"All the generals, listen to my orders!"


"Archers, get ready!"

At Yue Fei's command, the border soldiers behind him bent their bows and aimed their arrows at the gate of the Chen family. At this moment, Chen Ziyi's face became very ugly, and his heart was beating violently!

But the pride and character of scholars in their hearts made them grit their teeth and support, and they stood in front of the Chen family!

"Quick, retreat into the mansion!"

Seeing that Ning Fan was really murderous, Chen Jingshen shouted and rushed into the mansion first. The guards also rushed into the mansion, leaving the scholars looking at each other in bewilderment.


Ning Fan showed a sneer on his face, winked at Jia Xu, and said, "Kill!"

"Pengju, lead the army to surround the Chen Mansion, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!"


Chen Ziyi and others watched a rain of arrows whizzing over their heads, and instantly rushed to the side in fear.

"Reckless man!"

"You guys don't want to make plans together!"

"Let's go!"


Ning Fan waved his hand, and several soldiers stopped the group of people. He said lightly: "You want to leave after pretending to be so arrogant in front of me?"

"Didn't you swear to fight to the death?"

"Why are you scared now?"

"I want to slaughter the Chen family. Aren't you going to shield them?"

Ning Fan's face was full of contempt. He stepped forward and looked at Chen Ziyi with a playful look, and said lightly: "Catch this group of people for obstructing the Jinyiwei from handling the case. Put them in the imperial prison and wait for their punishment!"


With an order, dozens of scholars were directly captured by a group of border troops. Chen Ziyi's face was full of anger and fear: "You are simply disregarding the law of the country and are extremely rude!"


"Shut up!"

A few slaps were thrown on the face. Chen Ziyi covered his face and cried, and instantly became submissive!


Overwhelming shouts of killing suddenly sounded from all directions. Three armies came from different directions, and there was even a team of cavalry!

Ning Fan's eyes condensed instantly, and he sneered: "Yu Tu, can't you help it?"

Yue Fei was immediately shocked, and he and Gao Shun looked at each other and nodded slightly: "Generals, listen to the order, prepare to resist the enemy!"

"My lord, these three armies don't seem to be one. The more than a thousand soldiers in the north should be the soldiers of the county governor's mansion, and the team of armored soldiers coming from the east should be the city defense army of Shuzhou City!"

"And this black armored cavalry..."

Ning Fan looked over and saw that the armor on the black armor was sparkling, shining in the sunlight, and the horses under their crotches were all good horses, and there were thousands of them.

"Is this what the Chen family relies on?"


"With this cavalry as a trump card, perhaps the Chen family can really escape from our hands unscathed!"

Seeing the situation suddenly reversed, Chen Ziyi and others were also frightened and tied up in a corner, tears streaming down their faces, with panic on their faces!

"Could it be that the Chen family is really plotting a rebellion?"

"What is going on..."

"Those black-armored cavalrymen don't seem to be soldiers from the court..."

Yue Fei's eyes also fell on the team of black-armored cavalrymen, and he said softly: "My lord, the armor of this cavalry is all good, and the military appearance is also good. Although it is not as good as the border troops, it is also elite enough!"

"It seems that the Chen family has been planning for a long time!"

Ning Fan's eyes also bloomed with a cold light. Looking at the Shuzhou soldiers who surrounded from one side, he said softly: "Pengju, first do your best to wipe out this cavalry!"

"The cavalry in the city can hardly exert its mobility, and its strength will be greatly reduced!"

"If it doesn't work, force the mansion to break through and take down the Chen Mansion first!"


Yue Fei responded, and Ning Fan walked towards the soldiers, and saw a figure in official robes striding forward. It was Yu Tu who had just left!

"Your Highness, we meet again!"

"Lord Yu, what do you mean?"

"The Chen family was conferred by the Emperor Taizu of Dayu and protected by my prefecture!" Yu Tu said loudly with a righteous look on his face: "Your Highness wants to destroy the Chen family now, and I will never sit idly by!"

"Hahaha, what a righteous argument!"

"Yu Tu, all the things you have done with the Chen family over the years, one by one, are all on my desk!"

"Do you think what you did is really airtight?"

Ning Fan's face was full of sneers, and he said lightly: "I'm not afraid to tell you that now the soldiers of the surrounding counties have received the secret order of my father and are on their way!"

"Duke Zhenguo The 200,000 frontier troops under your command are crossing the river, so you can't count on the King of Huainan!"

"These thousands of frontier troops under your command who have never seen blood, plus this cavalry, can they defeat my 5,000 elite armored soldiers?"

"It's so stupid!"

Ning Fan shouted in a low voice, took out a golden token from his arms, and shouted loudly: "Yu Tu, the governor of Shuzhou, colluded with the Chen family and conspired to rebel. I am here by the order of the emperor to suppress the rebellion!"

"You are my Dayu soldiers, are you going to follow the rebels and go on a strange road?"

Hearing Ning Fan's loud shout, Yu Tu's face suddenly changed, and the soldiers behind him were also stunned, with a look of shock on their faces.

"My soldiers, you are my Dayu soldiers, this Shuzhou is your hometown, and your relatives are all over the city!"

"My Dayu has established a country in the midst of war, and it can be stable in all directions, relying on the guards of the local soldiers!"

"Now, Yu Tu is plotting a rebellion, helping the tyrant to commit atrocities, and protecting the treacherous. Do you want to follow him and charge him with treason?"

Ning Fan held up the golden order, stood straight, and spoke loudly: "All my soldiers, listen to my orders. Now, I am ordered to fight the enemy. All my soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"


Yue Fei shouted loudly, holding his gun and killing the cavalry of Chen Mansion. The frontier troops behind him were all heroic and proud. Although they were fighting against cavalry, they showed no fear on their faces!


The two armies immediately fought in a group. Yu Tu looked at the soldiers behind him with a hint of hesitation, and hurriedly said: "Soldiers, I am appointed by the court, and I am loyal to Dayu and Your Majesty!"

"Now King Xuanyong has left the capital privately, spreading rumors and misleading the people, slaughtering loyal people, you must not be deceived by him!"

"Follow me to take down these rebels!"

Yu Tu also shouted loudly, and several generals under his command drew their swords and faced Ning Fan.

Jia Xu stood quietly beside Ning Fan, took out a whistle from his arms, and blew it gently!


Accompanied by a whistle, the two burly men beside Yu Tu almost attacked at the same time, and suddenly chopped towards Yu Tu. In just a blink of an eye, the head rolled down.

"The treacherous minister Yu Tu is dead. This is the evidence of Yu Tu's collusion with the Chen family!"

The two men held up a memorial and showed it to the soldiers, saying loudly: "Brothers, that cavalry is the private soldiers raised by the Chen family. Now the main force of the court is coming!"

"Hurry up and follow His Highness to annihilate the bandits!"


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