned pale, " hurt me..." She glanced at the owner's bed again.

Lin Yutong ignored the surrounding discussions and did not lift the owner's bed, but squatted on the ground and stretched out under the bed to look. Sure enough, a red mark appeared in the gap of the bed. "The money really didn't belong to the owner, it was deliberately spilled by me. Do you know why? Just now, you have been paying attention to this bed here. This bed is messy, it must belong to the classmate who lost the money. Why are you paying attention What about this side? No on the bed. If she hides money in the crevice of the lower bunk for the upper bunk, she will be able to see it when she sleeps. Then it is only under the bottom of the bed." She beckoned to the owner, "Your money is here, I am I haven't reached out to touch it, so there is no suspicion of cheating." After speaking, she got up again, took the scattered money that Kaiyan picked up from the ground, and said to Hai Li, "There is no suspicion of framing you..." She had the money in her hand. I ordered it in front of everyone, "Look, it's really a thousand. If you don't find the owner's money, just pick up the money and count it, and you'll know that the money was not lost by the owner, so you're not suspicious. I don't know. Framing you is because your mental quality is not enough."

"Her money is on her bed. Who can prove that I stole it." Hai Li burst into tears, "You all bully others. If her family has money, you all turn to her."

This is cheating.

A classmate shouted, "No wonder you got under the bed. I asked you and you said that your pen dropped."

As soon as these words came out, there were many echoes.

Lin Yutong smiled: "You're right. Did you take someone else's things? This is called loss of judgment. My purpose is to prove our innocence. It's that simple."

In other words, who is the thief is none of our business! As long as it's not from our class.

Teacher Yuanbing took a picture with her mobile phone for a long time, and then quietly withdrew, and then sent the video to Lin Bo.

A few minutes later, Limbo replied with a message: My daughter is so capable and beautiful, yet you fear her so ugly!

In the end, he also had a shy and disgusting expression.

This virtue almost made Teacher Yuanbing angry!

The author has something to say: See you tomorrow

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