"Brothers, I believe in the Jin Yiwei. After all, His Highness King Xuan Yong came here to ransack the house!"

"The origin of this cavalry is unknown. They are obviously private soldiers of the Chen family!"

"Yu Tu colluded with the Chen family, and the evidence is conclusive. We can't help him do evil!"

Suddenly there were a few more voices among the soldiers in Shuzhou, which made all the soldiers hesitate for a moment!

"What this brother said is right, and His Highness also has a gold medal in his hand given by His Majesty!"

"We believe Your Highness!"

"Yes, listen to His Highness!"

Voices echoed, and Ning Fan glanced at Jia Xu subconsciously. According to this guy's character, he shouldn't be the only one who can act as a back-up!

"Brothers, kill!"

"Destroy these traitors!"

Following a few figures, they took the lead in charging towards Chen Mansion's cavalry, and more than a thousand Mansion soldiers behind them also rushed towards them.

"Evil, go and command these soldiers, assist Yue Fei, and capture this cavalry for me!"


Dian Wei held two halberds and strode towards the Chen family's cavalry!

"Soldiers, follow me and kill!"

With the addition of the soldiers, the situation of the battle was instantly reversed. Yue Fei's eyes flashed with sparkle, and he said loudly: "If you are evil, lead your army to surround this cavalry and squeeze their movement space!"


"Fall into camp and form a formation!"

Gao Shun also raised his broad sword high, and Ning Fan also had a look of eagerness flashing in his eyes. He took out the Xuanyuan Sword from the system and followed closely behind Dian Wei!


Ning Fan held the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and a cold feeling spread all over his body from the arm holding the sword. His mind was also extremely clear, and he swung the sword towards a knight!

"You use basic swordsmanship to kill one person and gain 57 proficiency points!"

"Basic swordsmanship?"

A look of surprise flashed across Ning Fan's face. He didn't know any swordsmanship moves. He just thrust out a sword based on his impression of swordsmanship. He didn't expect that he could also gain proficiency!

"You use basic swordsmanship to kill one person and gain 54 proficiency points!"

"Congratulations, master. Your basic swordsmanship has reached the level of minor success. Do you want to check the martial arts deputy master's page?"

Ning Fan ignored the system's questions, with a gleam in his eyes. As the basic swordsmanship entered the realm of minor success, his understanding of the swordsmanship seemed to have become a little more profound!

If just now he was just relying on his strength and the sharpness of Xuanyuan Sword to silently attack, then now, he is already able to skillfully use the most basic skills of swordsmanship, such as cutting and stabbing!

"Your Highness, be careful..."

A cry of surprise rang out, and a spear was stabbed straight from behind Ning Fan. Dian Wei suddenly threw a flying halberd in his hand, and everything happened in a flash of lightning!

Ning Fan was also startled and broke into a cold sweat. It was no longer known how many lives Dian Wei had saved him!


Jia Xu also breathed a deep sigh of relief, with worry hidden in his brows.

"My lord, the son of a rich man doesn't want to sit down in the hall!"

"You are a man of ten thousand gold, how can you charge forward? If you make a mistake, all your efforts will be in vain!"

After hearing Jia Xu's instructions, Ning Fan also nodded slightly. It seems that he should pay more attention in the future!


"Do not kill me!"

"I surrender!"

Faced with the three-way encirclement and suppression by the trapped camp, the border troops, and the Shuzhou soldiers, the cavalry's space for movement was constantly squeezed, and in the end they could only be squeezed into a group, and many people fell off their horses!

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Yue Fei took advantage of the situation and shouted loudly, and the battle gradually came to an end!

Jia Xu looked at the closed door of Chen Mansion and whispered: "Open the door and fight in!"


Hundreds of soldiers rushed directly towards the Chen family's mansion. Accompanied by the shouts of killing in the streets, the doors of the surrounding people were closed tightly, and there were not many figures on the entire street!

The gate of the Chen Mansion was directly knocked down. Although the guards resisted, they were like a herd of cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered in the face of the long-term and slaughtered border troops!

"Where's Chen Jingshen?"

"Where are the direct descendants of the Chen family?"

"Report, sir, we found a secret passage!"

Ning Fan's eyes showed a hint of concentration, and he looked at each other with Jia Xu, and walked towards the entrance of the tunnel together!

"Master, don't worry, Chen Jingshen has our people by his side!"

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether the Chen family is destroyed or not. As long as the racecourse and the weapons private shop can be completely controlled, it doesn't matter whether the Chen family lives or lives!"

"Sir, the racecourse has been captured. There are private soldiers of the Chen family stationed in the military private workshop. Our people cannot attack!"

A Jinyi guard Qianhu hurried over and spoke softly.

"Gao Shun!"


"Take a trip with the trapped camp!"



Lingzhou among the sixteen states.

Huainan Prince's Mansion.

In the main hall, a man wearing a python robe sat at the top, holding a letter in his hand, his face full of concentration!

"Your Majesty, has the imperial court taken action against the Chen family?"


There was a frightening light in Lu Kan's eyes, and he said lightly: "What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, since the imperial court has taken action against the Chen family, it means that our relationship with the Chen family will also be exposed!"

"If the Chen family's weapons private shop and horse farm can't be saved, they will have no use value to us!"

"On the other hand, if the imperial court destroys the Chen family now, it will definitely be criticized by everyone in the world!"

An old man in rich clothes with a thin face and short stature said in a deep voice: "The Chen family is exhausted. I suggest that we stand still!"

Before Lu Kan could speak, a middle-aged man next to him took the lead and said, "My lord, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"If the imperial court knows about our relationship with the Chen family, they will definitely use this as an excuse to attack us!"

"Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative. We have been dormant for so many years, and it is time to rise up!"


"Now that the imperial court has just pacified the Eastern Territory, and the 200,000 main army has returned to Beijing, wouldn't raising an army at this time be asking for death?"

"Besides, there is Qingyun Hou's 100,000-strong army standing nearby. Once we raise our troops, Qingyun Hou will hold us back. When the imperial army arrives, we will definitely be in a dilemma!"

Listening to what his staff said to each other, Lu Kan was like an old monk in trance, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

"Is there any news from Yu Tu?"

"Reporting to the prince, all our people in Shuzhou have lost contact!"


Lu Kan opened his eyes suddenly, with a frightening cold light in his eyes: "Let the Dragon Hunting Hall check for me whether Zhao Rui brought a few moles in when he came to Huainan this time!"


"Inform us to be on guard against Marquis Qingyun and the imperial army, and send out all the spies to closely monitor the imperial court's movements!"

"As you command!"

After everyone retreated, a figure quickly walked into the hall. After first bowing respectfully, he said softly: "Your Majesty, an envoy from the Southern Barbarians gave several women in the city to..."

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