Activate the Emperor System and summon Dian Wei at the beginning of the game

Chapter 102: We, the Chen family, are loyal to our country and love our country. Are you going to ra

"Master, it's not good!"

"The Jinyiwei are here!"

An anxious voice sounded outside the door. Chen Jingshen's eyes condensed, and he slowly put the token on the table into his arms, and walked out of the door.

"Come on, follow me to meet them!"

Chen Jingshen led a group of clansmen to the gate of the mansion, and saw a team of Jinyiwei in official uniforms lined up in front of the mansion. There were more than a hundred people, and the entire Chen Mansion was surrounded!

"Everyone, why are you surrounding my Chen Mansion?"

"The Chen family colluded with Xuanwu Hou and conspired to rebel. According to Dayu's law, the whole family should be executed!"

The leading Jinyiwei Qianhu suddenly drew his knife, waved his hand, and the Jinyiwei behind him rushed directly to the Chen Mansion!

"How dare you!"

An angry voice came, and an old man in a red robe official uniform walked down from the sedan chair, his face gloomy as water, looking coldly at the Jinyiwei!

"Who made you so lawless?"

"In broad daylight, you actually surrounded the Chen Mansion and even wanted to confiscate the property?"

"You said that the Chen family was treasonous, do you have any evidence?"

The speaker was the governor of Shuzhou. Seeing this, Chen Jingshen hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Master Yu, these Jinyiwei yamen runners want to confiscate my Chen family without a word!"

"I don't know how my Chen family offended you masters. As long as you make it clear, I will definitely apologize!"

"Although my Chen family is not a family of officials, it is also quite famous in this small piece of land in Jiangnan, and not everyone can control it!"

"Please give me an explanation, masters!"

There was a hint of coldness in Chen Jingshen's eyes, but his words were very gentle. His eyes never moved at all, staring straight at the Jinyiwei captain.


"The Chen family took the risk of hiring a killer to kill the current prince!"

"Raising private soldiers and plotting rebellion!"

"Here are the confessions of Chen Rui, the third son of the Chen family, and Chen Fang, the fourth son!"

After Chen Jingshen said this, Yu Tu spoke first: "Even if the Chen family is guilty, it should be tried by the government, not by you, the Jinyiwei, who come to confiscate the house just because of a disagreement!"

"Sir Yu, we, the Jinyiwei, are ordered by His Majesty to execute first and report later. We have the special permission of the emperor. Could it be that Sir Yu wants to exceed his authority to handle the case?"


Yu Tu's face sank instantly, and his eyes looked at a group of Jinyiwei, and he said faintly. He said, "With me here today, no one can touch the Chen Mansion!"


"Could it be that Lord Yu was also involved in the Chen Mansion's treason case?"

The two forces confronted each other, and a team of county soldiers came running wildly, with hundreds of people, surrounding the Jinyiwei in the middle. Yu Tu showed a sneer on his face: "This is Jiangnan, not the capital!"

"You are rampant in the capital, and I can't control you, but in my Shuzhou, I won't allow you to do whatever you want!"

"Well said!"

Suddenly, a voice of praise sounded, and a middle-aged scholar in a white robe came up with a smile on his face.

Yu Tu frowned slightly, and he and Chen Jingshen looked at each other, obviously neither of them knew this person!

When the Jinyiwei saw the figure of the person coming, they were shocked and stepped forward to salute respectfully: "Meet the deputy commander!"

"No need to be polite!"

"You really went too far today!" Jia Xu looked quite unhappy, and then smiled at Yu Tu: "Fortunately, Lord Yu taught you a lesson!"

"You are..."

"I am Jia Xu, the deputy commander of the Jinyiwei, and I meet the county governor Yu!"

"It turns out to be Lord Jia!"

Yu Tu smiled and looked at Jia Xu With a dangerous glow in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Master Jia, today's misunderstanding, you see..."


Jia Xu raised his eyebrows and said, "The Chen family is plotting treason, and the Jinyiwei is ordered to arrest thieves. How can there be a misunderstanding?"

"So, Master Jia is not giving Yu this face?"

"Haha, Master Yu, this is not an ordinary case, but a major case of treason!"

Jia Xu looked at Yu Tu, stepped forward, and whispered in his ear, "Master Yu is not on the same line with the Chen family, right? ? "

"It shouldn't be!"

"Didn't the King of Huainan strongly recommend you to sit in this position?"

"How did you get involved with the Chen family again? Could it be that the Chen family and the King of Huainan..."

Jia Xu's expression was very rich, but Yu Tu's face suddenly changed. He stared at Jia Xu and said gloomily: "Lord Jia, this joke is not funny at all!"

"I am an official appointed by His Majesty!"

"I will not allow you to frame and slander me like this. If you really want to make trouble, Don't blame me for being so ruthless!"

"Even if I have to die, I will drag you, Lord Jia, into the water!"

Looking at Yu Tu's threatening expression, Jia Xu smiled slightly and said lightly: "The Chen family is plotting a rebellion, the evidence is solid, and the whole family will be executed!"

"Kill them!"

"Who dares!"

Yu Tu stepped forward and shouted angrily: "Today, I am here, I want to see who can step into the Chen Mansion!"

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of county soldiers behind him stepped forward and confronted each other.

"Jinyiwei is investigating the case, and the emperor has granted permission to kill first and then report. Anyone who obstructs will be killed without mercy!"


Jia Xu's expression was not moved at all, even though there were several times more palace soldiers than Jinyiwei standing behind Yu Tu, and even the danger in the Chen family's house was unknown, but he gave the order without hesitation!

The people around were all looking at this scene in surprise. Yu Tu clenched his teeth tightly, his face was already filled with anger. The Jinyiwei beside Jia Xu rushed towards the people of Chen Mansion.

"Stop them!"

"Sir Chen, the emperor's imperial golden order is here, are you going to disobey the order?"

Jia Xu smiled playfully, slowly took out a golden order from his arms and held it high. At this moment, Yu Tu's face suddenly changed, and there was a hint of entanglement in his eyes!


"Lord Jia has really taken great pains for my Chen Mansion!"

"However, I am destined to disappoint Lord Jia today!"

Chen Jingshen laughed and took out a golden token from his arms, saying loudly: "My Chen family has a golden medal bestowed by Emperor Dayu Taizu. Swords and knives are not allowed to enter the mansion, and chains are not allowed to be put on the body!"

"Lord Jia, please go back!"

"My Chen family has always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic. My horse farm provides tens of thousands of good horses to the court every year, and my Chen family's military workshop has built the sword of Dayu!"

"Now Lord Jia is doing this, which is really chilling!"

Chen Jingshen looked at Jia Xu with a hint of provocation, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"In this case, Jia can only change another way!"

"Come on!"

"Prepare torches and burn Chen Mansion for me!"

With Jia Xu's order, the Jinyiwei seemed to have been prepared and lit torches directly!

Chen Jingshen saw that Jia Xu did not take the golden order in his hand seriously at all, and his eyes were filled with anger. Just as he was about to explode, he saw a team of armored soldiers running towards him.

"This is..."


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