Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 101 Jia Xu's plan, Chen family's reaction

"General Gao, no courtesy!"

"Our army was able to defeat the rebels today, and General Gao and the soldiers trapped in the camp are indispensable!"

"After my master returns to the court, I will ask my father for merit as a general!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Gao Shun bowed respectfully, with a look of excitement on his face. Yue Fei's eyes stayed on him for a long time, and he bowed slightly!

This is a Chinese young man's respect for the heroes and martyrs!

"Lord, now that the rebels have been captured, we have gathered thousands of surrendered troops, what should we do with them?"

"Let them remove their armor and surrender their weapons!"

Ning Fan pondered for a moment and said: "I think Jia Xu in the county town has already started to take action. We will lead the army to the Shuzhou county town immediately!"

"Pengju, send out all the spies and pay close attention to the movements in the south!"


Yue Fei looked solemn, bowed respectfully, ordered his generals to take off their soldiers' armor, and march toward the county city in a mighty manner!

County town!

In front of Jia Xu stood hundreds of Jinyi guards holding embroidered spring knives, looking murderous, with a cold glint in their eyes.

"After a stick of incense, the troops are divided into three groups. The Chen family's racecourse, the weapons private shop, and the Chen family's mansion must be captured at the same time. Anyone who stands in the way will be killed without mercy!"

"Everyone in the Chen family will leave no one alive!"

"After the Chen family is captured, the city gate will be sealed immediately. No one can enter or exit!"

As soon as Jia Xu finished speaking, hundreds of Jinyi guards responded respectfully and dispersed.

"Sir, if you don't know the situation in the Chen family's house, would it be too risky to take action rashly?"

"Time will not wait for me!" Jia Xu said with a stern face: "Now the Chen family's private army is rushing towards the city. If we can't annihilate the Chen family with lightning speed, when the Chen family's private army arrives, we will be even more desperate. Passive!"

"But haven't the reinforcements from the imperial court arrived?"

"Wait for the battle report!"

Jia Xu sighed lightly, his face calmed down, he flipped through the intelligence collected from various places in his hands, and said calmly: "Is there any movement in Huainan?"

"Reporting to your lord, Mr. Zhao Rui, Minister of Household Affairs, has completed his mission to Huainan and is now on his way back to Beijing!"

"I heard that this trip doesn't seem to be going well!"


Jia Xu looked slightly surprised, with a surprised look on his face, and said softly: "Tell me in detail!"

"Yes!" The Qianhu nodded slightly and said softly: "When Mr. Zhao arrived in Huainan, Lu Kan openly and openly contacted the envoys of the ancient Nanman Kingdom, and even publicly insulted an official of our Ministry of Etiquette!"

"You blatantly colluded with the Southern Barbarians, let me lose face!"

"Lu Kan asked my attendants from the Ministry of Rites to fight against the envoys of the Southern Barbarians in the name of a martial arts contest, but he failed to catch the barbarian's three moves!"

"However, our people managed to sneak into Huainan during this trip, and are now looking for opportunities to contact the sons of King Huainan!"

Jia Xu nodded slightly, with a cold light in his eyes, and whispered softly: "Have you ever found out the details of Zhao Rui?"

"Sir, Zhao Ruinai is from the Lu family!"

"The Lu family?"

A look of surprise flashed across Jia Xu's face: "We can find out Zhao Rui's details, which means that His Majesty can also find out."

"But you know he is from the Lu family, why do you still rely on him so much?"

"Looking at the six ministers, only Xie Xingxian, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Ji Sui of the Ministry of War are His Majesty's confidants. Although the Zheng family behind Zheng Xuan is not as good as the four major families, it is still the leading aristocratic family in the capital!"

"The incoming Minister of Household Affairs can be His Majesty's supporter, and Cai Ji of the Ministry of Justice is the spokesperson of the Shui family in the court!"

"Zhao Ruinai, the Minister of Rites, is from the Ministry of Rites. So, it is very possible that the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is involved with the Hu family?"

After Jia Xu made some deductions, he looked at Qianhu and asked, "Have the Nanman envoys ever returned home?"

"Sir, we are still stranded in Huainan. We are among the envoys this time, and they have a lot of say!"


Jia Xu's eyes sparkled and he said softly: "Find a way to create some friction between Huainan and the ancient southern barbarians. These barbarians are sending envoys to me, Dayu, at this time, and they went to Huainan first. They obviously intend to provoke! "

"No matter what, we can't let them go to the union!"


The Chen family mansion!

"Father, something big happened!"

"The Black Dragon Guard was ambushed by the imperial troops on their way to the county town. The situation is unknown now!"

Chen Fan hurriedly walked into the hall, saw Chen Jingshen's figure, and couldn't wait to speak.


"Go to the county governor's mansion and tell the governor this news!"


"What does the imperial court's suppression of a group of rebels have to do with my Chen family?"

Hearing Chen Jingshen's words, Chen Yun's expression changed instantly, and he said with some distress: "Father, the imperial army quietly appeared in Shuzhou, obviously they are coming for us!"

"This Black Dragon Guard is our biggest support. Is it possible to just kick him away?"


Chen Jingshen's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and go quickly!"


Chen Yun responded weakly and left silently. Chen Jingshen slapped the table angrily, his face became as gloomy as water, burned a letter, and slowly took out a talisman from a long box under the table.

"Master, are you just giving up?"

"Not in a hurry!"

Chen Jingshen looked at the man in black beside him and said calmly: "Let's wait for the reaction of the Sheriff's Mansion first!"

"That old treacherous Yu Tu, once he gets the news of the imperial army's arrival, I'm afraid he will lead people to surround our Chen Mansion and sever ties with us!"


Chen Jingshen waved his wolf hair and wrote on the rice paper. While writing, he said, "Jianshe Yu is from the south!"


The man in black robe looked very surprised and looked in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

"In order to win the position of Shuzhou County Governor, King Huainan paid a lot of price!"

"Over the years, our Chen family has been able to become increasingly close to Huainan, precisely because of the line between Governor Yu!"

"Now, the imperial army is coming. If my Chen family is wiped out, I will die on the way. The king of Huainan will not be able to get rid of the charge of rebellion no matter what."

"So, let's see the reaction of the Sheriff's Mansion first!"

The face of the man in black robe instantly became extremely deep, and he said solemnly: "Master, is this too risky?"

"The lives of everyone in our Chen family are hanging by a thread, why not evacuate Shu County first?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Chen Jingshen's face was very calm, and he said calmly: "I am not unprepared!"

"My Chen family is not something that the imperial court can just touch if it wants!"

"If the King of Huainan dares to give it a try, I, the Chen family, will give him a push!"

"But if he still doesn't dare to make up his mind, don't blame me, the Chen family, for killing the donkey!"

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