

A group of armored soldiers rushed over. The leader was wearing black armor and holding a spear, followed by several generals. There was still blood on the shirts!

"Your Highness!"

When Jia Xu saw Ning Fan's figure, there was a hint of joy on his face, and he quickly led a group of royal guards forward to salute!

"Master Jia, what's going on?"

"Reporting to your highness, the Chen family conspired to rebel. The evidence is conclusive. The county governor is shielding important criminals from the imperial court and obstructing the Jin Yiwei from handling the case!"


Ning Fan's face suddenly darkened and he said loudly: "The Jin Yiwei are personally dispatched by the emperor and are authorized by the imperial power. Regardless of whether they are relatives of the emperor or high-ranking officials, the Jin Yiwei has the right to arrest. Who dares to stop the Jin Yiwei from handling the case?"

"Who is Mr. Yu?"

"Your Majesty... Yu Tu, I have met... His Highness!"

When Yu Tu looked at the dark army behind Ning Fan, his scalp suddenly became numb and he silently arched his sleeves.

"Master Yu, do you want to resist the decree, or do you want to rebel?"

"I am a little scared of such a big battle!"

Ning Fan's eyes fell on Yu Tu, with a hint of teasing in his eyes!

"Your Majesty... I don't dare!"

"Since you don't dare, why don't you back down!"


Yu Tu glanced at Chen Jingshen subconsciously, waved his hand, and the county soldiers behind him retreated together!

Ning Fan's eyes fell on Chen Jingshen, looked at Jia Xu and asked, "Is there any evidence of the Chen family's rebellion?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are confessions from the three sons of the Chen family, as evidenced by letters exchanged between the Chen family and Marquis Xuanwu!"

"Since the evidence is conclusive, the Chen family has conspired to rebel. According to the laws of Dayu, the whole family will be executed!"

"Do it!"


A shadow flashed across Jia Xu's eyes, and he turned his gaze to Yu Tu again and said loudly: "The Chen family has conspired to rebel and forged Taizu's golden order. Anyone who belongs to the Chen family will be killed without mercy!"


"You...you are so brave!"

"This is a gold medal given to me by the founding emperor of the Kingdom of Dayu!"

"There are records in the imperial court. Could it be that you don't even respect Emperor Taizu?"

"I think it's you who are plotting rebellion!"

Chen Jingshen's eyes were filled with anger and his tone was very passionate. He never expected that the Jin Yiwei would be so bold and would not even recognize the late emperor's golden order!


A group of royal guards rushed towards the Chen Mansion with swords. Chen Jingshen suddenly looked at Yu Tu who was standing aside: "County Governor Yu?"

Yu Tu's face was dark, and he looked at a staff member next to him. After whispering, he said to Ning Fan: "Your Highness, there are more than a thousand people in the Chen family. If the family is wiped out and spread, I'm afraid it will damage the reputation of Your Highness! "

"Besides, the Chen family is one of the four most prominent families in Dayu. If there is no strong evidence that the Chen family is treasonous, it may damage the dignity of the imperial court!"

"Why don't we surround the Chen Mansion for now and ask your Majesty for instructions before handling it?"

Hearing Yu Tu's question, Ning Fan smiled lightly and said: "Master Yu, I have already said that you have no right to interfere with how my Jin Yiwei acts!"

"Yue Fei, Gao Shun!"

"The general is here!"

"You will fully cooperate with the Jin Yiwei in handling the case. Anyone who blocks it will be killed without mercy!"


Yu Tu's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. He looked at Chen Jingshen and nodded calmly, bowed to Ning Fan and then strode away!

Suddenly, I saw figures on the street rushing in the direction of Chen's house. All of them had handsome faces, dressed like scholars, and their eyes were full of anger!

"My lord, I don't know why the army surrounded Chen's mansion?"

"Who are you?"

"Your Excellency, Chen Ziyi, we are scholars of the Shuzhou generation. This is the second son of the Shen family in Yancheng, and this is the Xu family..."

The leading scholar introduced him one by one. With a touch of amusement on his face, Jia Xu said softly: "I am not interested in which family you come from. Now I, the Jin Yiwei, are handling the case. Leave quickly!"

"Handling a case?"

"What case are you working on?"

"No comment!"

Jia Xu ignored them. As the sound of swords clashing came, the Jinyi guards had already fought with the guards of the Chen family. All the scholars looked angry!

"The Chen family is a prestigious noble. You are so barbaric that you want to raid the Chen family?"

"Yes, the Chen family is a wealthy and prestigious family that I, Dayu, have a great reputation. The Chen family has produced several sages. How can we stand in front of a scholarly family?"

"This is ridiculous!"

"Please stop it quickly!"

A group of scholars rushed forward and stopped in front of the Jin Yiwei, looking angry!

"Step aside!"

"Hmph!" Chen Ziyi snorted angrily and said with a righteous look: "Since we encountered this matter today, we will never stand idly by!"

"You are acting recklessly, using public power for private purposes, and harming loyal people. I will definitely go to the capital to file a complaint against you!"

"Your Highness!"

Jia Xu glanced at Ning Fan with some embarrassment, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Ning Fan glanced around, took a step forward, his eyes fell on the scholar named Chen Ziyi, and said coldly: "A scholar is to be wise, smart, and enlightened, not to be a The minions of aristocratic families don’t know right from wrong, loyal from evil, and don’t understand the overall situation!”

"Retreat quickly!"

"Who are you?"

Chen Ziyi's face was full of dissatisfaction, and she looked at Ning Fan coldly: "You must also follow the law when killing people. I wonder what crime the Chen family has committed that caused such a big disaster?"

"Colluding with Xuanwu Hou, assassinating the prince, plotting rebellion, controlling the government, and colluding with spies from the enemy country!"

"Slander, this is naked slander!"

Chen Jingshen's face seemed to be extremely indignant, pointing at Ning Fan and cursing: "Ning Fan, you framed me and spread rumors like this. If I don't die, I will go to the capital to file a complaint!"


Ning Fan saw that Chen Jingshen was still unwilling to give up, and said lightly: "If I am not wrong, the head of the Chen family is waiting for reinforcements?"

Chen Jingshen was seen through by Ning Fan, but he was not ashamed, but silently stepped back and stopped talking!


Ning Fan looked at Chen Ziyi and other scholars with a touch of disgust in his eyes. The scholars of this era did not have any ideals and beliefs. They were full of family and country righteousness, but were full of selfishness, self-interest and the so-called "scholar arrogance".

They felt superior to others, and their words and deeds were domineering!

"Since Your Highness said that the Chen family was plotting treason, then show us the evidence. We will not stop them when we see the evidence!"

"I will say it again, get out of the way!"

Ning Fan's eyes were already filled with murderous intent, but Chen Ziyi did not give in at all. Instead, he said tit for tat: "Today, we will not get out of the way until we see the evidence!"

"Okay!" Ning Fan nodded slightly, with a gentle smile on his face, and said lightly: "Yue Fei, archers, get ready!"

"After three breaths, shoot arrows at the Chen family!"

"I want to see if they dare to block arrows for the Chen family with such righteous words!"



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