Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 1004 The Great Overlord of All Time, Xiang Yu!

After a group of people entered the city, the heavy city gate closed again.

Now there are nearly 250,000 soldiers and horses in the city, 50,000 of them are staying in Dongbo City, and there are only 110,000 troops outside the city. They definitely dare not attack the city.

"Damn it, we came back alive."

Chang Hanyi looked a little excited, but Zhao Wanhu on the side scratched his head: "It feels like time flies so fast!"

"Boss, are we all going to be generals?"


Chang Hanyi nodded seriously and said softly: "When I come back this time, our leader will probably really become a general, the kind that the imperial court appoints."

"But you...should be able to become a centurion."

When Chang Hanyi poured cold water on him, Hou Cheng not only did not feel disappointed at all, but actually said with some surprise: "I can actually be a centurion?"

"It can be regarded as a glorious ancestor!"

The group came to the military camp noisily. As soon as they settled down, Xu Da ordered someone to come and pass the news.

"Who is General Fan?"

"And General Dian, General Zhao?"

The visitor was from Xu Da's personal guard camp. After seeing Fan Ning, he expressed polite admiration: "General Fan, there is a letter from the court. The Empress has sent an envoy to confer you a title!"


Ning Fan also had a wry smile on his face. Hearing the system prompt sound in his mind, he knew that his vest was about to fall off.

"Go tell Xu Da and ask him to wait for me at the General's Mansion!"


"General Fan, how dare you be rude to the commander-in-chief?"

The guard had an angry look on his face, and Chang Hanyi on the side also turned pale, and lowered his voice and said, "Brother Fan, do you want to die?"

"Oh yes!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly. After rubbing his face, he returned to his original appearance and looked at the guard again: "Just report it truthfully as I ordered."


The bodyguard stared blankly at the changes on Ning Fan's face. It seemed that he had returned to his normal appearance. He seemed to be completely transformed, with an aura of calmness and authority about him.

"Dian Wei."


"You go with him!"


Dian Wei looked at Chang Hanyi, grinned and said, "Boy, my name is not Dian Man, my name is Dian Wei."

"Brother Huzi, remember to have a drink with me when you have free time!"


After the two left, Ning Fan gathered a battalion of soldiers and said softly: "From today on, Zhao Wanhu will be the commander of a thousand men!"

"You all must obey his orders."


Ning Fan looked at Zhao Wanhu and said softly: "I look forward to the day when you become famous. In the future, you will definitely have a place in the Dali Court!"

"Yes, I remember it!"


Ning Fan strode towards the General's Mansion. Naturally, he was familiar with this place and couldn't be more familiar with it.

"Commander, then Fan Ning asked you to summon the generals and wait for him in Datang."


Xu Da also looked startled, and Chang Yuchun on the side cursed and said: "Damn, this kid is really so arrogant!"

"Who are you yelling at?"

A powerful voice came, and Dian Wei took long strides and came to the main hall.

Xu Da and others all looked startled: "General Dian?"

"Hi hi hi hi!"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Everyone, His Highness is Fan Ning. He will come to discuss matters shortly. Please be patient."


Everyone gasped, and the guard's eyes widened when he heard the word "Your Highness."

Xu Da looked at Dian Wei in disbelief: "So, then Fan Ning from Changziying is the lord?"


"Then you are Norimitsu?"


Seeing Dian Wei nodding in confirmation, Xu Da also had a wry smile on his face. He thought that two more generals would appear in the army, but who knew, it was His Highness who joined the army incognito.

The behavior of His Majesty the Crown Prince is really unpredictable.

Back at the third lady's courtyard, he had asked He Run'er to hide since Ning Fan left the city.

After opening the system, Ning Fan directly used the legendary summoning card!

Nowadays, as the luck of the Central Plains increases, the bottleneck of generals becomes easier and easier to break through. In just half a year, according to secret reports from the Black Ice Platform, five new legends have been added to the vast Central Plains countries.

Now, among the Ming Dynasty's army, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, and Tang He are all top military generals. Only Xi Xiongtu has entered the realm of legend.

It will be a tough battle to break into the hinterland of Dayan and be surrounded by powerful enemies before long.

Ning Fan came to He Run'er's bedroom and gently knocked on the floor. After a moment, several figures crawled out from the floor under the bed.

"I've met my lord."

"No gifts!"

Ning Fan looked around. These ten people were all the Black Ice Platform spies under He Run'er in Liujiang City. Now with the fall of Liujiang City, they are gradually turning into darkness.

There is a dark room under the bed, which is connected to a secret passage leading directly to the outside of the general's mansion.

"You guys wait outside the door for a moment."


Ning Fan directly used the legendary summoning card, following the light spots wandering in the long river of time and space, and finally transformed into a figure.

It was a burly general holding a halberd, and a graceful figure closely connected with him could be vaguely seen staring at the river of time and space.

"Congratulations, master, for acquiring the ancient overlord, Xiang Yu!"

"It's really him!"

Ning Fan took a deep breath. There are two kinds of legends in the world, one is an ordinary legend, and the other is a legend that can be killed.

There are many legendary generals of the first kind, but as for the second kind, there are only two so far.

"System, where is Xiang Yu now?"

"Reply to the master, he is waiting in the courtyard!"


Ning Fan walked out of the bedroom, and He Runer and others stood respectfully. In a corner of the courtyard, a man holding a halberd sat cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, holding a long halberd in his hand.

He Runer regarded him as Ning Fan's guard and did not talk to him.

"Let's go!"

"Go to the main hall!"

Ning Fan led a group of people directly to the main hall. Xiang Yu slowly stood up and followed him with big strides.

After taking two steps, Ning Fan suddenly stopped, fumbled in his arms, and took out a black token: "Take this order, go out of the city from the north gate, go east for more than 30 miles, and bring them back to a valley."


After Xiang Yu took the token, he strode out of the general's mansion.

He Runer's eyes stayed on him for a long time before he followed Ning Fan to the main hall of the general's mansion.

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"No need to be polite!"

Ning Fan shook his head slightly, and He Runer and others behind him were all shocked, with a little confusion in their eyes.

Especially He Runer, whose face was difficult to calm down for a long time.

He guessed that Ning Fan's identity was extraordinary, but he didn't expect that he was the legendary Crown Prince Dayu!

"Xi Shuai, long time no see."

"Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Dayu."


Ning Fan sat in the seat at the top and looked around: "Let's stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point!"


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