"He Run'er, from today on, you will be responsible for the intelligence. I will tell you about the movements of the five armies and the Yan Army!"


After He Run'er calmed down, he spoke softly: "Your Highness, at the Linjiang battlefield and Quyuan battlefield, the Great Qin Army is overwhelmingly powerful. They have conquered several cities and have occupied most of the two counties."

"Changshui and Huangzhou were also retreating steadily under the offensive of the Han army."

"The Chinese Army has entered Changluo and is about to rush to the aid of the Han Army."

"Where's Li Jing?"

He Run'er said softly: "Li Shuai has already sent troops from Lingyou."


Ning Fan looked at the map in front of him, nodded and said, "How far is the Xi Yan Army from us?"

"We can arrive in Liujiang tomorrow."

"Now that we have captured Changluo, is it possible that the Xiyan army will abandon Changluo and attack Dongbo instead?"

Hearing Ning Fan's question, Xu Da's eyes flickered and he nodded slightly: "It's possible!"

"Everyone, do you have any advice?"

Ning Fan did not continue speaking, but looked at Xu Da, Tang He and others.

His skills in small-scale battles are pretty good, but when it comes to commanding large corps, he's really not that good.

"Your Highness, the general's intention is that regardless of whether Xi Yan's army attacks Dongbo City or not, the Yan army outside Liujiang City must be wiped out first."


Ning Fan nodded. The Ming Dynasty's army now had twice as many soldiers and horses as the army outside the city, so naturally he was not afraid at all.

It's just that the movements of Xi Yan's army are unknown, and the scope of Ning Fan's dynamic military sandbox is limited. If they suddenly attack from the flank...

"Among the three armies outside the city, the soldiers and horses in Huaifu and Linjiang have limited combat capabilities. Only the 50,000 patrol battalions in Bauhinia City are all equipped with fine armor."

"How should we fight this battle?"

Next, it was time for Xu Da to arrange his troops. Ning Fan silently listened to his deployment of troops and generals, and simulated it in the dynamic military sandbox. It was obvious that he could learn a lot.

Soon, food began to be cooked in the city, and then the city gate was opened again. A group of cavalry rushed out first, and the black soldiers rushed out of the city gate.


Northern Territory.

Beiyan City.

Although Lu Bu had recaptured three important towns in the north, as the Hunu army pressed on the border, there were camps dozens of miles outside the city, and the royal flag could even be faintly seen fluttering.

"Marquis Wen is the king's banner of Hu Nu. The king is marching in person!"

"It is rumored that Lord Hunu is one of the best in literature, military and military skills. It seems that this battle will not be easy to win!"

Hua Xiong nodded and looked at the company camp not far away: "Should we go out to attack the camp?"


Xing Daorong shook his head: "The Hu Nu soldiers have nearly a million soldiers. If our army attacks the camp and is stuck by them, it will not be that easy to withdraw."

Lu Bu listened quietly to the two people's words, until a figure came to the tower.

"Commander, urgent report from the Imperial City!"


"The battlefield in the Western Region is urgent, and His Majesty wants to call you back to Beijing to protect him!"


Lu Bu looked stunned for a moment and asked in a deep voice: "Now the Hu Nu army is marching to the north. If I withdraw, what will happen to the north?"

"The imperial court means to abandon the three northern towns!"


Lu Bu looked shocked, was Emperor Yan crazy?

Once millions of cavalry enter the country, the entire Da Yan is in danger of overthrowing. Not only will all life in the vast Central Plains be devastated, but all the countries in the Central Plains may also fall under the cavalry of Hu Nu.

"Reply to my commander's letter. Lord Hunu is on his way to march in person. Millions of cavalry and troops are fiercely attacking the city outside Beiyan City!"

"I cannot retreat!"

After Lu Bu finished speaking, the general who sent the message also looked startled and nodded slightly: "No!"

After the man left, the three of them were left on the tower.

"Marquis Wen, will he be punished by Emperor Yan if he resists and disrespects the imperial edict?"


Lu Bu shook his head. Repeated training seemed to have made him a lot smarter: "Now is the time for Da Yan to employ people. Emperor Yan does not dare to punish me even if he is unhappy in his heart!"


"Then what should we do?"

"Quickly send a message to the lord to inquire about the next move!"


"Hua Xiong, you lead the army tonight and attack the camp!"

Its daybreak.

The battle outside Liujiang City also came to an end. The Ming Dynasty army came out in full force and attacked the three camps of Dayan with all their strength. They captured the camp in one fell swoop and killed more than 70,000 enemies!

Ning Fan, Xu Da and other generals were also standing on the tower.

"Lord, I just received news that Xi Yan's army has indeed entered Dongbo City."

"Last night, Dongbo City fell!"

"An army of fifty thousand!"

Ning Fan felt a little pained. There were no special arms in the Ming Dynasty army, so it was naturally not as good as the other armies. As the most elite army in the Ming Dynasty border army, the Xiyan Army was indeed not difficult to capture Dongbo City. .

"How are the city defense supplies prepared?"

"Very adequate!"


Ning Fan nodded and said with deep eyes: "Now, we are waiting for the Great Qin Army."

"Your Highness, Lu Bu's flying pigeon sent a message that Emperor Yan ordered him to abandon the northern border and lead his army back to Beijing."


Ning Fan also had a look of astonishment on his face. Hu Nu's millions of troops were pressing down on the border. If he gave up the northern border at this time, Hu Nu would march straight in. The harm would be even greater than that of Dayu!

Emperor Yan actually wants to abandon the three fortresses in the north?

"How did Lu Bu reply?"

"Don't let Hu Nu enter the pass. He replied to Emperor Yan and never went south."


Ning Fan nodded and said softly: "Write back to Lu Bu and ask him to stay in Beiyan City and keep the Hu Nu out of Dayan's borders."

"Send a message to Yue Fei, and the Song army will march north and advance towards Beiyan City."


"Hu Nu will sooner or later become a thorn in Dayu's side. Now, I have already regarded Dayan as my territory, so how can I tolerate the barbaric cavalry rampaging?"

"Contact Guo Jia to see what the attitude of Xishu is now and whether they are willing to send troops!"



The next evening, the main force of the Xiyan Army finally arrived at Liujiang City. The black army was so large that it surrounded the entire city.

However, Ning Fan was naturally not in a hurry because there were more than two million stones of grain and grass in Liujiang City.

On the contrary, the battlefield of Dayan was missing Liu Jiang's supply of grain and grass. I am afraid that the Dayan court is also very anxious now!

"My lord, they are about to start attacking the city."


Chang Yuchun laughed and said, "If it was an open battle, my Ming army might not dare to fight them head-on, but now we are defending the city, and there are enough food and grass in the city, so we are not afraid!"

"Don't underestimate this Xiyan army."

Ning Fan looked at the flags flying in front of the battle. There were more than a hundred generals in the Xiyan army alone.

This must be a tough battle.




The dull sound of war drums resounded inside and outside Liujiang, and the dark Yan army began to roll out siege equipment.



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